Get The Hell Out of Your Life

Freedom: No Guilt or Shame

Ron Meyers, Dr. Andrew Farley Season 4 Episode 38

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Have you found yourself tormented by guilt and condemnation in your quest to do everything right? You're not alone. I was right there with you, wrapped in a self-imposed cloak of righteousness. But then I experienced the transformative power of grace and faith, discovering my true identity in Christ. In today's episode, we share exceptional teaching by Dr. Andrew Farley about the gospel of grace, breaking down the pitfalls of man-made traditions and rules, and learning to trust Jesus from start to finish.

Our conversation continues, revealing how to rely on Jesus' finished work to combat sin and let Christ rule in our hearts through faith, not rule-keeping. We delve into the joy of counting ourselves dead to sin, relying on what God says about us at salvation and the freedom we find in the sufficiency of Jesus. Plus, we explore how grace and faith can help us escape the guilt and condemnation of trying to do everything right. So, join us for this enlightening conversation and unearth the freedom that comes with understanding the gospel of grace.

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Speaker 1:

The following program is sponsored by Ron Meyers Ministries.

Speaker 2:

It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, ron Meyers. The promoter.

Speaker 3:

Hello, my friends, it is so good to be with you today. Have you had your time with Jesus, your quiet time, your driving to work time, your shower time, sitting outside early morning listening to the birds, with some coffee or soft drinks, and just share what's on your heart? I'm often asked, Ron, what do you talk about when you say coffee with Jesus? I said, well, whatever comes to mind. There is no right and wrong with having a conversation with Jesus. Sometimes we just need to thank Him for our total forgiveness, Thank Him for the inspiration and encouragement, Thank Him for allowing us to express Him in our day-to-day walk and activities. Friends, I think it's important for each and every believer to understand that you are complete in Christ. You are not lacking anything. He is with you, he is for you and he is never against you.

Speaker 3:

I've said many times that I spent so much of my life after becoming a Christian trying to do everything right the right Bible studies, the right reading of the Word, praying and I was an absolute failure. Oh yes, I would make progress for a little while, but I would stumble, then I would feel guilty, then I would feel shame and condemnation and then I felt like I had to start all back over, back over at square one, and that is not true. And the day that I really began to understand the gospel of grace, the finished works of Jesus Christ, and started applying them to my life, where I absolutely positively believed that God was not only alive in me, but I had a new heart, I had total forgiveness, Things began to change in my life and one of the reasons that I found the gospel of grace is because of a teacher that I love to listen to. His name is Dr Andrew Farley and today has a special part of this program.

Speaker 3:

I want to play a teaching from him, from Colossians, chapter two, and this is a great teaching to really understand, because if you're going to go on and be who Christ created you to be, eliminate the doubt, the anxiety and all the fear and the shame and condemnation, it will never happen. It will never happen until you absolutely positively believe and trust that you are complete in Christ. And now he wants you to become yourself. Become who he created you to be. You have something that nobody else in this world has, and when you understand who you are in Christ, you become you, you shine Jesus through everything that you do, and that's what life is. I believe. As a believer, that's what we do. Go back to the first century church. There was no churches, there was no denominations. It was all about Jesus. So take a listen to this teaching by Dr Andrew Farley and then I'll come back and we'll kind of unpack it for our day to day life.

Speaker 4:

Well, tonight we're going to do a special teaching on Colossians, chapter 2. This passage is so dear to me because it is so jam-packed with essential truths about the Christian life. Colossians chapter 2 is one of those go-to Scripture passages that if you were stranded on a deserted island, you would want this to be with you, because what is covered here, oh my goodness, you see so much about the Apostle Paul arguing with the Colossians about how they've been distracted and how they've been well, just looking elsewhere to anything except the gospel message. And so in Colossians 2, he warns them about man-made tradition. He tells them that Christianity is not about keeping all the rules. It's not about this idea of do not handle and do not taste and do not touch. Instead, it's all about Jesus Christ and trusting him from start to finish.

Speaker 4:

I want to let you know that this passage oh my goodness, it is so chock-full of goodness. And we start out he says don't be deceived by man-made tradition, rules that have the appearance of wisdom and yet they don't do anything for you. You would think that if you could just set up three rules in your life do not handle, do not taste, do not touch that that would work for you to grow and mature in Christ, and yet it's just not the case. So he says these have the appearance of wisdom and yet they lack any value in restraining fleshly indulgence. Wow, they lack any value in restraining sin. Yes, that is precisely Paul's point. And so we might be tempted today in the Bible Belt here in the United States of America, to put our trust in rules. And yet what Paul is saying is it's not about rules, it's about letting Christ, jesus rule in our hearts by faith. So, as Paul continues, he essentially is demolishing man-made religion, or self-made religion as he calls it in this passage. He goes on to talk about how we're complete, and that means that, as he says elsewhere, that we're lacking in nothing, that we have everything we need for life and godliness.

Speaker 4:

Peter says in his epistle so when you've been blessed with every spiritual blessing and you're complete in Christ and he is the head of the church and you're being rooted and built up in him, then you don't have to go shopping, begging, pleading, hoping or waiting for more. Instead, you can rest in the sufficiency of what Christ has done for you. So you know, this passage is so powerful for the church today because we walk in, we sit for an hour and perhaps we hear at least in some places we might just hear that it's great that you're a Christian, but now you need and you fill in the blank right there you need. Maybe you've heard you need another baptism, maybe you need another blessing, a second blessing. Maybe you've heard you need more of the Holy Spirit. Anyway, we become suckers for the sales pitch of you need this in order to be, you know, a super-Christian, a Christian on steroids, a Christian at the next level. Maybe you're a Christian but you're not yet a true follower. And if you would just do this or possess this, in other words, if you could just be like me. And we hear these sales pitches, don't we? Year after year, as we go through the revolving door of churches that may promise us another experience outside of our salvation, something extra, something next level, leveling up like in a video game.

Speaker 4:

And yet Paul is teaching these Colossians that they are quote complete, complete in Christ, having everything they need. That means no more hunting or begging. It's not like the Hunger Games, where they were receiving gift packages falling from the sky in the form of parachutes. No, we might pray that way, sometimes fall fresh on us, we say in our worship services and in our many gatherings, we beg for the presence of God. We talk about practicing his presence, invoking his presence, begging for his presence, and yet isn't the gospel message that he has already given us his presence? We are united with Christ, one spirit with him, and this is certainly a message throughout Colossians our oneness with Christ.

Speaker 4:

He says, since you died to the elementary principles of this world. In fact, he says since you died with Christ. Did you know? That's part of the gospel. The gospel is not just Jesus dying for your sins. The gospel is you dying, with Jesus dying to the principles of this world. So what is that ultimately about? Well, it's this strange, wonderful place of not needing manmade religion, not needing self-improvement, not needing to go shopping and begging for more, but waking up every day and saying you know what? I've got the presence of Christ. I'm already practicing the presence of God. I'm already in a vine branches relationship with Jesus, because he prayed for it in that garden. I received it by faith at salvation and I have oneness with Christ. And through that oneness, you were made to die. Made to die with Christ and then to be buried with Him, paul says, and then to be raised up with Him and seated with Him in heavenly places.

Speaker 4:

In both Colossians and Ephesians, paul talks about setting your mind, setting your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. And so he's saying look where you are, look at your location, look at where you are seated and gain perspective from there. And so we just have to wake up every day and, instead of that old philosophy of trying to get more, we can thank God, instead of that philosophy of asking, we can begin to engage in thanking, thanking God that we have everything we need in Christ and there was a heart surgery at salvation that makes us no longer sinners by nature, but instead saints, who sometimes sin, crucified, buried and raised with Christ, in Christ, in union with Christ, so that even when we today talk about spending time with God, have you heard that Maybe you've heard it today, perhaps in a Christian teaching program or television program, or maybe you heard it over the weekend that we need to spend more time with God? What they're really saying is they'd like you to read the Bible, would you? Or it'd be nice if you engage in some prayer. But I'm here tonight to say that there is a deeper message than quote, spending time with God, and that deeper message is your union with Jesus, and that deeper message means that you're always spending time with God. You don't have to hope for it or beg for it. You don't have to go out and read for an hour to make it true. You don't have to visit a church building to spend time with God. When we really understand the Gospel, we understand that we are the church, we're the building, and Christ has taken up residence inside of us. Wow, that's incredible. And yet that's the normal, everyday Christian life, lived in union with Him.

Speaker 4:

So now I put you in the role of the enemy for just a minute. If you were the enemy seeking to hide this from Christians, what would you do? Perhaps you would convince some of their most influential leaders and people to urge through many, many pep rallies, to urge the people to seek closeness with God. Come on, it's just over the ridge, it's just around the corner. Three more Bible studies and five more trips to church and two more conferences and seven more books and two more quiet times. Certainly, you will get closer to God over time as you are inching closer to Him through what you do, and this message is being perpetuated all over the planet, isn't it? And see, it plays right into the enemy's strategy. What do you do about a church that has everything they need for life and godliness? What do you do if you're the enemy? What do you do about a church that is complete in Christ? What do you do about Christians that are already in perfect union with Jesus? Well, certainly you would want to get a message out there that says they're not complete and that they're not close, and that they're not in this perfect union yet. But they could be if they would only do a certain list of things.

Speaker 4:

And wasn't this the first temptation in the garden? Yes, this was the first sales pitch, way back in the Garden of Eden. Let's examine Adam and Eve's condition In that garden. They were perfect. They had a perfect relationship with God. Right, they were walking with Him in the cool of the day and everything was A-OK.

Speaker 4:

And yet Satan came along. And what was his sales pitch? His sales pitch was in the day, you eat of this. You are not going to die. Oh, no, quite to the contrary, you're going to finally live. In fact, you're going to have an improved state, a better status. And what he meant by that was, you will be like God, you'll be in a better condition, you'll have better discernment, better wisdom, a better understanding of good and evil, and in the day you eat of it, you will be even more like God.

Speaker 4:

So they were suckers for the sales pitch of self-improvement, and the underlying theme there is that God is holding out on you. Now can you see the parallel today? The parallel today, as we're taught in many religious circles, is it's great that you're walking with God in the cool of the day, it's great that you're a Christian. But now, if you would just do certain things, if you would eat of this tree of these religious works, if you would just eat of this tree of self-improvement, if you would just eat of this tree of Christian principles and rule-keeping, then you could be more godly, you could be closer to God, you could get rid of that wicked heart of yours, you could get those idols out of your heart. And so Christians are being told a series of lies that tries, in a sense, to inspire them to move into action, but the underlying assumption is that there's something wrong with you and God is so far holding out on you. He's just around the corner. He's in love with a future version of you that does more and tries harder and commits even more and reads their Bible more and prays more. And if you would just do these things to spend time with God, then you would finally be closer to Him.

Speaker 4:

In all of that, I have to admit it sounds very noble. I mean, who doesn't love the Bible? I teach from it every day. I love God's Word. But I also know that when I crack that Bible open and read what's inside, it doesn't say read to get close. Instead, it says Jesus prayed for your closeness, that they would be one just as we are one. I am them and them in us, that they would see my glory. And he prayed for that vine branches relationship. And then he gave it to us through the cross and the resurrection. So there's an incredible amount to celebrate in the Gospel, isn't there? Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 4:

This is the theme of Colossians 2, that we are complete in Christ, that we have died with Christ and we've been buried and raised, and therefore it is not about the principles of this world, it's not about rule keeping. It's about letting Christ rule in our hearts by faith. But Paul admits that that rule keeping can look good and smell good and seem so right, and yet at the end of the day, he says it lacks any value in restraining sin. So what's the takeaway from Colossians 2? Maybe, maybe you've been fighting sin the wrong way. Have you been fighting sin with rule keeping? Do you know what God actually says about fighting sin? He says to count yourself dead to it. Now, what does that even mean? Well, apparently we're supposed to count on something that's already happened. Count on the fact that you've been made dead to sin. Count on a heart surgery, a heart transplant, a DNA swap, a nature change. Count on what God says happened to you at salvation. Let me tell you how this works.

Speaker 4:

That nasty thought you know, the one that you've been struggling with for so long. That nasty thought. Perhaps it's about pornography or lust, or maybe it's something bitter and resentful about another person, or maybe it's just the idea of talking behind people's backs and casting them in a negative light. Or maybe it's that continual struggle with fear or doubt. Whatever it is.

Speaker 4:

The next time you get that nagging thought that seems to overtake you, instead of fighting it with, thou shalt not, thou shalt not, think it. I better not think it. I can't believe I'm thinking it and I shouldn't. Instead of fighting it that way, what if you decided? You know what I'm actually gonna believe God on this one? I'm gonna believe what he said, that this thought didn't come from me. Instead, this thought came from a parasite called sin, a power that works in me but is not me. So I'm gonna count myself dead to that thought and alive to my God.

Speaker 4:

Do you see that I'm not drumming up something new? I'm not asking for the Holy Spirit to visit me or fall fresh on me. I'm not asking God to do some new work in the next five minutes. I'm counting on what God already did at salvation. You know what you do when you're feeling guilty. Remember those times. You feel guilty, and then you remember the blood of Jesus and you say wait a minute, I'm counting on my forgiveness. Well, I'm saying the same thing here, except it's not about guilt, it's about temptation. You're counting on something that happened already.

Speaker 4:

Your death with Jesus gave you a new heart, a new heart that doesn't like sin. Your death with Jesus gave you a new nature that is contrary to sin. And so in those moments of temptation, we're saying no to sin and we're saying yes to who we really are. Do you see that it's almost like two sides of the cross. On one side, jesus died for your sins, making you a forgiven person, and on the other side, you died with Jesus, making you a brand new person with a new heart and new desires.

Speaker 4:

That means, when those nasty thoughts come your way, it's legit, it's honest, it's truthful to say I don't really want to do that Because I'm a slave of righteousness. Now I've got a new heart and a new spirit and God's spirit living in me. I don't need anything new. Colossians 2 says I'm complete in him. I'm lacking nothing. I don't need any more of the spirit. I don't need a last-minute cleanup job on Isle 7.

Speaker 4:

Nope, I'm a new creation. I'm the righteousness of God. I'm a slave of righteousness. I'm allergic to sin and addicted to Jesus. He's filled me with his spirit. I'm in union with Christ and I have a whole new set of godly desires. And that's the real me Do. I still get those nasty thoughts? Of course, but they don't define me and I'll no longer be suckered by the sales pitch of self-improvement. I'm not going to be stuck begging and waiting for more purity, more righteousness, more holiness or more spiritual growth, as if I'm not ready for this temptation. God wants you to know you're complete and you are ready For any temptation that comes your way. God provides a way out, and that way out is to count yourself alive to him.

Speaker 2:

For more information on the broadcast ministry of Dr Andrew Farley, please visit AndrewFarleyorg. That's AndrewFarleyorg.

Speaker 3:

Well, what a powerful teaching that we are complete in Christ. When is the last time you heard that? I would highly recommend that you listen to this a few times, because each time you listen to it you'll pick up another grain of truth that will help you live the life that Jesus has created for you. Friends, I see the troubles in this world and I know the friends Troubles in this world and I know the friends that I have that are really having some struggles, whether they're Christian or non-Christian. But these struggles are real, the anxiety is real, the addiction is real and one of the problems that they really suffer from is the lack of self-esteem, the lack of not feeling good about themselves. That is the whole point why Jesus came. The law could not change people. The rules and regulations cannot change people. Only the spirit of God, through Jesus Christ, alive in you, can begin that entire transformation. He comes in, cleanses house, gives you a new heart, new desires and once you totally believe that you are okay with God.

Speaker 3:

Friends, I can never tell you anything through this program that I have not experienced, and that is the reason for this show, because I need to share what Jesus did for me and he wants to do it for you, friends, we are all in this together. Do you want to just go through life feeling good one day and bad the next, good the next, and you're like a roller coaster ride, never knowing if your God is happy with you? You've got to take this as a fact, that God created you for a purpose. God sent Jesus in this world to take you, pick you up, cuddle you in his arms, give you a spirit, give you a new life and allow you to become you. Inside of you is everything you thought you could become, every dream you've ever had, every aspiration in life that you sometimes don't even know you have inside of you because you haven't really chiseled away the lies, the religion, the rules that man has put on you. Well, today is your day to chip away man-made religion and those things that are making you feel bad.

Speaker 1:

Ron will be back in a minute to close out today's show. We want to remind you today of the last words of Jesus it is finished. What is finished, the finished work of Jesus, refers to the complete and final accomplishment of salvation through His death and resurrection. It means that Jesus has done everything necessary for our forgiveness, redemption and reconciliation with God. Through His sacrifice on the cross, jesus paid the price for our sins once and for all, providing total forgiveness and cleansing. This finished work of Jesus means that we no longer need to strive or work to earn God's favor or forgiveness. We can rest in the assurance that our salvation is secure and that we are fully accepted by God because of what Jesus has done for us. Now back to Ron.

Speaker 3:

Well, friends, I hope you are empowered and encouraged, you have a purpose, you have a plan and, with Jesus, you are going to have some joy and peace in your life. I'll be back next week and I will be praying for you this week.

Speaker 2:

Get the Hell Out of your Life is underwritten by the Christmas City Gift Show. We invite you to come shop with over 260 letters from all over the United States, november 10th through the 12th, inside the Coast Convention Center located on the beach in Biloxi, mississippi. You can find more information at ChristmasCityGiftShowcom. If you would like to share your story of God's amazing grace or listen to previous episodes, please visit our website, thepromoterorg. Join us next week for another episode of Get the Hell Out of your Life real stories, real struggles and real hope.