Get The Hell Out of Your Life

Faith, Healing, and Outreach in Tenali, India

Ron Meyers,Thomas Jr. Gaddam Season 5 Episode 24

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Get ready for a heartening journey of faith and inspiration as we welcome Andrew Lombardo from the Mission Church. He introduces us to Bishop Thomas Junior, who has been transforming lives in Tenali, India, through his impactful ministry. You’ll hear about the incredible legacy of Bishop Thomas Junior's father, who dedicated 52 years to preaching the gospel, and how this mission has blossomed into a powerful movement that runs 14 children’s homes and supports leprosy patients while managing 250 pastors across a 500-mile radius.

Discover the diverse challenges and triumphs faced by this ministry in Southern India, where the message of Jesus is spreading through miraculous healings and committed outreach. We explore the varied responses to Christianity in India, including occasional persecution, and discuss how these communities rely on divine intervention much more than the often self-sufficient approach seen in the United States. This segment offers a profound reflection on faith’s role in both spiritual and practical aspects of life.

Lastly, we highlight the importance of addressing physical needs before sharing the gospel, revealing God's love through tangible acts of kindness. Learn how you can support these noble evangelistic efforts and make a difference in the lives of those in need. We close with a heartfelt prayer for all our listeners, invoking God's blessings, healing, and guidance, and reminding everyone of the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Join us for an episode brimming with faith, purpose, and the global impact of Jesus’ message.

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Speaker 1:

It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, Ron Meyers. The promoter.

Ron Meyers:

Hello, my friend, I'm so glad to be with you today to be able to share some hope and encouragement with you. Have you had your conversations with Jesus this past week? You know your personal devotion time where it's just you and Jesus and you get to open up to Jesus with the good, the bad, the ugly, whatever is on your heart. He wants to minister to you no judgment, no condemnation, just love and ministering to the hurts in your life. I am really excited about today's show. I believe that when you hear this show, you're going to say I needed to hear that, because there's no doom and gloom here. There's nothing here except the power, the love and the forgiveness of Christ. So if you want to know more about Jesus in a friendly, loving, non-condemning, non-judgmental way, this is the show. This is the show that's designed for people that don't go to church. I want to reach people that don't want to go to church but they want to know about Jesus. This is the show Stories About Jesus.

Ron Meyers:

Later, in the final thought segment, I'm going to talk about God creating each of us as a winner. That's right. Have you ever thought about that? Have you ever thought that God has created you for success? You know your blueprints, your design, came from heaven. The Bible says that he knew everything about you before you were ever in your mother's womb. Hey, you don't like those green beans, that's not your fault, but there are things that you like in life. The very things that you love in life are the things that will give you passion. And the things that will give you passion come from God. I want to talk about that later, in the final thought segment, but first my guest comes all the way from India. He's here in Gulfport, mississippi, talking about what's happening in India with Jesus, and my friend, andrew Lombardo with the Mission Church has brought him in. Andrew, welcome here to the studio. You too there, pastor Thomas, how are you? I'm doing good, well, very good. Now, andrew, tell us a little bit about Thomas.

Andrew Lombardo:

Okay, well, amen. Well, my name is Andrew Lombardo, the pastor of the Mission Church, and in 2004, I had the opportunity to take my first mission trip to India and I met we call him Junior, who's sitting next to me right now Bishop Thomas Junior. I met his daddy. His daddy has been in ministry for 52 years and I struck a relationship with them and I've been in ministry with them for 20 years and his dad for 52 years preached the gospel, went home to be with the Lord a couple years ago and they started their ministry in Tenali, india, and I had the opportunity to go there for many years and do ministry with him and his dad. And he's come to America. He's come to our church several times to preach and teach and minister and they're just a wonderful, wonderful organization to be a part of. It's been great for 20 years for us as a church.

Ron Meyers:

Well, thomas, welcome to Mississippi. Thank you, how are you doing?

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

Good, thank you.

Ron Meyers:

Well, tell us your story. What's going on in?

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

India. Well, this ministry started by my father almost 55 years before. This ministry is mainly based working in the south part of India. So we work with the children's homes. We have an outreach ministry planting churches, helping children. So at present we have 14 children homes and we take care of leprosy people and we have 250 pastors who are working with us and we also help the people who are in need. You know, when we have some fire accidents or anything happen like that, we will be there to help the people. So every year we do almost 35 to 40 outreaches in India. So mostly we choose. We would like to go to a place where there is no church, you know, and we want to preach to them about Jesus.

Ron Meyers:

Now, before they know Jesus in India, what is their religion? Is it Hindu or Buddha?

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

We have so many different kinds of religions, you know. So Hindu is the main religion in my country.

Ron Meyers:

Is the response in India to Jesus? Is it growing? Do people love Jesus over in India?

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

Well, it's different. Sometimes, when we have outreach, we have good response, sometimes we don't, but we still have to do what we have to do to preach the gospel to them.

Ron Meyers:

Now do the Hindus persecute.

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

Christians Some places they might, some places they don't.

Ron Meyers:

What do you think from living in India about the craziness going on over here in the United States?

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

Craziness is everywhere, you know, like there are some good people in India and there are some good people in America. They have bad people in India and some bad people in America. So it's everywhere, you know. Craziness is going everywhere.

Ron Meyers:

So and it doesn't stop us from telling the people about Jesus, does it?

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

No, no. Well, even though we have some hard times, we still go and do what we have to do.

Ron Meyers:

you know, if somebody walked up to you in India and said I'm a Hindu, but I want to know about Jesus, what would you tell them?

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

We just tell them about the love of God, how can they get forgiveness? How can they accept Jesus Christ? We just have things like that.

Ron Meyers:

How many people do you have in your church?

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

I have a lot of churches, but at the headquarters we have over 300 people.

Ron Meyers:

You're over quite a few churches.

Andrew Lombardo:

Yes, yeah, he's raised up 250 pastors. So they have 250 churches all spread out in a 500-mile radius from their headquarters office. So if you go to India, we go on a 500-mile journey and we travel through all these different places and we go to all these different villages and we preach the gospel where they have a building and a church, and every church is a children's home. Every church, the pastor lives in the building and they're autonomous. So what's neat about it is they're homogenous, so they live in the building and they're autonomous. So what's neat about it is they're homogenous, so they live in the village and everybody knows them, and so that pastor lives there, stays there. The building's open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and they do everything in this building. It's amazing to me. They feed people, they house people, they rescue people, and the building's open to anybody. At night you'll go there and all the homeless come and sleep there. So it's a shelter for the city, it's a refuge for the lost. They do everything out of these buildings.

Ron Meyers:

So in other words, you are the hands and feet of Jesus in India. Amen, I like that. Well, thomas, let me ask you this when you have people from stateside that come over there and they're going to travel in the 500-mile route, how do you get the word out? How do people find out about Jesus to attend your revivals?

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

to attend your revivals. When we do our preaching in villages we will plan like one month ahead and we have people. Pastors and our youth group will go house to house and invite people to come to our outreach ministry and after the preaching we feed everybody who came to our outreach ministry.

Ron Meyers:

Now, why is it that it seems like in other countries that you hear more about miracles, or you hear things that are happening in other countries but they're not happening in the United States? Any thoughts on that?

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

When people come for prayer and God was healing them and God was doing miracles in other countries but they're not happening in the United States. Any thoughts on that. When people come for prayer, god was healing them. God was doing miracles because God wants them to repent from their sin. Because most people who are coming to Christ in my country they're coming to Christ mainly by seeing healing in their life and he's seeing miracles in their life Because there's so many times when this ministry was mainly based on healing. Because when dad started the ministry, most of the church members because he has 300 members in his church it's because when he prayed a lot of people got healed. So all the churches, all the 95% of the water baptisms he has given is because of healing. Wow. So healing is very, very playing a very main role for us to reach the people.

Ron Meyers:

I asked somebody one time about the healing in these people in other countries and he said, ron, what you have to understand is this In the United States, you really don't need Jesus. There's a store, a medical center, for everything, but over in our country there is nothing. We only have Jesus. So there's something about depending on Jesus as opposed to depending on ourselves, isn't there?

Andrew Lombardo:

Absolutely wrong. You're exactly right. In America, you know, we don't turn to God first. You go to the Tylenol bottle, you go to the doctor, you go get a prescription and you don't even think about praying a healing scripture or calling upon God to heal you for the small things or the big things in life and that's a major problem in America we don't even think about. I would say. The average person doesn't go to God first, doesn't turn to the healing scripture first or call upon God and give him even the opportunity or the chance to do something in their life. But where you live, in Tenali, india, where Bishop Thomas is from, it's absolute poverty. There's nowhere to go, there's nothing there. There's no help, there's no medicine, there's no doctor and if it is, it's very, very limited. What they do have.

Ron Meyers:

So if someone in your country hears about somebody being healed at a revival out in the remote areas of your area, that the next night I'm sure you have people running to that revival. Is that right?

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

Yeah, because even though we have a medical system in India, still people cannot be getting cured because sometimes the health issues they have is more than what the hospitals can handle. Yeah, and that type of situation comes. They have no place to go except Jesus.

Ron Meyers:

For you, Thomas, Bishop Thomas, who is Jesus to you.

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

He's a creator. He's the one you know well. Jesus is our life. That's the easy way we can tell. I'm telling everything about him. He is our life.

Ron Meyers:

Yeah, and if you have the life, the life sets us free. He is the way, the truth and the life. You're in the United States, you're right here in Gulfport, Mississippi, in my studio, so you've got the microphone. Talk to some of our Mississippi friends and friends literally around the world.

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

Talking about Jesus, you know, is one of the most blessings in our life, because a lot of people think that, you know. A lot of people don't want to become a Christian and a lot of people think that they don't want Jesus. Jesus Christ is the creator of this universe For anybody who wants to have a good life in heaven sorry in earth. And if anybody wants to have a good life even after their death, then it's Jesus. You know God.

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

A lot of people are thinking about their 70 years or 80 years of their life on this earth. A lot of people are not thinking about where I am going to be after my death. So everybody should have this question Jesus Christ is the only God who can bless you when you are on this earth. Jesus Christ is the only one who can bless you even after your death. Right, because if you have Jesus in your life, even after your death, you're going to be with him, even after are dead. You're going to be with him. Even after you are dead, you're going to have a wonderful life. If you don't have Jesus in your life, your life is going to be in mess in the earth. In the same way, even after you are dead.

Ron Meyers:

Your life is going to be in hell, but so many people say but I'm so bad, I've done so many wrong things, god could never love me.

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

Well, god don't like the sin in you, but God is always loving you. When it is time you say God, I'm sorry for all I have done in my life, god is going to say you're forgiven. Right, yes, absolutely. When you said, god, I'm sorry for all my sins, god said you're my son, you're my daughter. So God has always opened his heart to welcome us. God wants us to be with him. He wants to come and stay with us. But we don't want him to come and stay with us. We want to sin, to come and stay with us. You know, when it is time, no matter what kind of sins you may done in your life. The second which you said, god, I'm sorry for all my sins, he said you're, you're forgiven.

Ron Meyers:

You're forgiven. Amen. The thief on the cross hey, today you'll be with me in paradise. You know, Bishop Thomas, you look happy. I'm always happy You're happy. Is that the joy of the Lord? Yes, sir. So if somebody out there has no joy, they have no excitement about life, they live in total hopelessness. Talk to that person. Well, if you have no excitement about life, they live in total hopelessness. Talk to that person.

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

Well, if you have no hope in your life, jesus is your hope. Simple. You know, like so many times we spend so much time finding out how to lead our life. You know, like what I have to do, what I have to study, what I have to, we think too much about ourselves. I wouldn't understand that If we put our life in Jesus, ask Jesus to lead our life, then we can have a relaxation life.

Ron Meyers:

It just seems like a lot of us don't want to let go of ourselves. We think that, well, I do trust Jesus, but I think he needs a little bit of my help too.

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

But he doesn't want our help, does he? Well, god don't need your help, man. We need his help. Amen, because what kind of help are you going to do for him? Right, yeah, a lot of people think that I am very smart. A lot of people think I am smart, I can do this, I can do this and I am the only one who can do this. A lot of people have that kind of mindset. You know, we should not have that kind of mindset. We have to submit our life to Jesus and let him lead our life, and let him lead our life. That's the success behind my life, is I submitted my life to Jesus and let Jesus lead my life.

Ron Meyers:

Amen. So over in India, all the things that you do to help people and to introduce them to Jesus, are you kind of a rock star over there?

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

Well, I'm not a rock star, but a lot of people. A lot of people knows me, so but so you have influence yeah, we got a lot of people knows me, you know we are so happy that you stopped here in gulfport, mississippi.

Ron Meyers:

How can we help your ministry in india?

Andrew Lombardo:

first off, you know they're. They're a very evangelistic ministry and to run anything for the gospel or any type of business, it costs. I'll just give you an example. They run like 34, 35 conventions a year. They feed everybody that comes to the convention. So they feed. The last convention they just had was like 900 meals.

Andrew Lombardo:

Now, it's not a meal like you and me think of. It's a cup of rice, a little bit of a vegetable, maybe a piece of chicken. But what they do is they minister to the person physically first, because if you're sick, if you're hurting, if you're hungry, if you're cold, if you're naked, you can't hear the gospel message. So this is what they do they clothe you, they feed you, they house you, they help you in your moment of need and then, once you're settled down physically, then now you're open to hear the gospel message Because they experience the love of God, the touch of God, the mercy of God, the blessing of God, and no one's helping them. So they're poor and indigent and outcasts in society and all of a sudden you have somebody welcoming you and feeding you and clothing you. And it's very different in India than it is for us, because the first time in your life, someone's really loving you for you. So you can go to their website. It's feedmypeopleindiaorg, and you can contact the ministry at area code 616-805-1288.

Ron Meyers:

Bishop Thomas, thank you again for coming here to my studios to visit with us and before you go, will you pray for the listeners?

Thomas Jr Gaddam:

Thank you, lord, for the wonderful time with Ron and Andrew, and bless all the listeners today, and you know the needs and you know the problems. And bless all the listeners today and you know their needs and you know their problems and you know their health issues. Lord, heal everybody who was listening today and take all their problems, the people who don't know you. Open their eyes so that they can see you and follow you and accept you as their savior and so that they can wash all their sins. Bless everybody and keep them safe. Bless their families, bless their jobs, business and everything they do. Let your hand shall be upon them. In Jesus' name, we pray, amen.

Ron Meyers:

When I return success with God.

Speaker 1:

You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.

Speaker 5:

Here's a refreshing word from Ephesians 5, 1 and 2. Therefore, be imitators of God as dear children, and walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given himself for us.

Speaker 6:

and walk in love as Christ also has loved us and given himself for us. Jesus, Jesus, what do you think of when you hear that name? Jesus, Jesus, love, life, hope, joy, peace, friend, companion, confidant, savior. The God of the universe lives, and he lives in the form of a man. That man is Jesus Christ, For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whosoever believes in him shall have eternal life. Jesus, what will you do with him? He knocks on the door of your heart. When you open that door, your life will change forever. He came that the world may have life and may have it more abundantly. Ask Jesus into your heart and discover what living is all about. Call 1-888-NEED-HIM.

Speaker 7:

What's your story? We're looking for stories of hope and overcoming life's struggles with God's grace. Your story validates God's love, mercy, restoration and forgiveness. We want to help you share your story with the world. Visit our website, thepromoterorg, and click on the Share your Story link and submit your story. Your testimony of God's amazing grace will change a person's destiny for eternity.

Speaker 6:

You're tired of how you're living. We'll change it. You don't like where you're headed? Rearrange it. You're sick of being let down and you want to turn your life around.

Speaker 1:

If you want to start living right, get the hell out of your life. Get the hell out of your life.

Speaker 6:

Get the hell out of your life. If you want to make a change, we'll make it. Thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Thank you. You're listening to Get the hell out of your life with your host, ron myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.

Speaker 5:

Thank you, ron, will be back in a minute to close out today's show. We want to remind you today of the last words of Jesus it is finished. What is finished, the finished work of Jesus, refers to the complete and final accomplishment of salvation through His death and resurrection. It means that Jesus has done everything necessary for our forgiveness, redemption and reconciliation with God. Through His sacrifice on the cross, jesus paid the price for our sins once and for all, providing total forgiveness and cleansing. This finished work of Jesus means that we no longer need to strive or work to earn God's favor or forgiveness. We can rest in the assurance that our salvation is secure and that we are fully accepted by God because of what Jesus has done for us. Now back to Ron.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Get the hell out of your life is underwritten by the Christmas City Gift Show. We invite you to come shop with over 255 vendors from all over the United States from November 8th through the 10th inside the Coast Convention Center located on the beach in Biloxi, Mississippi. You can find more information at christmascitygiftshowcom. Thanks for listening, and if you would like to share your story of what God has done in your life or listen to previous episodes, please visit our website, thepromoterorg. Join us next week for another episode of Get the Hell Out of your Life Real stories, real struggles and real hope.