Get The Hell Out of Your Life

Mary's Story: Addiction & Loss of her Baby Brother

Ron Meyers Season 3 Episode 35

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Mary's Story: Mary shares her story of brokenness, addiction, and losing her baby brother from a shooting by their Father.  

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Speaker 1:

The following program is sponsored by Ron Myers Ministries.

Speaker 2:

It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a full confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, ron Myers. The Revoter.

Speaker 3:

Yes, join me today for a 28 minute show of inspiration, empowerment and encouragement, because when you get the hell out of your life, life is good, and right now I know some of you have some serious hell in your life. You are looking to the creation individuals, people, teachers, scholars, for your answer and they are smart, they are intelligent and they sure look good with that bow tie and suit or that fancy dress and the degrees on their wall. But this is the problem they are steel human beings, they are creation, they are broken people sharing their message to broken people. So some of the ideas that we receive from them, they are good and we can apply them in our life, but we find that after a week or a couple of weeks or a month, we are going back to the well for more and more, and it's constant. Going back to the well for more teaching, more encouragement, and it's all based on a creation individual sharing what they believe you need for peace, purpose, prosperity, whatever it is you feel in the blank. However, there are other people I'm one of them that have found out that the creation will disappoint you will let you down, will never feel any of the needs that you have, because they can't. They're broken people, they are creation, but the creator, jesus, through his father God, can come into your life, my life, and feel every single need, because if our needs are met spiritually, physically and just with that rock solid relationship with Jesus, you know there's not too many things in life that we can't deal with.

Speaker 3:

I'll go into this a little later in my monologue, and it's something that I think you really need to listen to today because, friends, I will tell you once, I will tell you a thousand times my message is all about Jesus. It's not about denominations, it's not about rules, it's not about regulations, it's not about serving Moses and the law. It's all about expressing the beautiful awesomeness of Jesus in your life, in your job, in your relationships, allowing you to be who you were created to be. You get to be yourself. Today's story is from Mary. Mary was looking to the creation to fill the voids in her life. It started at a young age, but one day she met the Creator.

Speaker 4:

Jesus to me is my everything, he's my hope, he's my Redeemer, because my entire life I lived a life of sin, disobedience and rebellion. And on March 17, 2015,. I fell to my knees, threw my hands up and said Lord, I cannot do this anymore. I cannot be in control of my life, so I'm asking you to please be Lord and Savior of my life. And that day I literally felt baggage coming off of me and that day he made me free, for whom the Son makes free is free.

Speaker 4:

Indeed, at 10 years old was the very first time I smoked a marijuana joint and it was actually laced with PCP, which you know. I didn't know. I'd heard about marijuana, but I didn't know what PCP was. But that was the error, or that stuff was popular and the neighbor kids were older than I and they put it in there, thinking it was funny. But that's how I got started. It led to me actually shooting drugs in my veins at the age of 14. Back then it was cocaine, but throughout the years it's been everything that you can put in your vein.

Speaker 4:

You know I went to the Catholic school and actually you know I did, you know, played basketball and I was a cheerleader and my mother had me in beauty pageants, all this kind of stuff, you know, baton majorette, and I couldn't stand any of that, you know. I just that wasn't for me. I enjoyed, you know, going to the railroad tracks behind our house and smoking weed at the time, you know, because what I was doing was actually numbing pain that I had in my life. I had a lot of hurt, I had a lot of rejection and I had a lot of abandonment in my life. Because, you know, I love my parents and they did the best with what they knew. How I mean that's any parents, you know, because a lot of us do have dysfunction in our lives and the parents that we have are given to us by the sovereignty of God, you know. So they're part of your if his plan and purpose in your life. And you know they had whatever issues they had as children, but they passed it down to you too, to me, and there was a lot that I didn't know how to deal with. It was very painful because I saw that other children at school and stuff. I didn't see pain in them, you know, like I had and I hid it the best I knew how at school. But you know some of my family, they knew what was going on, you know, and then that would embarrass me because they did know. You know that. Oh, I'm so sorry and it just put like shame upon me because I am, I not good enough for my parents to love me.

Speaker 4:

My mom, she had a hard time because she truly loved my dad and he was very abusive to her physically, mentally and emotionally. And she has told me later on in years, you know, that I just wanted the best for you, I didn't want you to go through what I went through with your dad, you know, and she just pushed me so hard and then when I rebelled she didn't know how to deal with it and you know she would give me beatings on time and at the age of 15, I believe it was 1981, you know 1980. And I got kicked out for drugs. So my mom was working at the Paschal State School Districts then and she left me at home for a couple of weeks trying to figure out, you know, where am I going to put her what's going to happen, because you know she's very. She just wanted all of us children to have a great education. So she found this place called Golf Post Christian Academy in Gulfport and I went there. So I got caught smoking marijuana in there with another girl. But you know we had to have a big sit down and my mom was like please, please, just let her graduate, just let her graduate. And through the mercy and grace of God I was able to graduate.

Speaker 4:

Actually, I ran away from Mississippi at the age of 17. I ran to Birmingham, alabama, because my dad's aunt lived 30 miles south of Birmingham. So I'd met a bunch of you know friends there and I ran away to there and just continued my drug life until the state troopers and all that were looking for me. I mean, it was just everything I did was huge to where everyone knew about it. When I had went to the Golf Coast Christian Academy, there was a guy there named Brother Emmett. I can remember him to this day and he came to me and he told me. He said you know, the Lord has plans for you in your life. Well, of course I didn't know what he was talking about because you know, I went to Catholic school and I didn't. I didn't have a personal relationship. I knew about God, but I didn't have a personal relationship with Jesus. And so this guy was just like, really honest, and he read the word, he taught us the word and it was very, very, you know, inspiring to me. The word was so in July of 2006,.

Speaker 4:

I actually have I hope I can say this but I had some crystal math and I was getting ready to go deliver it to someone and I looked to the left and I see a bunch of Harleys and I'm thinking, oh wow, we have a new biker bar in Mississippi. So I turn around, I call the person and I'm like, hey, I'm gonna be a minute because I just found a new biker bar. I pull in there, I get out probably weighing maybe 90 pounds, soaking wet, you know high is all get out and I go to the door and there's a lady standing there with the Bible and I'm like, oh my Lord, is this not a biker bar? And she says to me no, honey, it's a biker church. And I said she says to me but you can come in. I said, but I'm high. And she says, but that's okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

I go in there and they're praising and worshiping Jesus and I, you know, stood in there and I, just, I had so much peace when I was standing there, but then I, just, I was convicted, you know, of my lifestyle, and so I just ran out of there so fast. But Pastor John Taylor and Sister Jackie Taylor, who are the pastors and they're also my spiritual mother and father and I love them so much they said she'll be back. This one will be back and I did. I went back, wow, again, on March 17, 2015,. I fell in my knees, you know, and the I could feel the baggage. I was made free and from that was in March. So from March 15 to April 16, you know, life was grand, it was peaceful, and then I get a phone call that my baby brother was shot and killed by our biological father and I threw my hands up and I said you're sovereign, you could have stopped this.

Speaker 4:

Like he, you just gave Darren back to me for the last 15 months of his life because of my lifestyle we didn't have, it's not. It's not that Darren didn't love me, it's cause I was ashamed to go around him and his family and I had the best 15 months of my life being able to be a Christian sister to my brother, who was also a God fearing man. And you know, it was just the best time of both of our lives because he was going through a lot. And he even told my mother three days before he was shot and killed. He said had it not been for God and Deneem, he said I couldn't have made it these last 15 months. That was on a Monday. And then he also told my mother. He said I'm ready to meet my creator. And then that following Wednesday, on my twin daughters 33rd birthday, he was shot and killed.

Speaker 4:

Why it's called sin, and you know my dad had. He had a lot of pride, like all of us do, you know, and there was just some issues going back and forth between the two of them and, truth be told, I truly believe other people may not believe this, but I believe my dad was having issues in his mind because he's he's not the same person. Of course that'll change a person, but I believe it was starting before this actually happened. I do, but Darren is where we long to be. To God be the glory. And you know I was selfish at first because, you know, I wanted him back. I just had 15 months of my best life with my baby brother and because we shared Jesus together and that's what it's all about. Families are to share Jesus together and the Lord gave me that. But you know, like I was saying earlier, I was very upset with God. You know, like you could have stopped this, but you know what I had to get on my knees and repent and thank him that he did give me those 15 months. You know he didn't have to do that, but he did. He gave me those 15 months to have that brother, sister relationship in Christ Jesus and that to me. You know all the money in the world I place that we myself cannot do anything in our own strength, you know, and I was not staying in my word, you know, because of the simple fact that I was staying busy, busy, busy, trying to be there for my mom, you know she lost her baby boy. She was hysterical, and you know I have an older brother that has Down syndrome, his name is Scooter, and I needed to be there for them, you know. And I kept in my own strength, you know, trying to represent Jesus. But you know you can only do that for so long and then your spirit runs dry, you know. And so I went back home after five weeks and laid in the bed, gotten a deep doctor to press in for another five weeks, like literally just stayed in the bed.

Speaker 4:

Now, all this time I have been clean of drugs and alcohol and then I get. The Holy Spirit says enough time to get up. So I get up, wash my face, get myself dressed, and I went to the pharmacy to get my and this is the truth my 800 milligram. I'd be profaned for, you know, my back pain. Well, what happens? I see someone that I used to know, they know about what happened and they say to me oh, I'm so sorry. You know, I've been trying to find you. Well, I knew that this person had drugs. So I made the choice because we have free will to choose I made the choice to go numb that pain and in doing so, the Bible says in red letters. So therefore, from Jesus, that when you know the truth and you go back out there, it's seven times worse. And that is the truth. Jesus says it, that's true. And so I was older this time, right, because you know my younger days. I was out in the streets doing all this stuff and I was like, oh no, this is not good. You know, I'm older now. The world's gotten worse. I mean, it's just crazy out there in that drug world, it is. It's just crazy, all right.

Speaker 4:

So 10 weeks after Darren passed away, and then it was July 17th to no, I'm sorry, july 7th 2017. And I was attending Michael Memorial Baptist Church. I was high and I called brother Jeff and I was like, can't do this man, it's just not me, I cannot do this anymore. The night before, I was in my home and I, just, high as a kite man, like my mind, was going everywhere, and I cried out to Jesus and I said I can't find my way back to you. I said I know that you never left in a forsaken me, but I've left you and I can't find my way back. And I heard a voice so loud, say you will go to home to grace, you will be disciplined in my word and you will spend time with me, one on one. I heard it. I heard that voice.

Speaker 4:

So the next day I called brother Jeff and he says come to church. I said I can't, I just do a line from here to Texas. He says, girl, it doesn't matter, come to church. So I went high, you know, paranoid that everybody was looking at me. And when the service was over, brother Jeff says you're going to home to grace. And I just like the hell in the pew and started crying. He says I talked to pastor Tony before. You know the service. And he says you're going and by the grace of God I was able to go.

Speaker 4:

I went. That was my seventh time to go to rehab. Never did I graduate any of them and the seventh time is completion. You know seven is completion in God's eyes. And I went and I graduated. Brother Ryan, if you don't mind, I would like to please give thanks to some people that have really, really encouraged me in my life, my journey, and have never given up on me, and that would be pastor John and Jackie Taylor from the biker church, pastor Tony Carn from Michael Memorial Baptist Church, brother Wade Benton he's also from Michael Memorial Baptist Church and Kelly Taylor. These guys have never given up on me and they have encouraged me and helped me through this journey of sanctification, and I want to say how much I love and appreciate each and every one of them. Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Life is good for you, isn't it? Amen?

Speaker 4:

I mean the. The word says you know, hey, you will have troubles in this life. You know what Jesus says. Take courage, you know, be of good cheer because I've overcome this world. So, being a Christ follower, you know you have a piece that surpasses all understanding. It only comes from Jesus, but you're going to have days where you know what's happening, but you don't have to run to the sin that you were addicted to. You can run to the arms of Jesus.

Speaker 4:

What I want to say to any of you that truly know what I'm talking about is that there is hope, and that hope is in Jesus. He truly can make you free of all the hurt, pain, rejection, whatever it is that's hurting you so bad right now, to the point where you don't even want to live. You don't even know why you were born. He can do this for you. You just have to reach out to him and cry to him and ask him to help you and he will do that for you.

Speaker 4:

And then you find someone that you know can get you in a Bible-based church or in a celebrate recovery any of that to help you get through. It's all about Jesus. Everything is about him. He takes us that have all these hurt, habits and hangups. He redeems us, he gives us a purpose that none of us ever had or thought we had, and that purpose is to give him the glory, praise and honor, and to also share the gospel, his good news, his hope, to other people, so that they too can come and have a personal relationship with him and be made free.

Speaker 5:

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Speaker 3:

Welcome back listeners. Creation versus Creator. I opened up the show talking about do you look to the creation for answers? Individuals, people, scholars, professors Whoever looks like they are a credible individual that has diplomas, that went to college. We think they have all the answers.

Speaker 3:

I grew up in a Catholic family and the answers came from the Pope or Mary. Later I learned in life that every single person on this planet, including Mary, including the Pope, are individuals that are creation, broken people that were inspired and moved by God to fulfill their purpose and destiny. They aren't any better than you. They aren't greater than you. They don't have more status in heaven than you. Billy Graham would have told you the very same thing. I know I interviewed his preacher years ago. We are all equal in God's eye, Every person living on this planet. There are no favorites. You may have people that are smarter, wiser, experienced learners of life, but they're still creation, part of the broken people phenomenon which caused God to send his son, jesus, into the world to redeem us. He sent his son so that all would be saved. No, not a predestination where a couple will be saved and other ones will go to hell. No, we have the choice. But he sent his son in the world so that the entire world would be saved. So the validation that you and I receive in life by having a relationship with Jesus Christ. He lives in our heart. He is expressed through what we do. He is the only thing that will fill the needs in your life.

Speaker 3:

We are flawed individuals and when are we going to quit looking up to these? You know the amount of suicides among young people are skyrocketing. When is the alarm going to go off to parents to teach their children that the role models that they look to, the Taylor Swift's, the pro football players they are individuals. They aren't any better than their own child that is in that house. They took a talent, they took a skill and they brought it to the world, and we have put them on a pedestal. We have worshiped them and at the same time, we lose our identity. We don't know who we are in Christ because we think that's what life is about. You see glamour, you see glitch, you see limousines, you see millions of views on TikTok or Instagram and you aspire to be like them. That is a recipe for failure and potentially suicide.

Speaker 3:

Parents, you must sit down or take a drive and talk to your children and tell them that they are a unique, one-of-a-kind individual, made with specific talents and skills, and use those role models as an example. If it's a Taylor Swift, they see Taylor Swift well, she's only doing what she was equipped with in life by God the talent, her voice, her singing, her interaction with people. Now find your gift in life. Find your talent, your skill. I think half the parents they're just as much enamored with these stars because they're reliving their childhood through that star and they pass it on to the child.

Speaker 3:

What a vicious, harmful cycle that is. When we're living in this world with broken people giving us broken answers in this nice, beautiful gift package and we think, because they say it, it's true, but it's not true. Jesus is the only one that can give you truth. He is the only one that can validate who you are and fulfill every single need in your life. Because I know people right now. They would pay millions of dollars, millions, just to feel like they were someone, that they were worth, something, that they were respected, they were liked, that they could look in the mirror and not be disgusted. Yes, these people have never been introduced to the Jesus that will fill every need. Know what we hear in a lot of churches across the world is all these rules and regulations and these denominations that are completely screwing up Christians. You have men and women, interpretations of the Bible that really discredit the works, the finished works of what Jesus did.

Speaker 3:

Jesus' last words were it is finished. When are we going to understand that we cannot earn our salvation, we cannot lose our salvation, that God is not looking at us with a scorecard, that when we come to Jesus through a personal, intimate relationship, we have total forgiveness? He moves inside of us, cleans house and then says all right, let's go live life, let's go become who I created you to become. And then the journey begins. The needs begin getting filled, the needs seem to disappear because all of a sudden there is a smile, there is some joy in your life. I know I did this.

Speaker 3:

I was in bondage to religion, growing up in a Catholic church. I thought I needed to have a confession booth tied to the back of my car. I was in constant oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. And then I found late, very late in life, that that is not the gospel. The gospel is my sins are forgiven. He remembers my sins no more. I am free, I am out of bondage. So today I'm just a Jesus guy.

Speaker 3:

I'm a Jesus guy and a message to tell you. You aren't happy, you aren't fulfilled, you are lacking in your life. Because you are listening to other people, denominations, because you think they are right Maybe they are, chances are they aren't If they aren't telling you about the power, the indwelling of Jesus Christ and to understand that you are a force to be reckoned with when you allow Jesus to invade your life and live through you. You don't know what you're missing because you've never experienced. What's that saying? You never miss what you've never had.

Speaker 3:

Friends, you may be on a life journey now where you say well, ron, I'm living a number eight on a scale of one to 10, maybe a nine. I'm happy and I don't believe in Jesus, so go, blow off, I don't need to listen to you. Okay, that's fine, I respect that, but with Jesus, that nine goes to 99. See, you never miss what you've never had. And there are people that will never come to God, they will never come to Jesus because they have all the answers. Those are those smart, credible goofballs that go out there, infiltrate our lives and they talk so eloquently that they can lead those of us that are weak and not strong in our faith. They can lead us down a road to destruction. Hey, that's what you want, go do it. But when you get tired and you cry out and you can't sleep at night and you're doing drugs and alcohol, that's when you call upon the name of Jesus and he will come into your life and he will get the hell out of your life. Get the hell out.

Speaker 2:

Get the hell out get the hell out of your life. Get the hell out of your life is thunderwritten by the Christmas City Gift Show. We invite you to come shop with over 260 vendors from all over the United States, november 10th through the 12th inside the Coast Convention Center located on the beach in Biloxi, mississippi. You can find more information at ChristmasCityGiftShowcom. If you would like to share your story of God's amazing grace or listen to previous episodes, please visit our website, thepromoterorg. Join us next week for another episode of Get the Hell Out of your Life real stories, real struggles and real hope.