Get The Hell Out of Your Life

Faith and Voting:

Ron Meyers,Rebecca & Crispin Bennett Season 5 Episode 38

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What role does faith play in your civic duties? Discover why voting is not just a right, but a moral responsibility from a Christian perspective in this eye-opening episode. We sit down with Rebecca and Crispin Bennett, who passionately discuss the power of voting and its profound impact on both local and national levels. They address the common dissatisfaction with candidates and how choosing the lesser of two evils can still lead the country toward a positive change. This conversation aims to inspire not only Christians but also non-believers to see voting as a crucial step in shaping a better future.

Being informed is as important as casting your vote. This episode underscores the significance of understanding what’s on the ballot and voting beyond party lines. We delve into the historical shifts in political leadership and their far-reaching consequences, from military morale to global issues. With a biblical perspective on civic duty, our guests emphasize the responsibility to vote for future generations, ensuring they inherit the same freedoms. Visit for additional resources to stay informed and make your vote count.

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Speaker 1:

It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, ron Myers. The promoter.

Speaker 3:

Hello, my friends, it is so good to be with you today. Have you felt the prayers? That's right. I have been praying for you because I know God has something that he is always trying to tell each of us and we have to get away from the noise and the clutter of the world so we can spend some time. I call it conversations with Jesus. You know, one of the reasons that I am a very enthusiastic, loving person for Jesus is because I have therapy time with Jesus and that's when I just open up and man, friends, Jesus loves to minister to you. Try it, You'll like it. Remember that. Minister to you. Try it, You'll like it. Remember that.

Speaker 3:

Well, listeners, I know that you are hearing voting information everywhere. You turn, every news channel, the radio, and maybe you're like me and you just want this election to get over with. You want to go back to baseball, football, grandkids and have some fun. But in the meantime, we've got some serious issues in front of us and I've invited two good friends of mine to come in here today, Rebecca and Crispin Bennett, to talk about our responsibilities as Christians to vote. Crispin, you and I spoke a few weeks ago and your church is doing something to help educate people about voting.

Speaker 4:

We have a ministry and this ministry is a paraministry. So we reach across different churches, different ministries, and we are trying to make sure that every believer knows and understands not only the importance but really almost the mandate that we, as believers, should be going to the polls, should be making a difference in what's happening in our country today. It was, you know, in the scriptures. There's a tremendous amount of people that were involved in politics. Even Jesus did some one-on-one with many of the kings of those days and the politicians. So we address those, we go right to the source. We should be doing that same thing today. I was reading a statistic a few weeks ago.

Speaker 3:

I was reading a statistic a few weeks ago over 40 million. It's like one third of Christians, people that have faith they don't even vote.

Speaker 2:

That's correct. There are many that do not vote, and even now, with the previous election, there are people that are feeling discouraged. They feel like their vote doesn't matter anymore and they're not even considering the option that this is a new day and we have a new opportunity to cast our vote. Let our voice speak for us, and if we don't do that, then we are going to lose any say that we have left, because the church as a whole has lost her voice and she's got to find it again, and she does that through the people we are supposed to occupy until he comes.

Speaker 3:

Somebody's saying right now okay, I understand that, but I don't like either candidate, so I'm not going to vote. I think they're both bad. What do you say to that?

Speaker 2:

I say you align yourself with the lesser of two evils. Which one is standing for moral values? What does the scripture say? And if anything, it should get you back into the word to find out exactly what scriptures say about your leadership. And even though we don't always have the choices that we want, we need to start moving in the right direction so that we can eventually have the representation that we need. And that comes by beginning somewhere. If you always do what you've always done, you always get what you've always got.

Speaker 3:

And you can't be a voice for change if you do nothing.

Speaker 4:

No, that's very well put. If I may, Ron on that topic as well, I hear many people say that kind of thing, and they're the same ones who may be completely dissatisfied with the direction that things are going on in this country. And if we expect change, just as Rebecca said, if we expect change, we have to make our voice known, and we have a very important voice.

Speaker 3:

We do have a voice.

Speaker 4:

We do, we absolutely do, and we need to make that known in our territories, the places where we live, even even. Yes, we have a presidential election, but there are also many things that are on the ballots in our local area that make a huge impact.

Speaker 3:

Yes, what is the one thing that somebody that is listening right now that says well, you know, I'm not really a church person and I don't know if I believe in all that God stuff. What do you tell a non-Christian?

Speaker 2:

The same, that your voice matters, and you may not see it one-on-one, but when you cast your vote, you are now in an assembly of voices and your voice carries through that vote. So be encouraged. And even if you're a non-believer, where is your passion point? What is driving you? What are the issues that you see? The only way that you can contribute to the change is by casting your vote. I mean, it's not really the only way, but there are other ways. But that's a good place to start, because a lot of people work so they can't necessarily give of their time in certain areas. But this is something that is easy to do. You can even cast your vote without being present at the poll. You can do it early if you need to to make sure that your vote is received. If you're out of town or there's an emergency or you have to be overseas, so cast your vote. There's really no reason not to. It's better than saying nothing.

Speaker 3:

I think of that election a couple years ago in Virginia. The governor and he was not predicted to win, but it was moms that stood up and said no, we want to control what our kids are going to see in a classroom and what they can be taught. And the moms came together and changed that election, and so we have to have some passion. There's something that we are, whether it's gun rights, whether it's family, whether it's faith, and each of those candidates have policies on those topics. We need to look at the policy and see which one aligns with more that we believe.

Speaker 4:

Ron, you have hit the nail on the head. You know, it seems like every news outlet, everyone you're listening to, is focused on the person. We're focused on whether we like this one or we don't like that one. We're focused on the things that everybody wants to point to. But at the end of the day, it's not about focusing on the person of the day, it's not about focusing on the person. It's about focusing on the policies, on the approach to where we need to go as the United States, as our individual communities.

Speaker 4:

It's so important that we focus on the things that will matter. You see, even as a Christian, we have to approach everything with righteousness. In other words, if I'm looking at two candidates, which of those two candidates can I make a difference in the righteousness in my territory? Now, it may not be everything you're looking for, but you have to look at the big picture and understand, if I'm looking at two people for president, for example, for mayor, for school superintendent, whatever that is in your territory which of those that are up on the ballot can make a difference in the righteousness in my territory? And we have to vote for the things that we know will honor God. And when we honor God. We're taking on territory for the kingdom, and that's what it's all about.

Speaker 3:

And often I say, Rebecca, to folks that don't believe in God or why they should vote even if you don't believe what we believe as Christians, then you should support what we do, because all we're trying to do is have a better community and a better world, and some of those things that they tell you we're going to do most of those aren't even true. We want things that a big issue for me is the right to choose a school for my children.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I am so glad you brought up education, because that's a very sensitive topic for me. Recently I was faced with a grandchild that was not getting the testing that he needed, and the Department of Education has specific guidelines that they are supposed to adhere to, and they were not doing it, and so we had to go outside of the benefits to get what he needed. And so the school is getting funds to do this, and yet they're bullying parents, making them feel like they don't know what they're doing or they don't know their child, and they're taking these funds and using them for other things rather than what the funds are designated for. We also have superintendents the highest paid superintendents in the nation, and you're going.

Speaker 2:

What's happening with our tax dollars? What's happening with our Department of Education? And since COVID, parents can't even go in and visit a classroom or read a story to the children or be, you know, be a volunteer for the teachers. They have to stop at the office and that's the only place they're permitted to go. You can't even walk your child to the door of a school in some of the schools here where we are in Harrison County, and that's a big problem. And if parents are not speaking up. If parents are not letting this be known, then it's not going to change, it's only going to get worse. And then what are they teaching your child behind those closed doors, when you have no idea what they're doing, what they're saying? And it's a very scary, scary thought.

Speaker 3:

I have four children, three grandchildren, and so many times we were involved in what the school did. That was just very important to us. But for some of you that are maybe a single parent and you work so hard you can't go to a lot of the PTA meetings. You want to know that your children are getting top-notch education. Yes, Now, Crispin, I know that you are going to be doing something at your church to help people with this voting issue.

Speaker 2:

It is a voter registration rally. So anyone that is not registered to vote, they can come by at 180-24 Dedo Clan Road and fill out your application and we gather those up and they're filed before the deadline and you will receive your registration card. You will know where to go to vote and you will be able to cast your vote in this election. So for those of you that aren't sure, or anything like that, or you've just relocated into the area, please come and fill out your voter registration. Sometimes you can do that at the DMV, but sometimes you may not. You know you may choose not to.

Speaker 3:

So if someone's living outside of our area, what should they do to get involved?

Speaker 4:

We're a part of what's called TPUSA and you can look that up. You can look up TPUSA and they will have different places you can go. If you can't find it, simply go to your local department and make sure that you are registered to vote and then ask. If you do not understand what is going to be on the ballot, I'm going to encourage you to take a look at the ballot before you go to the ballot box and cast your vote. You never want to be standing there and be wondering what this is, what those people believe in, what those specific impacts are going to be. That is not the time to be making your decision.

Speaker 4:

You make the decision prior to going to the polls, and that's hugely important because, you see, we don't go to the polls to make sure that our party gets in power. We don't go to the polls to make sure that we get what we want. To make sure that we get what we want, we go to the polls to exercise the justice and righteousness that God requires of us is happening, and it's one thing at a time. There are so many different initiatives in the different territories where you are and they're sometimes not worded in a way where you may understand what's going on, but it's so important to know and understand what those are, look those up. You can go to your local county office usually, or city and even get a copy of what is going to be on the polls or on the ballot I'm sorry, on the ballot so that you can know and do some research prior to going to the polls. It's so important.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, and it's not even about what's happening in the United States, it's what's happening around the world. Do you realize we're so close In my opinion and it's an opinion that I think we're close to another war in the Middle East World War III? I'm going to vote. My thing right now is who is going to be the strongest leader to stop these wars or at least to do something?

Speaker 2:

Well, part of this whole initiative, you know, is that you no longer what are borders, what are borders? And so if we all become one, one territory, you know, do we have a nation anymore? And so it's very important that we uphold, out of honor, those that have already done the fighting for us. They've shed blood. I think all of us know someone that is a veteran or that is currently serving in our military, and if we want to protect our military, if we want to protect those that we love and we want to protect the next generation, we have got to learn how to stand up and speak.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, and I tell a lot of people the advantage of being an older gentleman like me. I'm 67. But I was in the Air Force during the Carter Reagan regime and I'm going to tell you, when Carter got defeated by Reagan, it was a whole change in morale and everything. Reagan came in because of his strength and his vision, the morale in the military and, you know, a lot of changes started happening. And these are things we have to think about when we're voting. It's not just about the United States, it's about what's happening in this world. Yes, now if someone is thinking well, god doesn't really care if I vote or not. Is that true, crispin?

Speaker 4:

Absolutely not. The scriptures tell us. There are points all in the scriptures that tell us that it is important that we're actually going and making a difference in our territories. We know and understand that the Bible is absolutely chocked full of politics. It started in the scriptures, it started back then. Now we understand that they did not have the opportunity to vote. They had the kings imposed upon them, they had their laws imposed upon those.

Speaker 4:

But we have an opportunity to bring in the ones that are supposed to be in those places of government and we need to make sure, like you have Moses, daniel, isaiah, you have many that actually confronted the leaders and made a difference in what was being imposed. They spoke into the social conscience of the day and made a social impact of the day. They made a territorial impact. What is on their land was because they confronted situations and they did everything they could. Now, what if all you can do is vote yes, it makes a difference, it does, absolutely makes a difference. The one, the two, the three, if we all get to the point where we think you know what, it doesn't matter if I vote or not, then we are automatically giving up. We become lethargic in our duty. We're just letting, so to speak, the man take over. We cannot do that, and I don't care. I'm not pointing at any political party. I'm saying we have to make our own voices known in our territory, and we do that through voting.

Speaker 3:

We had our little two-year-old granddaughter spend the night last night. Little Riley and I look at her and I'm thinking you know, are you going to have the same opportunities that Gramps had growing up? Are you going to have the freedom? Well, I sure hope so, but I'm going to go and make a difference, at least cast a vote this time. Saying this vote is for my granddaughter, the future of what I call America. We're about out of time, but I want you to give your website or how people can find more information about what you have coming up.

Speaker 4:

You can go to wellsofsouthgatecom and take a look at what we have going on wellsofsouthgatecom and that gives you a lot of the information In addition to what Rebecca was talking about. We're going to be talking or answering questions, I should say, on what is happening. So if you have questions on any of the policies, on any of the topics that are on the ballot, we want to make sure you are fully informed in this territory.

Speaker 3:

And friends I think Rebecca and Crispin will agree with me we should always stand up for truth and righteousness. You know we live in a world that is a dark world. There's a lot of bad people out there and bad people do what bad people do. They do bad things, but we are the light of the world. We carry the light of Jesus inside of us. We can never give up on that and we can make a difference at our local PTAs, at the local city council meetings, the mayor office or whatever. Maybe you just have a voice, maybe you play a part in that.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, genesis tells us that we are to subdue the earth and have dominion in the earth, and we can't do that if we're not managers of what he's given us. And if we abdicate that responsibility, then we just become consumers, not contributors. And as we are part of the kingdom of God and for those of you that may not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, you have an opportunity. Even where you are, you have an opportunity to contribute to the direction that your nation is going in. If you do have an opportunity to get into the scripture, kings typically determined whether you were a godly nation or you were a fallen nation, and there were typically consequences that fell upon that nation if they did not follow God Yahweh. And so you know. I'm just letting you know that we were created to worship. We were created for these things. He gave us a responsibility. He wants to partner with us in that responsibility, but if we're just mere consumers, we cannot contribute to the territory that he's given.

Speaker 4:

And who is, who is? Who is Ron's? Who is God's voice? Right, we are, we are. We are God's voice in the territory. If you want to hear God's voice, look in the mirror. If you are a believer, look in the mirror. You get to be God's voice. He's told us that. So if we are to be God's voice, then we need to influence our territory. We need to make God's voice known throughout the earth. One place at a time, one meeting at a time, one poll at a time.

Speaker 3:

We make it known, and if we don't, then we have no business complaining if things don't go the way we wanted them to. That's right. Before we go, I would like one of you, or both of you, to just end us in prayer.

Speaker 2:

Father, god, we thank you that you have given us a voice to speak, that we have the freedom still, we have the freedom to exercise that liberty. Father, we thank you for the opportunity to cast our vote, and we go ahead right now and we dedicate these votes to you. Lord, you know, you already know who will be appointed. You already know because you ultimately decide. But you need your ambassadors in the earth to be your voice. And so we say yes, lord, we will cast our vote and we submit it unto you, we put it on your altar, lord, and we ask your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, in Jesus mighty name.

Speaker 1:

You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.

Speaker 5:

Here's a refreshing word from Ephesians 5, 1 and 2. Therefore, be imitators of God as dear children, and walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given himself for us.

Speaker 3:

Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to you.

Speaker 5:

The Christmas City Gift Show. We've transformed the entire Mississippi Coast Convention Center in Biloxi into an illusion of Christmas, with gifts for everyone Games, planes, jewelry and toys, paintings, pottery, candles and food Guaranteed to put you in the Christmas mood. Visit the North Pole with free kids' crafts and photos with Santa himself. Bring the whole family to the event. Everyone is talking about the Christmas City Gift Show in Biloxi, inside the Mississippi Coast Convention Center, the holiday event you've been waiting for. Produced by Ron Miles, it's the greatest show in the South.

Speaker 6:

Don't miss the 41st annual edition of the Christmas City Gift Show, friday November 8th through Sunday, november 10th inside the Convention Center at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi. For tickets and more information, log on to ChristmasCityGiftShowcom. That's ChristmasCityGiftShowcom. That's ChristmasCityGiftShowcom. We would like to express our gratitude to Coffee News for their support of this program. Are you tired of scrolling through the same old news feeds every morning? Then switch things up with Coffee News. Our publication is filled with interesting stories, brain teasers and uplifting quotes that are sure to brighten your day, and now you can access Coffee News anytime, anywhere, by visiting our website. So, whether you're sipping your morning coffee at your favorite cafe or browsing online from your desk, we've got you covered. Start your day off right with Coffee News at readcoffeewsonlinecom.

Speaker 1:

You're tired of how you're living.

Speaker 3:

We'll change it. News online dot com. Well, friends, my time is up and I am so blessed to have friends like you that will listen to this program, because it tells me something about you. You want to be the best you can be in life and you know life is tough without Jesus. Life is tough listening to everybody else, but when you listen to Jesus and you follow the instructions, he's your teacher, your mentor. I'm telling you, friends, not only do you get the hell out of your life, you begin to laugh again, you begin to smile again, you see optimism, you see hope, because, friends, life without hope, well, it's not very fun, is it so today I am committing to pray for you every day, everyone that listens to this program, because you have been divinely tuned in, because God has a great plan for you, amen.

Speaker 3:

Hey, check out my website, thepromoterorg. I have a brand new resource, totally free for you. You download it off the website thepromoterorg. It's called. It's All About Jesus. I'll be back next week with another great episode. And remember this that I love you, jesus loves you, and when you give Jesus your heart, you not only get the hell out of your life, life gets good. Get the hell out, get the hell out get the hell out of your life.

Speaker 1:

Get the Hell Out of your Life is underwritten by the Christmas City Gift Show. We invite you to come shop with over 255 vendors from all over the United States from November 8th through the 10th inside the Coast Convention Center located on the beach in Biloxi, Mississippi. You can find more information at christmascitygiftshowcom. Thanks for listening, and if you would like to share your story of what God has done in your life or listen to previous episodes, please visit our website, thepromoterorg. Join us next week for another episode of Get the Hell Out of your Life Real stories, real struggles and real hope.