Get The Hell Out of Your Life

Are There Atheists in Raging Storms?

Ron Meyers,Rich Kemp Season 5 Episode 40

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What if you discovered that the most profound strength can be found in moments of vulnerability? Join me as we unravel stories of individuals who turned to faith during life's fiercest storms. From hurricanes to personal tales of spiritual awakening, we explore the instinctive human call to a higher power during times of crisis. My own journey from mere religious rituals to a personal relationship with Jesus serves as a testament to the transformative power of faith, and I invite you to explore this deeply enriching connection.

Rich Kemp takes the spotlight in our heartfelt conversation about faith and perseverance. With a successful construction career in Colorado behind him, Rich faced a turning point after an accident that shifted his path toward entrepreneurship in the world of spice blends and salsa. Discover how Rich and his wife Julie, armed with little more than their unwavering faith and a single dollar each, navigated their way from despair to hope through an unexpected job opportunity. Rich's story is a beacon, demonstrating the resilience found in faith and the strength it provides to overcome life's challenges.

The festive atmosphere at the Christmas City Gift Show in Biloxi, Mississippi, sets the stage for reflections on the enduring presence of Jesus. Through the lens of holiday cheer and real-life testimonies, we underscore how faith can provide comfort and guidance in even the darkest times. From tales of hope that emerged from the wreckage of Hurricane Katrina to stories of personal transformation through faith, this episode encourages you to embrace the peace that comes from a relationship with Jesus. Be part of our community of shared faith and support by sharing your story, as we continue to inspire each other toward a more meaningful life.

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Speaker 1:

It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, ron Myers. The promoter.

Speaker 2:

Hello, my friends, it's so good to be with you today. I have my coffee left over from my coffee with Jesus a few hours ago. Lots of things on my mind. Are there a lot of things on your mind? It is so awesome that we have the privilege to come person to person to a loving God, a loving Savior that holds each of us in the palm of his hands and listens to us. I pray for you every day. I'm praying for the people in all the storm paths and the fires in California.

Speaker 2:

There's some trouble in this country, isn't there? You know? One thing that I want to talk about today is are there atheists in the middle of a raging storm? You know, you heard the expression or the phrase there's no atheist in foxholes. Well, are there atheists in the middle of a raging storm? I don't think there are, because I know, after Hurricane Katrina, I was wiped out down here, my family and I. We had eight feet of water in our house and I was running a Christian radio station and I was interviewing people, people that had never even been into a church, and they were caught on the roof and they were floating in a boat or holding onto something, and the only thing they knew is they called out God, I need help. God, if you're real, help me, save my family, help me.

Speaker 2:

You know, isn't that something? I'm sure you know what I'm talking about? Have you ever been into a situation where you just heard something or some bad things were happening in your life and it was a natural instinct, an impulse, to pray or to call on something higher? That's the most beautiful thing about God that I don't know if we really understand enough that God wants a personal, one-on-one relationship with you. Isn't that so cool With me?

Speaker 2:

And I've been enjoying the fruits of that personal relationship with Jesus for about 10 years. You say, well, what happened to you all those other years, ron? Where were you? Well, I was in church, but I was thinking I had to do rules and regulations. I was never told about that personal, intimate relationship.

Speaker 2:

And when I discovered that, when I was in a storm in my life and I got a peace that surpassed all understanding and I started having clarity with my relationship with Jesus, it's exciting Because I knew then, without a doubt, that he really does love me, he really does care about you and me. We are in this together, my friends, and right now, in the middle of those storms, I'm telling you, there are people that have never stepped in church. They've called on a higher power or something above, and I've always thought well for the people that believe that we came from little tadpoles or big bang theory or whatever. Why then, when we're in trouble or when we are happy, why do we have an impulse or an instinct in us to help people or to call out to God? Because God created us and he wants us in one big, happy family. He wants us to come home to him. And today that's what my show is about.

Speaker 2:

I have a guest that is going to be in my Christmas City show. And wait till you hear his story, because we have to remember that in times of trials and tribulations, it can feel like the weight of the world is pressing down on us and the challenges we face well, from natural disasters to political turmoil can leave us feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. But in the midst of these storms, the trials, the tribulation, there is one, one constant source. There is one constant source of strength and peace, and that's Jesus, of strength and peace and that's Jesus. So today we're going to talk about there are not atheists in the middle of a raging storm. My guest is Rich Kemp. He does Simple Salsa and his story is well, I'm telling you. He had to have some faith one day to find out who Jesus was, and then his life changed. And you're going to hear this remarkable, faith-filled story. Rich, I'm so glad to have you with me today.

Speaker 3:

It's my pleasure to be on your show, ron. I'll tell you, with the times today and with everything going on, it's really frustrating for me to sit back and see some of the suffering going on. That people and if they could just in their own mind and heart, you know just turn their heart over to God and let him lead them. He'll give them the strength and the will and the perseverance to get through all of this. I know it's very difficult, but they've got to have that faith. Who is Rich Kemp? Well, I was actually.

Speaker 3:

I'm originally from Tuscaloosa Alabama. My family moved to Houston where I was raised from the time. I was a year old and grew up in Houston, left Houston after I graduated high school, moved to a small community. I just didn't want the big city life anymore. And through all my ventures in life, god led me to Colorado. I lived up there for over 10 years, loved it, started a construction company. I did very, very well. That was my passion. And then, of course, I fell off a ladder and hurt myself. So I got to where I couldn't do that anymore. And through different ventures that I was led to here, we wound up making different spices, blends and dips, and chili and salsa, and this is what we're doing now.

Speaker 3:

So I just firmly believe that this is where we're supposed to be. This is where God led us to, and I never looked back. God is a foundation, just like a home foundation. Without him, you're not going to have any type of really solid structure in your life and through some of the things that happened to me a few years back, it really got me to where I had to really open my heart even more and let him lead me. I had to really open my heart even more and let him lead me. It was a very difficult thing for me because, even though I've been a Christian since I was in my early teens, being a Christian and really letting God in your life and letting him lead you are two different things, and it's something that I had to learn.

Speaker 3:

No-transcript thing was I was. We were both at a point and I have to commend my wife, she has just been a rock through this whole thing but we were both at a point that I was just about ready to give up. I'm not the type of person that sits back and says I don't know what to do, but that was where I was at. I didn't know what to do anymore and it was just through the grace of God that we were contacted by someone that offers a job for a month out on the West Coast, and we didn't have the money to get there. We had never met these people. I knew the person's brother. They actually sent us over $300 in gas, money and everything to get out there to work and went to work for them, selling a product for 28 straight days, made over $12,000 profit, and the rest is history. And then God turned around and led us to different locations and different people throughout this period of time.

Speaker 3:

After this. It was really when Julie and I first got out there and people don't believe the story I'm telling this, but we were sitting in the motel room that night which the company furnished for us. Ron, we had $1 each to our name, $1 each. We had no bank account. We had bills due. I mean, we were at our wits end and it was just. We just sat back and said Lord, help us. We brought us here, help us, and we just went in and did it and the rest is history.

Speaker 3:

I really think that a lot of people, and even me at times, you know, you think, ok, you know you're a Christian now and all these doors are going to open up. You know the Lord's going to just give you stuff. That's not the way it works. That's just not the way it works Well with me. I've always.

Speaker 3:

When I was younger, I had a lot of inner strength and through this hard time that we went through, it was beating me down so bad that I mean I was at my wits end, didn't know what to do. I've never been in this position before. I was ashamed, I felt guilty, you know, blaming myself for it, everything else. And when everything started turning around, I felt that inner strength coming back. I felt that determination coming back. You know, he gave me the will to get up every day.

Speaker 3:

The thing that I tell people all the time is you have to take the first step and you have to have faith. And they look at me and go. Well, I can't Well see, you can't say that, because if it's something you want, bad enough when you get up in the morning and you go to work and you dread going to work, that works on you emotionally. It works on you spiritually. It can tear you down If you get up in the morning and what you do for a living is something that you don't consider a job that you love. Let me tell you I am so blessed People don't have a clue.

Speaker 2:

I am so blessed to do what I do, and today you've been doing Simple Sauce of what now Rich About eight, nine years Going on 11, Ron and you go all over the United States.

Speaker 3:

We do. We travel. We've gone as far as South Dakota, north Carolina, south Carolina, georgia. We have distributors that sell for us in various states. But we actually did the Cowboy Christmas Show years ago out in Vegas and that one show widened our online sales to where we are now in all 50 states in the United States. It was such a blessing because when we started this, my goal was within three years to be in all 50 states. Well, it took us about seven years. But you know what? That's God's timeline. That's fine. But we ship all over the country. We ship to people we've never met, never been in that area, and it's word of mouth, and I think a lot of it just stems from the fact that we have a good product, we offer good pricing. So I think there's a lot of things there.

Speaker 3:

I've always been a firm believer and sometimes I get a little long-winded in the booth. Customers to me are not just a dollar sign. I've gotten a lot of customers that we have built a very good relationship. We'll sit down and call each other, talk on the phone, we'll go out to have dinner when we go to that town, and so forth. That's the one thing that I really strive for is because business is fine, but I also like to talk to people, get to know people.

Speaker 3:

And I'll tell you, ron, it's really funny and this is something that a lot of people my wife always tells me. She said you should have been a therapist. I will have people come up to my booth and they'll sit there and talk to me and I'll get to talking to them and they'll just open up and tell me their deepest, darkest secrets, their life story. And people go why do you stand there and just talk to somebody? So I said listen, they need somebody to talk to. Amen, this person needs someone to open up to. And I said and by doing that, maybe I can lead them to the Lord.

Speaker 2:

So if that person came up to your booth, what would you tell that person?

Speaker 3:

I would tell them to open their heart to Jesus. I would tell them to give in, to ask for help, to be humble. Don't be so bullheaded and strong-headed. You think you can do it yourself? Because I'm telling you for a fact you cannot. You have to have the Lord guiding you. But I was also telling you you also have to have patience. God is going to put you in the right spot at the right time. Don't force it.

Speaker 3:

The hardest thing as individuals and it was for me too is to let go. I think that's the hardest thing. Being mortal is just to let go, and I still struggle with that today. I mean, it's a daily thing that I sit back and I'm like, okay, I can't do that. I've got to let the Lord show me where to go and what to do. But the thing I would really stress to people number one is you've got to open your heart to God. You've got to accept Lord Jesus Christ, your Savior. Number two is you have to have patience and be willing to let him guide you. If you do that, everything will fall into place and we don't know what the plan is. Sometimes you sit back and you go. You know, lord, what's my plan. What do you have in plan for me? And the hardest thing is not knowing. But when the time is right, he's going to place you in the right place, the right time, the right people. He's going to give you the knowledge, he's going to give you the wisdom. He's going to teach you how to research. He's going to open up so many doors and that's what he did for me, ron. Ron, I'll tell you.

Speaker 3:

When I was a young man, in my late teens and early 20s, I was a sorry individual. I was a liar, I was a cheater, I was a thief. I wound up getting myself in trouble. I did at least turn around and have the honor and humble myself and turn myself in. But I was looking at five to 10 years in the state penitentiary and, by the grace of God, I never spent one second in jail. The charges were dropped. That is what changed me. So I tell people and I especially talk to youth about this it's okay, if you make a mistake, stand up and be accountable for what you do. Number one and number two don't make the same mistakes. You know I did.

Speaker 3:

I went to college. I was actually in the medical field. Back in my late twenties I was a lab tech and I went to nursing school and I got out of, went to college. I was actually in the medical field back in my late 20s. I was a lab tech and I went to nursing school and I got out of that, not because I didn't enjoy the patients I did enjoy it but it got too political and so I left the medical profession and that's when I got into construction and stuff like that.

Speaker 3:

But but everything that I've done in my life was a building block and you know, and the Lord has worked so many ways in my life that I mean I could sit here and tell you, talk to you two or three hours, ron, to be honest with you about it.

Speaker 3:

But in short, it's really started to come around when I finally gave in and opened up and I give praise to the Lord, jesus Christ, every day because 16 years ago, 16 years ago, we were homeless, living in a tent, $2 to our name. 16 years ago, 16 years ago, we were homeless Wow, living in a tent, $2 to our name, we got the chance to sell the jewelry cleaner. The gentleman that owned that company actually helped us get started doing shows with that, because we didn't really have the money by the time we got all of our bills paid, because we had to rebuy furniture and everything. We had sold everything trying to make ends meet. I mean, we had squat, and so you know, all this stuff, we were sitting back going, okay, we can do this, we can do this. And it was that inner strength that the Lord was giving me every day to get up out of bed and never give up.

Speaker 3:

Never give up, never give up, never give up, never. That is the worst thing you can do.

Speaker 1:

Listeners when I return, let's unpack Rich's story. You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life with your host, ron Myers Real stories, real struggles and real hope.

Speaker 5:

Today's refreshing word is found in the book of James, chapter 1, verse 12. Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. The Christmas City Gift Show. We've transformed the entire Mississippi Coast Convention Center in Biloxi into an illusion of Christmas, with gifts for everyone Games, planes, jewelry and toys, paintings, pottery, candles and food Guaranteed to put you in the Christmas mood. Visit the North Pole with free kids' crafts and photos with Santa himself. Bring the whole family to the event. Everyone is talking about the Christmas City Gift Show in Biloxi, inside the Mississippi Coast Convention Center. The holiday events you've been waiting for, produced by Ron Miles, it's the greatest show in the South.

Speaker 4:

Don't miss the 41st annual edition of the Christmas City Gift Show this Friday through Sunday inside the Convention Center at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi. For tickets and more information, log on to ChristmasCityGiftShowcom. That's ChristmasCityGiftShowcom rearrange it.

Speaker 1:

You're sick of being let down. You want to turn your life around. If you want to start living right, get the hell out of your life.

Speaker 2:

Get the hell out of your life. Welcome back listeners. I enjoyed Rich's story, our exhibitors at Christmas City Gift Show. They're awesome. They're people just like you and I. They're dreamers, they're creators, they do what they love and they love what they do.

Speaker 2:

And there is just something about when we come together and we share our stories of faith, of purpose and destiny. It's exciting. It's iron sharpening iron. We get better. And that's the same principle of sharing stories with you on this radio show and the podcast is to let you hear from another person the validation, the power, the love, the mercy, the grace of Jesus, because when you hear real stories from real people that offer real hope, it does something to you. The Bible says they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. Our testimonies are powerful.

Speaker 2:

So now let me ask you the question I posed at the beginning of the show. Are there atheists in the middle of raging storms? You never know, but I know most people never call out to God till they're in trouble. And in the midst of troubles and devastation there is always a beacon of hope. It is the presence of Jesus, a constant companion who walks with us through the trials and tribulations of life. I have met people in hurricane-ravaged areas like this area after Katrina, where homes are destroyed, lives are torn apart and their only peace is Jesus. They find rest in Jesus's comforting embrace. Now they may not have a physical church to go to, but they carry their faith in their hearts and know that he is with them, guiding and protecting them every step of the way.

Speaker 2:

My message is that Jesus is not confined to the walls of a church or limited by our circumstances. He is a friend who is always by our side, a constant presence in our lives, offering love, support, strength when we need it the most. Jesus is the center of our life. We have to learn how to do life with Jesus, and you may ask well, how do you learn that? By spending time with Jesus. He's the leader. He will tell you how to follow, he will inspire you, he will encourage you, he will give you ideas, he will get you addicted to Jesus and you will want to have coffee with Jesus. You will want to pray with Jesus. You will understand that he is about ministering to you to give you peace. He knows your troubles, he sees your tear-soaked pillow. He wants to come into your heart and live with you and give you a new perspective on life. I would invite you to take a moment to pause and reflect on the profound truth that Jesus is with you, for you and never against you. Just as those who find themselves evacuating during this storm to unfamiliar lands are stranded in the midst of a storm, they are never without his comforting presence. Jesus is with us every minute of every day. And, friends, if you've never evacuated in a storm, let me tell you it is no fun, because you are glued to the TV continuously and you wonder and you worry what's happening to my house and then, when it's over, you got to wait until you get the word that you can go back.

Speaker 2:

I remember after Katrina I was in Mobile Alabama, my family was in Meridian Mississippi and I had to get back. I had to open up the Christian radio station and I said I'm going back. I got a media pass and I got over here to the coast and I thought a bomb had went off. I had a Jeep so I could maneuver a little bit around here, but it was bad. It was bad.

Speaker 2:

And I remember, walking down my street I saw my neighbor out, kenny. I said Kenny, how are things he said not good. Ron and I had to kick open my door and I walked in and what a mess. The refrigerator was upside down. I had an aquarium in there and there was actually a little jellyfish inside the aquarium on the floor. It was the strangest things.

Speaker 2:

So, friends, the only peace I had then was Jesus. That was the only peace. And then at night it gets dark. There's no AC, there's no heat, there's no noise, there's nothing, because there's no streetlights. There's nothing. You just hear the birds, you hear the chirping of the crickets, you see the stars and you wonder what's going to happen. How is my life going to get better with this I had to worry about I have to go run a Christian radio station and then I have to take care of my house. But do you know what I know? You know God was always there. The pieces began to come back together, and now that was 2005. And I've recovered. I'm stronger and I'm wiser. I remember one time on the radio I said that Katrina was a spiritual boot camp, because when we can go through the trials like Katrina Helene Milton, we don't like them, they're terrible, we wish they would go away, but in the long run, we come out stronger, our faith is stronger.

Speaker 2:

And then when somebody has up trouble in their lives, when everybody else was faithless, we had the faith because Jesus was the center of our life. We could give them hope. We could speak hope to them. We could tell them that Jesus loved them, had a plan for them and wanted to have a relationship with them. And today he's knocking at your heart. Have you let him come in and live with you? If you haven't, maybe today's the day you should say Jesus, I need you, buddy, haven't. Maybe today's the day you should say Jesus, I need you, buddy, I need some help, I need some peace.

Speaker 2:

And he comes in.

Speaker 2:

You become a new creation. Your sins are gone, you have total forgiveness. It's like a new clean slate in life, a new opportunity. You're reborn, a re-spiritual birth has taken place and now he does what he does best, begins to work on you. It's a lifelong process to become the person he designed you to become. Your skill, talents and abilities exponentially grow. All of a sudden, you see life in a whole new perspective.

Speaker 2:

I remember I tell people when I really understood the rebirth of Christ in my life. The sky was bluer, the grass was greener. I saw things that I never saw before, and they were always right in front of me, because God gives you a whole new perspective. Today is your day, friends, cherish that precious gift of companionship with Jesus, because when there is nothing else in your life, you will always have him. He's for you, he's never against you. Jesus wants a relationship with you, not one day a week, every minute of the day, because when you carry Jesus with you, you can't go anywhere without him. He's your tag team buddy. Today is your day to embrace the loving presence of Jesus in your life.

Speaker 1:

You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.

Speaker 4:

We would like to express our gratitude to Coffee News for their support of this program. Are you tired of scrolling through the same old news feeds every morning? Then switch things up with Coffee News. Our publication is filled with interesting stories, brain teasers and uplifting quotes that are sure to brighten your day. And now you can access Coffee News anytime, anywhere, by visiting our website. So, whether you're sipping your morning coffee at your favorite cafe or browsing online from your desk, we've got you covered. Start your day off right with Coffee News at readcoffeenewsonlinecom. Ron, we'll be back in a moment to wrap up today's conversation. We want to encourage you today with God's promise to you. It comes from the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. That's God's promise to you when you choose to commit your plans and future to Him. Now back to Ron.

Speaker 2:

Well, friends, my time is up and the word for today is pray, pray, pray. Pray for yourself, pray for anyone, in any storm of any type, and I tell you this prayer works. Prayer is powerful, prayer is healing. Prayer is our communication with Jesus. So have prayer with Jesus. So have prayer, have coffee with Jesus and tell someone today how much Jesus loves them. I'll be back next week with another great episode of Get the Hell Out of your Life. In the meantime, this is Ron Myers, reminding you that I love you, jesus loves you, and when you give Jesus your heart, you not only get the hell out of your life, but life begins to make sense.

Speaker 1:

Get the Hell Out of your Life is underwritten by the Christmas City Gift Show. We invite you to come shop with over 255 vendors from all over the United States from November 8th through the 10th inside the Coast Convention Center located on the beach in Biloxi, Mississippi. You can find more information at christmascitygiftshowcom. Thanks for listening, and if you would like to share your story of what God has done in your life or listen to previous episodes, please visit our website, thepromoterorg. Join us next week for another episode of Get the Hell Out of your Life Real stories, real struggles and real hope.