Get The Hell Out of Your Life
We are a community where people open up about real struggles, share how they found real answers, and discover lasting hope! Our stories share freedom, forgiveness, and faith! Take a listen to life-changing stories, It's All About Jesus!
Get The Hell Out of Your Life
Transformative Tales of Faith and Christmas Miracles
What if the greatest gift this Christmas doesn't come from a store, but from a simple truth that changes everything? Join me, Ron Meyers, as we journey through the heartwarming tale of Clara from Peacehaven, who discovers the profound gift of salvation. Clara's struggle with self-doubt and her quest for God's acceptance take a transformative turn on Christmas Eve, thanks to a letter from her grandmother. This revelation shifts her focus from striving for approval to embracing a personal relationship with Jesus, a change that illuminates her path and can do the same for yours.
Listen as we unpack the significance of embracing salvation and identity in Christ, using Clara's story as a powerful illustration of moving from works to grace. Her newfound understanding of Jesus' sacrifice empowers her to conquer fears and pursue dreams, inspiring genuine interactions about faith. I'll share five key insights: the embrace of salvation, a transformative mindset, the finality of Jesus' work, identity in Christ, and the power of sharing love and acceptance. By embodying Christ's love, we become ambassadors of hope, spreading the ultimate gift—God's love—to those around us.
As we celebrate Christmas, let Clara's story remind us of the simplicity of becoming a Christian and the everlasting gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus. We reflect on the joy, peace, and forgiveness that His birth brings, committing to being a beacon of light amidst life's challenges. Let's embrace the true spirit of Christmas by recognizing God's plans for hope and a future, carrying His joy within us, and sharing it with others. Together, as we navigate through this festive season, may we find renewed purpose and guidance in our faith journey.
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It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, ron Myers. The promoter.
Speaker 2:Hello, my friends. It's so good to be with you. Merry Christmas, hope you're having a wonderful day. My name is Ron Myers. I'm your host. The show is called Get the Hell Out of your Life Real stories, real struggles and real hope, and normally each week you will hear an interview of a person that well, they wanted to share their story because they were in trouble in life, had some bad things going on. They called out to Jesus and their life, their destiny, everything about them changed forever and 99.9% of them never met Jesus in church. They met Jesus at the end of themselves, and that is what this show is about to reach people that don't go to church, don't want to go to church, but they still need to know who Jesus is. Maybe they do have a relationship with Jesus. So today I want you to hear a Christmas edition of Get the Hell Out of your Life. I wrote a story about Clara that I think you'll be able to relate to, and then, in the monologue, it's a challenge for us Christians and the church in 2025, because I believe we are living in the greatest time ever to be a believer in Christ, because, you see, the world is getting darker around us, but our light is getting brighter and brighter. We are carrying the hope of the world inside of us. Jesus is alive and well and wants to express himself through you and I in everything that we do. So let's take a listen to the story I put together called the Greatest Christmas Gift.
Speaker 2:Once upon a time, a young woman named Clara lived in the snowy village of Peacehaven. Every Christmas, clara found herself consumed with striving to earn her place in God's good graces. She spent countless hours seeking forgiveness and acceptance hours seeking forgiveness and acceptance. Often overwhelmed by fear that she would never be good enough. She worked hard to please God. However, one Christmas Eve, clara received a letter from her wise grandmother that changed everything. The letter revealed the truth that Clara needed. The letter revealed the truth that Clara needed, rather than endlessly strive to be accepted by Jesus, that she could embrace the free gift of salvation that he had already given her. Now, this acceptance on Christmas Eve by Clara marked the start of her being able to live out her true potential. Clara marked the start of her being able to live out her true potential, growing with Jesus daily and becoming the person she was designed to become. You see, clara discovered that her mind could only focus on one thing at a time. She realized that she had been stuck in a cycle of doubt and fear, constantly questioning her worthiness. But she was inspired by her grandmother's words concerning the life of Jesus. Clara chose that day to have a personal, daily relationship with Jesus. She believed in the promises of her identity and worth. Now, this shift in mindset empowered her. From then on, she decided to trust Jesus with her destiny and spent her thoughts and energy acting and believing everything Jesus said about her, instead of being stuck in self-doubt In Peace Haven.
Speaker 2:Many were taught to focus on doing more to earn God's favor. Yet Clara learned that Jesus' ultimate sacrifice meant the work was already done. It was a revelation God was with her, god was for her and God was not against her. With this understanding, clara found her relationship with Jesus more freeing and liberating. Her focus shifted from doing more to accepting the finished work of Christ, and this unlocked a joy and peace she had never felt before. Clara began to see herself through the lens of her identity in Christ. She realized that accepting who she was in Jesus meant she could overcome the shadows in her life by embracing the truth that greater was he that was in her than he that was in the world. Clara began to notice her life changing. Her fears diminished and she felt empowered to chase her God-given dreams, conquer adversity and achieve goals she once thought impossible.
Speaker 2:During the village's annual Christmas celebration, clara realized the most profound truth she couldn't save others, nor could they save themselves. Only Jesus could. With a newfound compassion, she chose to welcome and love those people who thought and acted differently than her, instead of trying to change them. Clara shared the story of Jesus, a loving God who came to earth to rescue everyone. People were drawn to her genuine warmth and kindness, which opened doors to the meaningful dialogues about faith. Clara had discovered the greatest Christmas gift sharing the good news and love of Jesus, revealing his character through her actions. Clara understood that, in accepting her identity in Christ and living in his abundance, she not only received the perfect gift for herself, but also became an ambassador of hope and love to the world around her, and that, indeed, was the greatest gift of all.
Speaker 2:Wow, now, that was a story, but there's five points I want to go over that story. One she embraced the gift of salvation. That's what we have to do, friends we have to embrace the gift of salvation. We cannot earn it, we cannot work for it. It's free.
Speaker 2:Number two the transformative mindset. You have to believe what Jesus said about you. You have to believe the truth. His promises are yes and amen. If he said you are with him and he is not against you and that you are saved for eternity, take it to the bank. Take his word for it, not what other people tell you. And then also, what were the last words of Jesus? Point number three it is finished. He did it. All. Friends, you and I have a free gift of grace and salvation that, friends, when we understand and we have this mindset that it is finished, life gets good.
Speaker 2:Point number four embrace the identity in Christ.
Speaker 2:You see, clara started seeing herself as Jesus sees her, that she was a beautiful, wonderful individual with a plan, with skills, talents and abilities that no one else had.
Speaker 2:Clara was going to grow with Jesus on a daily basis and become the person that he had designed her to become.
Speaker 2:And point number five the gift of love and acceptance. Now, once we get this gift of love and accept it, that we embrace it, that we experience the love and mercy and forgiveness of Christ, then the greatest thing we can do is to share it with other people. We share it through our story. We share it with sharing the love, the compassion of Christ, and the best way to share it is with people that are totally different from you. Maybe it's time to stretch outside the boundary lines that you have put up around your life and reach out to people that are different and don't lecture them, don't preach to them, just share the love of Christ. Jesus can handle all the other things. He just wants us to be that walking billboard for who he is, because, after all, if it is Christmas and it is real and it is a true story, then it is absolutely by far the greatest gift that anyone can ever receive greatest gift that anyone can ever receive.
Speaker 1:You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.
Speaker 3:You know, you should tell others about Jesus Christ.
Speaker 4:That is like the greatest job in the whole world.
Speaker 3:But there's a right way to do it and a lot of wrong ways. For one thing, don't get irritated if they tell you your faith is just your opinion Wrong word Fact, because if you get argumentative, people might get the wrong impression that man there, he's meaner than a gut shot grizzly. Instead, just focus on being the best Christian you can be and pray for the Holy Spirit to do the work. He will impress on their hearts the seriousness of sin.
Speaker 5:Each of us has a destiny for good or for evil.
Speaker 3:And the soon coming of Christ.
Speaker 5:That plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life.
Speaker 3:Then, because of your friendship and consistent example, you'll be able to talk with him about God's word. It's the latest, the Blue Jeans Bible. Sharing the gospel with others will be a lot less intimidating if you pray that God will open the doors and hearts before you open your mouth, because no matter where people go, sooner or later they find that God's already been there.
Speaker 2:When you go to a good movie, how many people do you tell? When you go to a great restaurant, how many people do you tell? When you go to a great restaurant, how many people do you tell you become a promoter for movies and restaurants? Well, if God has done something special in your life, how many people have you told? I would like to invite you to come on to my show and share your story with the world of what God has done for you. Log on to ThePromoterorg and click. Share your story with the world of what God has done for you. Log on to thepromoterorg and click. Share your story. It's time for you to become a promoter for God's goodness.
Speaker 4:Here's a refreshing word from Ephesians 5, 1 and 2. Therefore, be imitators of God as dear children, and walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given himself for us.
Speaker 6:Welcome back listeners.
Speaker 2:Are you a people person? Do you like to watch people and just kind of see the different shapes and sizes, hairdos, what people wear and clothing? We are some wild characters in this world, aren't we? But that's what is wonderful about each of us that our individuality. What is beautiful to one person is not beautiful to another, but it doesn't matter, because our life is individual choices that we have the opportunity to choose.
Speaker 2:So I've always said listen, we can't judge other people. We don't know what they've went through. Maybe we should just do what Jesus would do, just love the hell out of everyone, just treat them with kindness and respect and, even if they're rude back to you, don't change what our belief is, don't change our behavior because someone doesn't accept us. Because, after all, if we believe what Jesus did on Christmas and came in and gave, came into this world and gave us his beautiful, awesome gift of forgiveness, and then Easter he rose from the dead and then we had eternal life, well, that's a pretty cool gift that we have. So my thought is well, if you've experienced the greatest gift in the world, then wouldn't you want everybody to know about it? Why can't we just tell people about love and the love of Christ. But no, sometimes we get into behavior, personal things that they all have to change and some people believe that they have to change all these things before they can even talk to God. So today, in my monologue, I wanted to share something with you that actually happened to me and it's been really kind of defining my ministry over the last year, year and a half and into 2025. So my monologue today, I believe, captures the meaning of why God came to earth.
Speaker 2:Let me take you back to a moment not too long ago when I found myself in the heart of New Orleans attending a wedding in a beautiful church built in the late 1800s. It was just incredible to sit in that church, wondering how many people had been baptized and married and, you know, salvations done in that church it was. I loved sitting in there and while I was waiting for the wedding to begin, I would just scan the audience and I saw this gathering of individuals in all shapes and sizes. It was filled with laughter, a sense of love that just seemed to dance through the air like notes of a jazz melody. And as I took in the scene and really started looking more beyond just the images but the individuals. I saw the wide variety of guests. They were young, they were old, they were gay, they were straight, they were transgender. They were people from every walk of life brought together in celebration. And in that beautiful diversity, I heard the quiet, gentle voice of God whispering in my heart Ron, this is my church, a place where the doors swing wide open for all.
Speaker 2:Now, at that moment, it became so clear to me that the true essence of the church goes beyond buildings and structures. It's not a place for the best of, it's not a place of just certain people. It is a living embodiment of grace, a reflection of the very message that Jesus brought into this world. He came to bridge the gap between humanity and the divine, reconciling each and every one of us to God. So let me ask you, friends, shouldn't our churches be beacons of this message, emphasizing the transformative power of a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus, which results in a true life-changing and life-giving experience? Shouldn't our number one priority, as a Christian, be to proclaim the message of profound love, boundless forgiveness, unending grace, offering the promise of a heavenly home when we finally depart from this world? You see, god's kindness is intended to lead a person to repentance. I think it's time for our churches to unwrap God's greatest gift to the world, god's greatest gift to the world. It's time for the church to display loud and proud, the extravagant grace of Jesus Christ and to embrace and celebrate the forgiveness of sin, the freedom of guilt and the freedom of shame. Isn't it time to embody his unconditional love, which has the power to change destinies and ignite new beginnings? You see, friends, rather than allowing ourselves to be divided by human nature's flaws and failures, we should be unified in the eternal love, mercy and grace emanating from God, who walked among us to rescue us and offer us new life.
Speaker 2:If we would begin to treat each other as individuals needing to hear the message of God's grace, instead of stopping our relationship with them because of behavior issues, then we miss the whole important reason why Jesus came to the earth. In fact, we are denying the gift and love of God of grace because it's something we perceive in our mind. We don't have the right to do that. If we came to Christ free and now we are forgiven for all the crap we've done in our life, why can't we look at other people as individuals that need to hear the message of Jesus? Why can't we just share our story about Jesus? That's what the world wants to hear.
Speaker 2:Friends, I hear many, many times from individuals Ron, you talk to us different than anybody else. You actually treat us with respect and I said listen, I am no better than anyone that's walking on this planet. I came to a relationship with Jesus. He changed my life, he saved my life, and I have a responsibility to tell you about him.
Speaker 2:You know, friends, in 2025, I think we have to realize once and for all that Jesus does not need our help in bringing people to him. He needs us to be an ambassador to share the good news of who Jesus is with other people and what he has done in our lives. He can take care of every single thing that we think that we need to do, but we can't do anything. In fact, the more we try to do to straighten out people, that we, in our definition of straighten them out, the more we probably put them behind the eight ball of ever coming into a church or ever understanding who Jesus is. Why can't we just love the hell out of people and understand that Jesus created this world? He knows what's happening and he's not going to lead a person astray. He just needs us to tell them about himself, and then he'll take care of the rest.
Speaker 7:His self, and then he'll take care of the rest. Christmas is a time of tradition, a time when we share with friends and family, a time when we often think about giving gifts to the special people in our life. My name is Mark, and this is the Journey. Don't you love getting gifts? I mean, who doesn't enjoy getting something they didn't have to work for, whether it's a gift card or something that is really meaningful to you? It could be a family photo, a new gadget you've been wanting? You get the idea.
Speaker 7:But there is one free gift that trumps all others, one that will outlast all the others and can change the course of your life forever. And it is absolutely free. You don't have to work for it. You don't have to work for it. You don't have to pay for it, do anything to earn it. And here's the kicker you certainly don't deserve it. It is the free gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus.
Speaker 7:Let's get real. We've all broken the Ten Commandments and then some, and the Bible tells us that the reward for sin is eternal separation from God. But Jesus, thank God for the free gift of Jesus. Jesus died so that you and I could be set free from the penalty of sin. This free gift is the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus. You don't have to earn it, you don't have to work for it and you don't deserve it. All you have to do to receive it is ask for it, agree with God that you have failed him and then ask for his forgiveness. The free gift of Jesus, the best gift, the world has ever known.
Speaker 6:If you need something more out of life than what you've already experienced the Journey in touch with the one who holds the future.
Speaker 3:Stop wasting time and get a hold of God.
Speaker 6:It's not about earning points by being good. It ain't about some boring church, it's not about working your way to heaven. Finding God is not about following some group who claims to be the only way to God. It's not about being religious. It's not about religion.
Speaker 1:It's all about God's only son. It's all about Jesus.
Speaker 3:It's all about Jesus.
Speaker 6:It's about Jesus Christ and it's all about you. It's all about you, jesus.
Speaker 3:Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, but by me.
Speaker 6:Well, someday, when I stand before God and he asks me why should I let you into heaven? All that's going to matter is if I knew Jesus or not, and that's what it's all about.
Speaker 4:How do you become a Christian? Well, the word Christian was first used in Acts, chapter 11. It basically means a person that is in Christ. Now, when we show up on this planet, we're in Adam, and that's our problem. It's not just what we're doing, it's not our lying and cheating and stealing hubcaps. That's our core issue. No, we've got a deeper problem at the core of our being. We are in Adam, and that defines us. We're in his lineage, we have his spiritual heritage, and so salvation is calling upon the name of the Lord, and when we do well, we're asking God to take us out of Adam and put us in Christ.
Speaker 4:The Bible says that whosoever believes in him will receive everlasting life. It says we're saved by grace, through faith. It's not of ourselves, it's a gift of God, so that nobody can brag about it. So God is standing at the door of every human heart, including your heart, and he says if you open the door, he will come in and live with you forever. And then he says I'll never leave you, I'll never forsake you, nobody can snatch you out of my hand, and even when you're faithless, I remain faithful. Those are incredible promises of our God.
Speaker 4:And how does this relationship with him really begin Well, we call upon Jesus Christ, putting our confidence in his death, burial and resurrection. He died for your sins, to take your sins away, so that he could remember your sins no more, keeping no record of your wrongs. And then he was raised from the dead to give you new resurrection, life, life that endures forever, even beyond your physical death. So we're saved by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. How does it all begin? Call upon him, call upon the name of Jesus Christ. How does it all begin? Call upon him, call upon the name of Jesus, open the door of your heart, and he promises he'll come in and be with you forever.
Speaker 7:Ron, we'll be back in a moment to wrap up today's conversation. We want to encourage you today with God's promise to you. It comes from the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and the future. That's God's promise. Harm you. Plans to give you hope and the future that's God's promise to you when you choose to commit your plans and future to him. Now back to Ron. It's remarkable.
Speaker 5:To think that a baby boy born in a stable, no prestige, no privilege, no prestige, no privilege, no social media or social status, political campaigns or private airplanes. And yet he turned BC into AD. He flipped the world on its head. He's the most famous name around the globe, inspired the most read book ever written. He reconnected us to heaven and, in turn, brought heaven down to earth. And now he offers us redemption, a fresh start, freedom, so that we can hold our heads high and march through this life knowing that we are never alone, that every woman and man, boy and girl, to all of us who feel like we have nothing left, nothing to bring, that we can know that God is smiling at us, that he's loving us, that we are enough. So light up that Christmas tree, stand under the mistletoe, surround yourself with the ones you love the most.
Speaker 2:And together let's celebrate the greatest news this world has ever known. Well, listeners, merry Christmas. And I want to close out today's show by praying for you, dear Jesus, my friend, the listener. Well, they have questions. You have the answers, you have the supernatural peace, you have the key to their destiny. So, jesus, this Christmas, wrap yourself around each and every listener, hold them tight, let them know it is going to be okay. You came to bring joy to the world. You came to bring peace in our life and forgiveness. So this Christmas, jesus, we recommit to you that we want to be the bright light in this dark world, because we are carrying you with us and you are joy to the world.
Speaker 1:Thank you, jesus, and happy birthday today's show was produced by ron myers ministries. A listener supported ministry. For a copy of today's broadcast, please visit our website, the promotpromoterorg, and would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible donation so that we may continue to share stories of God's amazing grace with the world. And join us next week for another broadcast of Get the Hell Out of your Life Real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope.