Get The Hell Out of Your Life
We are a community where people open up about real struggles, share how they found real answers, and discover lasting hope! Our stories share freedom, forgiveness, and faith! Take a listen to life-changing stories, It's All About Jesus!
Get The Hell Out of Your Life
Embracing Your Life's Purpose
This episode inspires listeners to dream big and confront the fears that may limit them. Ron Myers and guest Candy Anderson-Ferris discuss the power of obedience to God's calling and share personal stories of turning failures into purposeful actions.
• Encouragement to engage in heartfelt conversations with God
• The importance of dreaming big and setting audacious goals
• Examples of how failures can lead to growth and resilience
• Personal stories demonstrating God’s use of ordinary moments for extraordinary results
• Practical advice on recognizing and acting upon God’s whispers in daily life
A closing prayer focusing on guidance and empowerment toward dreams
- If you would like to be a guest and share your story, click this link: https://thepromoter.org/story/
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It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, ron Myers. The promoter.
Speaker 2:Hello, my friends, it is so good to be with you today. Have you had your conversations with Jesus over the past few days? You know that time where you just open up your heart, your concerns, your worries, your fears. Maybe you share your successes, praying for someone. Maybe you say, well, ron, I don't even know Jesus, or we're not that close because I'm just a goofball. Well, all of us are goofballs. There's no person out there that isn't a goofball, that doesn't struggle. But it is those healthy conversations with Jesus I mean opening up your heart that are liberating.
Speaker 2:Now, if you're new to the show, my name is Ron Myers. The show is called Get the Hell Out of your Life, where it's about a few minutes of coming together each week in a show with guests, with commentary, to empower you, to encourage you and to let you know that, no matter what you're going through in life, there is a reason for it and there is a good plan. Today I want to talk about dreaming big. How many dreams have you put on hold? How many God-given dreams do you think are absolutely impossible? Well, they are impossible without God. So today we're going to tell you my guest, candy Anderson-Ferris, who is a speaker, author and writer and an encourager. We're going to talk about how do we go from where we are to living the dreams that God has for each of us.
Speaker 2:Right now, there are a lot of people out there with questions, but they're not getting the answers, or maybe the right answers. You know, god has an answer for all of our questions and his word never changes. His word never changes One of the things that in putting together today's show it's a song that we played years ago on the radio and it really had an effect on me in the early days of my ministry. In putting together today's show, it's a song that we played years ago on the radio and it really had an effect on me in the early days of my ministry is by the Martins Dream Big, and I really do believe that Christians sometimes just think they're on autopilot, that we have a sovereign God and God's just going to connect all the dots. All we have to do is sit back and let him move us. But we have to dream, we have to have visions, we have to move forward, don't we?
Speaker 3:It says in Scripture in him we live and move and have our being so that we have part in that. We have to do the moving, and it's work like everything depends on you, but pray like everything depends on God. And so I do believe that we can become very stagnant in the visions that God has given us, and his calling, his gifts and calling are irrevocable. What he puts inside of us will always be there. It's just our part to, as scripture says, prepare the horse for the battle, and the victory is the Lord's. So we have to do something, and if we're faithful over little, he will make us faithful over much.
Speaker 2:I love to tell people dream so big, set your goal so high for your business, for your ministry, for your relationships that you will fail without God's intervention.
Speaker 3:Right and he gets all the glory, then that's right. He's not a pocket-sized God.
Speaker 2:But because you and I, we can accomplish small size goals. We can do that. We then take credit for it. Well, I did this and I did that. But if our goals and our ideas and our dreams are so big that only God can make them happen, then you're right. Not only do we become dependent on God, but then we become a promoter for God because of his goodness and mercy and his Our testimony, our testimony.
Speaker 3:I like that. It becomes our testimony and there's always a test in the testimony, and so we sometimes give up. When it gets grueling or it gets hard and we see the doors shut, we just quit, we quit and we can't. We have to continue on, because every season of our life our calling looks different.
Speaker 2:Let me ask you, Candy, you've been around the block a few times. Have you ever wanted to just quit?
Speaker 3:Sure, I just sit on the back porch and put my feet up and quit.
Speaker 2:yes, why didn't you?
Speaker 3:Because I can't. He tells us we're up and quit. Yes, why didn't you? Because I can't. He tells us we're never to quit, we're to persevere and continue on to the end, until he calls us home. And that's when we enter in and he says well done, my good and faithful servant.
Speaker 2:Sometimes I wonder about doing these broadcasts, how long I'll do them? And I'm thinking well, you know, maybe I had to slow down, but there's something in me. I just I can't, I just can't. I feel that if God has called you and I and everybody out there listening if God has called us to do something, then we need to do everything we can to complete that journey, even if sometimes we think, well, maybe I don't need to do this or maybe I can take the comfort area and just sit back and relax and drink some iced tea or lemonade on the back porch.
Speaker 3:But I think there are seasons for that.
Speaker 3:Are there there are, there are seasons for growing that back porch. I have learned a whole lot on my back porch. I've prayed a lot and it seems my calling in life is, I believe God has called me to encourage and to build the body up to love on people and care for them. And so physically maybe he slowed me down a little bit for a couple of years and I sat on the back porch. But during that time my prayer life grew, my time in scripture grew and prepared me for the next stage of what's going on. You never, ever, quit. You do and you deal with where you're at. And I'm telling you he'll use it.
Speaker 3:There's a story about a lady who was confined to bed and she could do nothing I mean nothing except maybe receive phone calls. So she got a phone call one day and it was the wrong number, but she continued to talk to the fellow and as she talked to him he was going to commit suicide and God had had him call her and she talked to him and they began. She began to disciple him on the phone. So we never know how we're going to be used or in what way, but our calling is to listen to him and he places on our heart the gifts he has given us to use. Does that make sense?
Speaker 2:It does, and I think about taking care of my father in the nursing home a few years ago, and I got to meet a lot of individuals that started a ministry because they had a loved one in a nursing home a few years ago. And I got to meet a lot of individuals that started a ministry because they had a loved one in a nursing home and the loved one passed. But they saw the joy that their smile, their love could give another patient. So they continually went up there In little things like that sometimes what God wants us to do. It isn't big, we may never read about it in the paper and may never make the news, but it's front headlines with God. It's huge in his economy, huge in his economy.
Speaker 2:It is so if somebody said, candy, I'm just bored with life, I'm not having any fun, I've done all the things I've wanted to do and I do crossword puzzles every day. I'm just bored. Any suggestions for that person Getting the word?
Speaker 3:It's a living word and, and, and I believe, every experience that we go through. If we ask God to show himself in those experiences, life becomes exciting again. There are going to be dry times. There just are, there are, there are deserts, our belief in the facts of Scripture, not the feeling of Scripture, not the feeling of euphoria or all of that, because it's in the dry times, in the valleys, that we really, really, really connect with.
Speaker 3:Am I going to stick this out? Am I going to stick it out? And we've got to stick it out because we can keep. There's a scripture that says quit circling this mountain and head north. We can circle and circle and circle about what am I supposed to be doing? Instead of putting one foot forward and heading north, we plow the row that we were made to plow and that comes in different ways for me, encouraging. Write a letter to somebody, pray for them, call them. When God puts someone on your heart, do it. You get to see the excitement of what that little, one piece of obedience, and that's what it all comes down to.
Speaker 2:That's really. That's that's a good way to put it. It really does come down to that one word obedience. You know, if we turn over our day to God and say, god, inspire me with what to do today, give me an idea. Well, we may be mowing, we may be at the gym, we'd be walking, we may be reading the Bible, and all of a sudden it's happened to me we get this incredible idea it's a God idea it's a God idea and all of a sudden, we get excited and we you know we start smiling and say this is what I'm going to do.
Speaker 3:One of my really hard times was in my family years ago. I was probably the serious person in my family and you know my family is not serious. My late husband was crazy and happy and all of this A practical joker. It was always something. So years ago I wrote this Practical joker, it was always something. So years ago I wrote this Search my heart, o Lord. Make my heart and hands an instrument of your will. Take all of this craziness in my life and use it to preach for your glory, amen. And I wrote that I could write these things and that I could speak them and use the examples of everyday life to show God in everything that that'll preach moments and radio for 15 years and you know, writing, writing in the paper for longer than 15 years, and books and and just getting to speak at different places. It just all of a sudden opened up because I was willing to take maybe where I was not comfortable and see the glory in it and the good in it and the joy in it and where he placed me and let him use me, amen.
Speaker 3:Maybe you are in the middle of a mess right now. Well, who better to know how to pray for somebody in the same mess? You can do that and maybe you're the answer. Like you said, in a nursing home there's people that need people to come alongside them and love on them. Use that. Wherever you're at, you've got a circumstance that God will turn in to use for his glory. We always have a job to do and always my prayer is this the older I get, lord, please don't let me ever forget scripture. If I'm going to lose everything else, let me remember scripture and be able to, when somebody comes in the room, be able to share that scripture, to lift them up and build them up. Otherwise, everything else can go. I mean, I would love for everything to say cognizant and aware and all that, but if it doesn't, then, lord, use what I've got for where I'm at.
Speaker 2:And sometimes we've all heard that expression Candy, stop and smell the roses, absolutely Quit looking forward to tomorrow, just start looking forward to today. You live in the present. When we take advantage of the moment we have right now, today, tomorrow will take care of itself Absolutely.
Speaker 3:I love the story of I think it was UPS guy. Whoever has the brown truck, is it UPS?
Speaker 4:UPS, ups.
Speaker 3:Well, he was driving to work one morning and he saw a car go into a lake and he rushed to that car and pulled out an elderly gentleman and they were trying to make him a hero on the news and everything like that. And he just said that was my calling for today. And ever since I heard that story that's been my prayer. Lord, show me what my calling is for today.
Speaker 2:That'd be a good challenge right now for the people. Listening is set a challenge each day. Right now, for the people, listening is set a challenge each day. Maybe it's just to smile, to hold a door open for someone, to do a favor for someone, or just encourage someone. Everybody needs encouragement.
Speaker 3:And it's the same way in our faith. We have to practice our faith and we have to continue, as we said before walk in obedience, know what God says and then follow in his steps and follow his example.
Speaker 2:Failures. None of us like to fail, none of us like to have setbacks, but that's how we grow to where God needs us to be is through those failures.
Speaker 3:And that's what I love about Scripture is all through Scripture. It is not a group of men and women who are always the best. There are a bunch of mess-ups on there. I mean, you look at David, you look at Peter, you look at so many in Scripture. They're real people who fail, but yet God takes that failure and grows him. Look at Peter he became one of the greatest preachers and builders of church. Upon this rock I will build my church. But he failed. But God didn't give. He'll never give up on us.
Speaker 2:God uses all people of all shapes and sizes, and we're never going to be that perfect person. So why do we keep trying to be perfect? Just be ourself and go out and do the right thing, and God will take care of the rest.
Speaker 3:You can't look on social media and try to be somebody else. If you try to be somebody else, then God, the place God has for you is being vacated. You have to do what God called you to do, not what another person is called to do. The toe, the hand, the foot, it all works together and fits together and it's very important that we don't try to be something else. And he takes my thing is he takes the foolish things to confound the wise and I'm pretty foolish sometimes and he takes the weak things. When we admit our weakness and give it to him, it becomes a strength, because he's strong in us. The Holy Spirit moves in us to strengthen, to teach, to guide and to convict us. It's not of ourselves that anything good happens.
Speaker 2:We will never find our God-given destiny on our own.
Speaker 3:Only God can give it to us, he draws us and only he gives it to us, and so I tell people why waste any more time?
Speaker 2:Why not pursue God with all your heart, mind and soul today and understand really what you were created for? What is that? One assignment Remember that show Touched by an Angel Right. And I tell people you've got an assignment that God wants you to complete before you leave this world. I can't tell you what your assignment is, but God can tell you what that assignment is.
Speaker 3:Right. So many times we go trying to change things. The only person that we can change is ourselves, and God is going to use you, because you were perfectly made in his image for such a time as this, for his goodwill and his good pleasure. So I think that we get guilty and we stop, or we get thinking we're not good enough, or we can't Look. It's not about you, it's about God.
Speaker 3:My thing is, I keep a little donkey that sits where I can see it all the time. I wake up and I see that donkey and it means if God can speak through a donkey, he can speak through you, and that's what I believe. There's nothing about me that's any good. It's only Christ in us and he promises he will never leave us and he will never forsake us and he will always use every fragment. This is a scripture that he gave me in John 6, you know, after he feeds the 5,000.
Speaker 3:This is a scripture that he gave me in John 6, you know, after he feeds the 5,000. He tells the disciples to go pick up every fragment that none be lost. Sometimes you feel like your world is shattered and it's just in fragments. Well, you pick up those fragments and you give them to the Lord and nothing will be lost. He'll use every single part of everything you've gone through for his honor, for his glory and for others. You we comfort with the comfort by which we've been comforted and in that becomes a purpose and a calling and a plan.
Speaker 2:What Jesus said. You know, come to me all you that are weary and tired, and he came to give us an abundant life. That's true, it's true. He did, he what?
Speaker 3:Jesus said is true, and it came, that our joy might be full.
Speaker 2:Joy. Yes, exactly so if we start believing what God says has truth, if we start believing this, it changes our thinking. And we change our thinking, it changes the circumstances in our life. Because when we can say confidently God knows my troubles, he knows my sorrows and he is with me while I go through this, that's what we have to know.
Speaker 3:Scripture that's what you have to. You have to hang on to it. My family right now is reading through 1 John for every day of the month and it's really kind of cool because those things are popping up in our lives and we're using them. And in the first part of 1 John he says John says, handle me, these are the things that we have handled. And Christ, when he came back after the resurrection, he says handle me. And that's what we need to do. We have to handle the word of God and it will never fail. He just doesn't fail. Like you said, his reputation is solid. So we can handle him and know that he will provide our needs according to his riches and glory that he will. He's given us every promise that we need to live this life. So if he's done that, then let's live like it, let's live like it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, don't worry about all the things that are going on out there, friends.
Speaker 2:God sees, he knows what's going on, he sees this world, he created it he created it he knows the end from the beginning and he wins, but he also created you and I to be a part of the solution today, and not one that sit back and points fingers at people. Don't point fingers Now. Let's go out there and be busy and do what God has called each of us to do. And guess what? We start making a difference, first in our family, then our community, our church, and it spreads.
Speaker 3:Jesus is a part of us and if you are a believer, you're going to look and act different and every place you go, whether it's in your business, or if you're a teacher or a parent or whatever Jesus is going to be in the fabric of who you are and we shouldn't just say, oh, let somebody else handle politics or let somebody else be on the radio or let somebody else that's how I got to write in the paper was we just said there should be more things about good news of Christ, the good news of the gospel and man.
Speaker 3:God opened the door for that because you have to step up and Be who you are in Christ, wherever you are. You don't leave him at home when you go in the workplace. You don't leave him home at the marketplace. You don't leave him at home in politics. He is a part of the fabric of who we are and, like you said, we can't go out and change the whole world, but we can change first ourselves and then our home and then it moves out from there. I look at the legacy that we leave in our children and my prayer has always been that my children stand on my shoulders spiritually.
Speaker 2:Well, always so good. I can't believe time flies when you come by so fast that we're out of time.
Speaker 3:One thing quick prayer for our listeners. Father, I just thank you for each person that is listening and has their ear tuned to this, because, god, you called us to be together today for such a time as this. If someone's hurting, if they're stumped, if they're just stopped, if they're feeling guilty, lord, just move in their hearts to know that you see where they're at. And Lord, just fan into flames the gifts that are within us and help us never to stop moving forward. Help us to repent of the things that we don't have right and turn. Lord, change and move towards you and stay in your word and just love you and love others, as your command says. We thank you, father, for today. In Jesus' name, we pray, amen.
Speaker 1:You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life with your host, ron Myers Real stories, real struggles and real hope. Ron Myers real stories, real struggles and real hope.
Speaker 2:When you go to a good movie, how many people do you tell? When you go to a great restaurant, how many people do you tell you become a promoter for movies and restaurants? Well, if God has done something special in your life, how many people have you told? I would like to invite you to come on to my show and share your story with the world of what God has done for you. Log on to thepromoterorg and click share your story. It's time for you to become a promoter for God's goodness.
Speaker 4:Today's refreshing word is from John, chapter 15, verse 7. Jesus said if you abide in me and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you.
Speaker 1:Get the hell out of your life Get the hell out of your life.
Speaker 2:Today's story of empowerment is entitled Fearful Francis and the Island of Regrets. Is entitled Fearful Francis and the Island of Regrets. Once upon a time on the Island of Regrets there lived a young boy named Fearful Francis. As the youngest of eight children, he was constantly told by his elders about the importance of caution in maintaining the status quo. Now the island was home to three peculiar villages should have, would have and could have where people constantly contemplated past decisions and missed opportunities. Now Francis was unlike any other child on the island. His loud and outspoken nature often got him into trouble. Yet it also made him question why everyone seems so afraid to take chances. Why do we never try to do things differently, francis would ask. He wondered why people hesitated to dream big or explore new paths and started to see the fear holding everyone back.
Speaker 2:One evening, after listening to yet another story of, if Only from the elders, francis declared this year it's time for a new beginning. To him, it was clear that living in fear was wasting the gift of life. He inspired others with his enthusiasm to confront fears and seek the true potential within themselves. Encouraging the villagers, francis preached about putting their faith in God. He has a plan for each of us, francis would say. And if we're afraid, we will never grow and become who we are truly meant to become. Never grow and become who we are truly meant to become. He rallied his friends and family to overcome their fears and trust in a brighter future, believing that their talents, skills and abilities could shine if only they would allow themselves the freedom to act the freedom to act.
Speaker 2:Gradually, the people began to listen. Inspired by Francis's courage, families started moving to the communities of hope, peace, purpose and passion. Now, these villages thrived on dreams and ambitions, where people supported one another in their pursuits and offered encouragement at every step. Francis had sparked a movement that brought the island closer together. In the pursuit of their dreams and fulfillment, they discovered something magical the fountain of youth, a metaphorical wellspring within each of them that burst forth when they embraced courage and left behind regrets. Their newfound vitality and joy proved infectious, turning the island of regrets into an island of promise. So what is the moral of my story? The moral is fearful. Francis's journey teaches us that fear and the unknown can prevent us from experiencing the fullness of life. We must confront our fears and open ourselves up to possibilities. By trusting in God's plan and boldly pursuing our dreams, we not only unlock our true potential, but also inspire others to do the same, transforming our world into a place of hope and endless opportunities.
Speaker 4:Ron, we'll be back in a moment to wrap up today's conversation. We want to encourage you today with God's promise to you. It comes from the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and the future. That's God's promise to you when you choose to commit your plans and future to him. Now back to Ron.
Speaker 2:Well, friends, my time is up and I want to encourage you to pursue the dreams, the ideas, the plan that God has just for you. Discover that fountain of youth, of excitement, of power, of purpose and passion inside you when you become who you were designed to become. I'll be back next week with another great episode of Get the Hell Out of your Life. In the meantime, remember this that I love you, jesus loves you, and when you give Jesus your heart, you not only get the hell out of your life, but opportunities come knocking at your door.
Speaker 1:Today's show was produced by Ron Myers Ministries. A listener supported ministry. For a copy of today's broadcast, please visit our website, thepromoterorg, and would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible donation so that we may continue to share stories of God's amazing grace with the world. And join us next week for another broadcast of Get the Hell Out of your Life. Real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope.