Get The Hell Out of Your Life
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Get The Hell Out of Your Life
Signs, Signs, Everywhere Are Signs
Do you ever wonder about the signs that God sends us or what they truly mean? Our guest, spiritual leader, and minister Gary Lane, unravels this mystery as we journey through the enigmatic world of divine signs and messages. We reflect on our personal experiences, particularly the powerful unity we witnessed within churches worldwide during Hurricane Katrina, which led to an impressive expansion of God's church, and delve into the human need for love and acceptance that God willingly fulfills.
Our candid conversation unveils the fragility of life and the importance of preparing for its end. We explore God's unconditional love and the pitfalls of imposing conditions on it, focusing on how life's happenings are divine interventions designed to redirect our focus. We dissect the message of the prosperity gospel, contrasting it with the biblical truth about contentment, and delve into how corporate America's influence on our beliefs and the vain pursuit of joy in material things.
As we wrap up, we underscore the serenity that prioritizing God can infuse into our lives. Gary shares a heartening prayer, inspiring listeners to find the courage to let go of the past and move forward. We also remind everyone of the importance of seeking God's guidance in every step we take and expressing gratitude for the daily blessings we receive. Seek, trust, and thank God - that's our message, and we hope it resonates with you as it has with us.
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It's time now to get the hell out of life—your life weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, Ron Myers—the Promoter.
Ron Meyers:Hello, my friends, it is so good to be with you today. Have you ever got a song stuck in your head? I have. I keep singing Signs, signs. Everywhere Are Signs from the group the 5 man Electrical Band, but perhaps it's because that is the title of my show today. Now here is the question before the show Is God sending you and I signs to get our attention? Yes, he is, and after you listen to today's show, you will see that God is trying to get your attention, my attention, by sending us signs. My guest today is a minister, storyteller, teacher and spiritual leader. Gary Lane guides others to put God's word into practical living. Gary motivates individuals and groups to live a better life in Christ with his fresh and easy to understand teaching style. A world traveler, gary shares his vision of positive daily living through functional Christianity to people around the globe. Plus, he's funny too. I think you all like Gary. Now, gary, I met you back in 2005. Is that correct?
Gary Layne:Absolutely yes, 2005.
Ron Meyers:You were here on the Gulf Coast because of Hurricane Katrina. What did you do?
Gary Layne:Well, it's kind of a funny story. I was supposed to drive the van down from 1st Baptist Church, woodstock, georgia, and I was supposed to help with the carping houses. But when I got here they said, well, we really need someone to handle a food distribution, and so I was volunteered to be in charge of distributing food there on the campus of Baptist Church. And after about three days the pastor came to me and said God's telling me you need to stay here. And I kind of had heard that myself. So I ended up staying there for about 11 months, off and on to work on Katrina relief. So I managed the Katrina relief in the Gulf Coast there for Baptist Baptist Church on the pass road.
Ron Meyers:And you and I got to know each other because I was the manager of the local Christian radio station, of American Family Radio, and you would come on my program in the afternoon and give the community updates and it really was an exceptional time on the Gulf Coast. Gary, you've always said that if it wasn't for the Christian churches from all over the world to come here, I don't know if we would have built out that fast. What do you think?
Gary Layne:Oh, absolutely, I mean even at. I think I first came on in September, october of 2005, it was probably six weeks after the storm, because Pastor Kevin had wanted to give away turkeys for Thanksgiving. I don't remember that, or not?
Ron Meyers:Yes, he did Down at the Coliseum.
Gary Layne:I had come on the air and I had come on the air. Yeah, that's a whole God story in itself. We didn't have anywhere to distribute them, but we were raising funds and people from all over the United States gave money. We raised $100,000 and I bought five tractor trailers full of turkeys and a company delivered those from North Carolina and it's a God story how we got the Coliseum and we worked with the state police and the local police and the fire department and the sheriff's office and we ran the traffic through there and so, yeah, the whole Gulf Coast was really, really impacted by the church and it didn't matter if you were Methodist or Catholic or Presbyterian.
Gary Layne:We delivered hundreds of meals every day to the FEMA camps. We had a couple of guys from Florida that came up with a giant smoker Used to smoke three to 500 pieces of chicken every day. We had a company from Jackson, mississippi, that would bring down tractor trailers full of frozen chicken quarters so that we could follow those and feed the Gulf Coast. We had churches from as far away as Pennsylvania and Maine all the way to Seattle, washington, california. They came from everywhere to help. So God's church really grows up.
Ron Meyers:The today, Gary, is Signs, signs Everywhere are Signs, and that time in our life and I went through it, I lost everything was house was a sign to us that our. Heard sent a God a person of of of of of. Them of. I talked to were scratching their head, and "You " know what, maybe there is something to this Christianity.
Gary Layne:You know, there's a great verse in the Bible. It says let your light shine before men that they see your good works and glorify our Father in heaven. I think Jesus said that, and so that's what happened. The good works was tough work. I mean people slept in tents and people slept in the rain and puddles and they endured the heat of the fall with no air conditioning because the power wasn't on, no showers because the water wasn't fixed yet. And they endured all that and did the good works. And so people saw that and did glorify God. We had many, many people come to the church and pray to receive Christ because of all of the workers that came to Katrina relief. It was amazing.
Ron Meyers:You know, gary, for me personally, katrina was a blessing because it was a spiritual boot camp. I came to the conclusion that if I can get through Katrina and I did I can get through any storm in life with God.
Gary Layne:And I think you talk about signs, signs everywhere. I think the biggest sign came from that storm was you can't make this on your own. If you think you're independent and you can handle life all by yourself, then maybe you need to rethink that. And so that's what happened. A lot of people had to rethink their independence of God, their independence of other people, and found out how important relationships are, so that's a great sign.
Ron Meyers:Yeah and Gary, after Katrina came, churches were filled and people were praying. But you know, as time went on and years went on, a lot of people just quit going to church. Why is it that we run to God when we're in trouble, but when things get better we just kind of go on autopilot?
Gary Layne:I think we forget, we forget and Satan allows us to believe that we can be independent of God and independent of other people. And that's what he wants. He wants us to think that we can be our own little God and take care of things all by ourselves. But you know, I heard recently someone say when you get up in the morning you should thank God for five things, and the first one ought to be thanks for waking me up, because we don't keep ourselves alive. Even we might think we eat right and exercise and keep our body in shape, but it's God that keeps you alive physically and of course, you want to give the spiritual life as well. So we forget, we absolutely forget that we have no control, and that's another sign we think we have control, but we don't.
Ron Meyers:You know, I read a quote today from what's his name? Is it AW Tozer? Yes, he said this little quote God waits to be wanted. That's pretty cool.
Gary Layne:I love that saying and I tell people this all the time God is not going to speak until we're ready to listen. And so people say, oh, god is so silent. Well, maybe we're not listening, maybe we think we've got. We usually come to him with all our requests you know, god helped me with this and fix this, and change this and make this better and do this and we come to him like Santa Claus instead of saying God, thank you for my life. How can I glorify you today as I walk through this disaster or this struggle that I'm going through? And that's part of what my counseling is all about helping people walk through their valleys.
Ron Meyers:Now, gary, I know you're a world traveler, so tell us what you have been up to.
Gary Layne:Sure, god has really blessed me with the opportunity to go and share the gospel and to teach pastors and to encourage leaders. Well, pretty much around the world. I've been to countries that were where it's illegal to share the gospel and worked with underground church leaders. I won't mention the country, but I was in a communist country and worked with 21 underground pastors and we had to have food on the table every day in case the officials came in and said what are you doing? And then we would say we're having lunch. I was monitored everywhere I went. I had to make sure I did sightsee because I was there on a tourist visa.
Gary Layne:I've helped train people in Colombia, south America, bogota, nicaragua, chile. I've been to Chile many times. I've been to Haiti I can't tell you how many times I've been to Haiti to work with local missionaries and churches there. Europe I've been in Croatia. There's a great Christian movement in Bulgaria. Evangelicals England wow, just all kinds of places. And then across the United States, from Seattle all the way down into Florida, up to the Northeast. So God has allowed me to travel pretty much a lot of places.
Ron Meyers:And, gary, that ties in with today's message Signs. Signs, everywhere Are Signs. You've went all over the world, you've seen people and they're hungry for Jesus, aren't they?
Gary Layne:Oh, my goodness, it's amazing how many people are hungry for Jesus because they're live without Christ. I mean, I know that sounds weird. When Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life, he obviously meant spiritual life, that there's eternal life through Jesus Christ and he's the way to the Father. But he also brings physical life. He brings abundant life you know John 10, 10b, as they say. But there's a hunger. They know they're missing something in their life, and so I've been honored and privileged to speak at seminaries in different countries and colleges, and I work with church leaders and ministry leaders. Just in October, last October, I was in Croatia, met with 70 leaders from ministries that minister to the hurting people of the Eastern European area, the Serbia's and the Macedonia's and Bulgaria, and so it's been. God is at work around the globe.
Ron Meyers:Amen to that. Well, listeners, it is time for a break, and when we return, more on signs, signs everywhere are signs, and you are going to recognize some of the signs God is placing in your life.
Announcer:You're listening to get the hell out of your life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.
Speaker 5:In this age of round the clock political coverage, I read an amazing story about a politician several years ago that was elected without doing any campaigning. It's true, mike Overton was elected to the city council of Springdale, arkansas, without giving a single speech, he spent no money on advertising, he made no personal appearances, nothing. And yet he won with 53% of the vote. Mr Overton won the election not because of anything he did, but simply because he was chosen by the people. Did you know? The Bible says that God chose you Before the foundation of the world was ever laid. He settled on you as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy. A relationship with Jesus Christ is something you cannot earn or buy, but you can't have it by a simple act of choosing to have faith in him. If you would like to know how you can begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please call 888-MEAT-HIM or chat with us at chataboutjesuscom.
Speaker 2:I love that song.
Ron Meyers:You can see how that song can get stuck in your head. Signs, signs everywhere are signs, and that is my subject today, and I'm having a conversation with a friend of mine, gary Lane, who is on a mission, just like me, to help people get the hell out of their life and recognize the signs that God places in our lives, most likely on a daily basis. Hey Gary, I bookmarked your website. A lot of great information on your website and that is FunctionalChristianitycom.
Gary Layne:Yeah, I felt God calling me into this idea of helping people practically with Christianity and their lives out of those connect.
Ron Meyers:Gary, you said something before the break and I think it might be a sign. If I am missing something in my life, is God sending me a sign?
Gary Layne:Absolutely. I think the biggest need we have obviously is Christ, and he put in our hearts a need to feel acceptable, a need to feel loved and lovable. He put that need in there, but then he wants to be the person that meets that need. So all of us are in some ways lacking something or some that we're lacking something and don't know where to turn to get it. So that's a great sign.
Ron Meyers:You know another sign, Gary. I was at a funeral the other day for a 21-year-old, and it's just too young of an age to be at a funeral. But I was thinking. You know you might want to consider God. If you don't realize or have not prepared for the end of your life, is that a sign?
Gary Layne:You know, jesus said if you have ears to hear, let them hear, and if you have eyes to see, let them see. So, yes, we have absolutely got to understand. You know, people prepare for retirement. I'm getting older now and suddenly the end is coming and I want to retire someday. I'll probably never retire, but I need to look at what does my future look like as far as you know physical needs and desires. And so, yeah, I'm planning for the future. The most important future is, of course, eternity, and I think there's another song that time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking into the future. Time keeps moving and that's a sign that we need to know where we will be when we die.
Ron Meyers:You know, gary, you said something yesterday. I said something about. Well, what do you remember the most About me and this radio station and the things I was doing? Do you remember what you said?
Gary Layne:No, that was yesterday.
Ron Meyers:Well, you said, I don't know, ron. I remember one thing though you were a wild Jesus freak. That's it. That's it.
Gary Layne:I did say that.
Ron Meyers:Yeah, and as I get older though, gary, and I'm getting closer to that retirement age, and I agree with you I don't want to retire, but I realize the fragility of life and I realize that there are some people that have given up on life, and I have more of a really desire to just show people that there is a better way and that things are going to be okay. But if everything in your life is falling apart, maybe that is a sign from God.
Gary Layne:It's a huge sign. Change only occurs when there's enough pain in my life that I'm willing to change. So if I'm struggling with a physical problem, then I don't go to the doctor until it's so bad that I go. I need to go see somebody, and so God allows circumstances and life to come on us, or sometimes in an attempt to get our attention. You know, it's like a wake-up call. You hear people say that all the time oh, I had a wake-up call about my weight, or I had a wake-up call about my drinking, or I had a wake-up call about my health and it's like, yeah, but Jesus Christ is asking you to wake up to spiritual things. And so a sign is, if you're struggling right now, it doesn't mean God isn't there for you, but maybe you're not listening to God. So that's a huge sign.
Ron Meyers:So, Gary, for the person out there that hasn't laughed in a while, has no optimism, is worried that everything they do is not pleasing to God, so they just avoid God. Isn't that a sign from God trying to get their attention?
Gary Layne:I firmly believe you're absolutely 110% correct on that. You know, my kids are old and grown up now, but when they were little and they wanted to stick their tongue in an electrical socket, I pulled them away from the electrical socket.
Ron Meyers:My parents pushed me to the socket.
Gary Layne:But I pulled them away. Now, in that moment, they thought I hated them, that I was against them, that I didn't want them to enjoy the fun of whatever it felt like, but what I was actually doing was protecting their lives because I loved them. And so, yeah, there are times when we think God is against them, but again, that's a sign. If you're angry all the time, that's a sign. If you're lonely all the time, that's a sign that God is trying to get your attention and again, it's one of those things where it's like wake up. So these are signs in our lives.
Ron Meyers:He loves us so much, as I said earlier, he is waiting to be wanted. He wants us to want him and when we want him he will show up and he will give us. I believe, if we ask him and we're serious for a sign Now I'm not saying that, hey Lord, if you love me, I want to win the lottery today. But if it's those things that help us understand something, or feelings, or loneliness, or you know what I'm trying to say, don't you?
Gary Layne:Yeah, absolutely. What we do is we put conditions on God's unconditional love. And so what we do is we say, if you love me, then this will be what occurs. And that's just being selfish. That's just saying you know, if you love me, buy me and get me a new car. If you love me, fix my problem. If you love me, take care of this issue. And we make it conditional that he loves us based on what he does for us. I'm pretty sure that's Santa Claus, not a God, who loves you. If he loves you, it's not even a question. He loves you. The question is will you receive the love that he has for you? That's the bigger question. Are you willing to let God love you? Yeah, and we push people away all the time. So I know we push God away and we struggle and we were miserable in life and God the whole time is sort of sad, kind of like. You know I could help you with that if you'd let me.
Ron Meyers:Well, I've had people say you know, I've been hurt and wounded and allied to and abandoned my whole life. Why would God be any different?
Gary Layne:Yeah, Well, that's the great thing about God is you know the word holy. It means different, Literally, that's the definition of holy. It means different. Holy, holy, holy. Our God is different, different than anything you know, anything you can experience. And the other thing, Ron, is, when you talk about that is that's a sign. If you're always looking backwards at what has happened in your life and what hasn't happened in your life, If you're always looking backwards all the time, that's a sign that you are not living the fullest life that God has for you. You know, I always tell people it's like trying to drive your car forward by looking in the rearview mirror You're going to hit stuff and you're never going to, you're never going to experience the joy of driving your car looking forward. So that's a huge sign if you're always looking backwards.
Ron Meyers:You know a lot of prosperity preachers, gary, have twisted that scripture about the abundant life that you know. That's all that God wants to give us big cars, fancy homes and Rolex watches. Is that what that abundant life verse in the Bible means?
Gary Layne:I don't think so at all. In John 11, 20, jesus said Come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest for your soul. And it's literally this idea that you can be at peace and contentment. And I know the prosperity gospel sounds good, but the problem is, paul wrote that he learned to live content life with nothing and with plenty. And he said In any and every situation, I've learned to the secret I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. And it has nothing to do with the circumstances, it has to do with the strength of God in his life.
Gary Layne:So, whether you're rich or not, you know, that's the thing. That's a sign. If we think money will make us happy, then that's a sign. If we think that person will make us happy, that's a sign. If we're happy, we're happy and peaceful and contentment because of what Jesus Christ gave us his life what he does for us, protects us and care for us in a way that's different than any human could ever do it or anything could ever do for it.
Ron Meyers:That's a huge sign. And, gary, we have corporate America spending billions of dollars trying to brainwash our friends in how to act, how to behave, how to create wealth, how to do everything in the world according to their model.
Gary Layne:You're so right, and we think that money is the answer to all those things, because if I had money I could get that new car, if I had money I could get that new house, and then, and then I would be happy. And the Bible I mean God is the complete opposite of that. That. Be happy and those other things right. See, keep first the kingdom of God, jesus said, and all these other things will be added. And so it's about God first and life second, and when you order it that way, life starts to really really be enjoyable.
Ron Meyers:Hey, gary, our time is running out, but before we go, will you encourage the listeners and also just a strong prayer for those of us that are looking for those signs.
Gary Layne:I'd be honored. You know again, your listeners don't know me that well In 2016, I've been married for 28 years and it was 10 years after Katrina and my wife came down with cancer, very rare cancer. There was nothing any doctor could do and we prayed to God for a miracle and in 2018, she passed away and that was a tough time.
Speaker 2:Wow, but you know what?
Gary Layne:Yeah, we were at peace with that in 2018. So I've been through the death of a. You know I was married for 30 years. We had my daughter's wedding one month after her mom passed. It was a terribly hard day, but you know what? We look back on that as God's gift to her was what? Taking her home? And sure I could have been selfish and said, you know, I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.
Gary Layne:My point is expectations, nothing guaranteed. And so what we do is we set ourselves up for failure because we expect life to go a certain way and if it doesn't go that way, we're disheartened and we're disappointed. So my encouragement would be to look at your life and see what it is that you wish would happen or thought should have happened or should be happening. Where is it that you put your hope? And if it's in circumstances and things, then my prayer would be that you'd lift up your head and look to God and say, father, I give up my not necessarily my dreams and my desires, but my expectation that life will be a certain way. And if you will release that to the Father, I promise you he will come in and sit with you and he will bind up your wounds, as the Bible says. He will make you feel better because you will release this pent-up anger, this pent-up disappointment, this pent-up loneliness. And so the encouraging word is to look to God, and that's where my salvation comes from, that's where my life hits better when I look to the Father and stop trying to figure out how it should be, could be or should have been, because that's defeating. And so we want to look forward to the Father's grace and to the Father's love for us. He cares deeply and he wants to be in relationship with you, but if you shut him out, he's not going to come and throttle you. He's not going to grab you by the hand and drag you. He wants you to come willingly.
Gary Layne:And so that's where we have to give up our thoughts and and will and be willing to change. So let me pray for us really quick. Father, thank you so much for the gift of eternal life. And then, father, thank you so much for the gift of physical life. And, father, those two intersect in our soul, in our mind and in our heart.
Gary Layne:And so, father, would you help us to see the bigger picture that you're a god of love, that you're a god of comfort, that you're a god of Grace, and it doesn't matter what we've done in the past. Like pause, as he put the path behind them and he pressed forward. So, father, I just pray for the listeners that they hear this is they would be encouraged to look up to you, to look forward, to put the past behind them. We can't unring bells. We can't go back and change things. They have happened and you're using those to glorify yourself, to glorify the kingdom and then to create in us a sense of life and a sense of your glory.
Gary Layne:So, father, I pray for the listeners that are that will be encouraged and their hearts will be lifted up as they look to you, the author and their protector of their faith, and that they will see you as the solution and not the problem. And I just want to thank you for writing his ministry, pray a blessing on that and continue to work through him. And and Just thank you for his ministry and Jesus. They might pray amen.
Ron Meyers:Gary Lane, always a pleasure. I can't believe it's been that long and I'm so sorry I did not know that about your wife. Again, listeners, I just called him yesterday. I haven't talked to Gary and since 2006,. But man, powerful prayer, powerful story, and You'll be on the. We'll get you on a regular basis here, gary. So one more time your website, functional, christianity, calm. And Are you on Facebook, social media?
Gary Layne:Somebody wants to go out there and follow you, or sure I've got a YouTube channel on a Facebook page and Instagram and Twitter and LinkedIn and all those things. All those can be faster. My website, functional Christianity calm. That's how you can listen to some of the content that I've created. I'm doing intensive counseling for those who are struggling and hurting and need an immediate relief from God, and Also do premarital counseling. And, of course, I teach conferences all around the world, lead leadership conferences and I teach small group leadership and I teach, you know, staff, staff encouragement and so on and so forth. So all on functional Christianity calm.
Ron Meyers:Well, God bless your brother. Thank you so much for our time today. I.
Gary Layne:I appreciate it so much. Run, it was great catching up with you.
Ron Meyers:Amen, listeners, I'll be back and close out the show in just a minute.
Announcer:You're listening to get the hell out of your life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.
Speaker 2:Ron will be back in a moment to wrap up today's conversation. We want to encourage you today with God's promise to you. It comes from the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and the future. That's God's promise to you when you choose to commit your plans and future to him.
Ron Meyers:Now back to Ron friends, our time is up and I just want to recap a few things from today's conversation as you go out there for the next week of doing life. One is that God waits to be wanted. God allows chaos, uncertainty and loneliness in your life because he's sending you a sign he wants to hang out with you forever and ever. And three don't expect your life to go a certain way. Don't look in the rearview mirror. Look forward to the things that God is going to do in your life and always read the signs. And Number four one of the most important things is to thank God every day for waking you up. Please subscribe to our podcast. Get the hell out of your life. You will find it in all the major platforms where podcasts are. And remember this that I love you, god loves you, and when you read and act on the signs God is sending you, why We'll get good you.
Announcer:Today's show was produced by Ron Myers ministries. A listener supported ministry. For a copy of today's broadcast, please visit our website, the promoter org. And would you prayerfully consider making a tax deductible donation so that we may continue to share stories of God's amazing Grace with the world and join us next week for another broadcast of get the hell out of your life. Real people sharing real struggles and Offering real hope. You.