Get The Hell Out of Your Life

Blaine's Story; From Dumpster Diving to Divine Intervention

Ron Meyers,Blaine Landrum Season 4 Episode 22

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How often do we find ourselves in a dark place, feeling hopeless and desperate for change? Today's episode brings you the inspiring stories of Blaine Landrum, who faced the harrowing reality of addiction and emerged with newfound hope through faith and determination. Blain shares his journey from a middle-class upbringing to the depths of substance abuse, homelessness, and eating out of dumpsters, before discovering a path to recovery and redemption at the Home of Grace.

As we continue our exploration of overcoming addiction, Blaine takes over the conversation and opens up about his own struggles and the challenges he faced when he began walking with the Lord. Learn how the support of pastors, mentors, and peers played a crucial role in Blaine's recovery, and how prayer, faith, and surrounding yourself with a new group of people can make all the difference in finding hope and maintaining sobriety. Get ready to be inspired and empowered by Blain Landrum incredible story of transformation and renewal.

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Ron Meyers:

Is Jesus a gimmick Today? on Get the Hell Out of Your Life.


It's time now to Get the Hell Out of Your Life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, Ron Meyers. The Promoter

Ron Meyers:

Hello my friends. It is so good to be with you. Is Jesus a gimmick? No, he's no gimmick, but I'll talk about that more in my monologue. In the meantime, in the studios is my friend, Blain Landrum. Blaine, how you doing, brother, Doing good, how you doing? Hey, I'm glad you came in to share your story. So, Blain, what's your story?

Blaine Landrum:

Well, ron, i grew up here in Gulfport, mississippi, grew up in a middle class family, didn't have everything in life, but never did without anything either. So my dad worked out at the shipyard for years. I eventually got to high school and started dabbing and drinking a little bit And I was an athlete. So you know that kind of comes with territory, especially in high school. But after high school I married my high school sweetheart and had my first son, travis, at the age of 20.

Blaine Landrum:

After that, me and my wife and my son, we moved down to Orlando, florida, to go to work for my wife's family. We stayed down there for, i think, 13, 14 years. Of course, when I got down there excuse me the drinking kind of led to other things, to marijuana and then eventually cocaine. I had a pretty substantial drinking slash cocaine habit for probably 12 or 13 years that I was down there. You know the drinking and drugging it kind of took its toll on my marriage And we moved back up to the coast in 2010,. We had three kids by then Travis, hunter and Haley. And you know my marriage is still in a pretty rocky place And when I get back up here I've still got a. I've not only got a drinking cocaine habit, but by the time I got back I had a pretty serious opiate addiction also.

Blaine Landrum:

I moved back from Florida up here to try to get away from all that And of course, when I get back up here with all that on top of me, i was introduced to Crystal Meth. Wow, that was a game changer. There. You're lucky to be alive. Yes, no doubt, no doubt I am. I am that for sure. I was smoking it and snorting it when I first started doing it. I did that for a couple of years. By this time the state had taken away all three of my children And after abusing the meth the way I was doing, after a couple of years I eventually started shooting it. And that right there, ron, was a day that I wish I could have back, because after that it was game over for me. Then What do you mean game over? I lost? I just lost everything. I lost all hope as far as of ever repairing my marriage or repairing my life or anything. It just took every, every bit of hope away from me of ever, you know, prospering again or ever having any.

Ron Meyers:

Well, who wants to do anything or have hope when you're high all the time?

Blaine Landrum:

Yeah, no doubt, no doubt, wow. So you know. eventually, like I said, the state had taken my kids by. that point Were you still married.

Blaine Landrum:

I was, me and my wife had separated at that time. Was she doing drugs? She was Yes, we were both addicts of our whole marriage. We were married for 20 plus years. Wow, and of course, eventually we separated and, and at this time my kids were in custody of the state And I found myself homeless, nowhere to go.

Blaine Landrum:

I'd burn every bridge that I'd ever had. I had no one I could turn to. And it came to. All came to a head one night, ron, when I found myself eating out of a dumpster in the very neighborhood that I grew up in. Wow, and, and that's that was a night that I got down on my knees and and I and I and I asked God to help me. You know, i didn't have any anywhere else to turn and have anybody to turn to. I didn't grow up in church. I didn't know anything about God. All I knew was that Jesus hung on a cross. I didn't know why he had been put up there. I didn't know anything except that that was the only thing about God that I had known at that point. But I knew that God was God, always heard that God was good. So I got down on my knees and I asked God to help me, And that was. That was a night that that I fully believed that I got saved.

Blaine Landrum:

So I stayed in my addiction for another year after that night, because you know, everything's on God's time. You know what I mean. You know, a year or another year went by and I had come across a friend of mine who I who I used to use with. I came across his picture on Facebook one night and he looked like a totally different guy. He didn't look anything like the guy that I had, that I had known from the street. I searched him on Facebook and I got a hold of him and he was at the home of grace And I got a little bit of glimmer of hope because I saw somebody that that was in the same position I was, that had changed their life And all of a sudden it seemed possible.

Blaine Landrum:

You know what I mean. So I reached out to him. I got a hold of him and he put me in contact with with Miss Becky out at the home of grace at the time, when I found out there was a possibility for me to to actually to get somewhere to, where all I wanted was help. I just wanted somebody to help me. So she got back back in touch with me about three days later and told me that that they had found the money for me to come because I didn't have any way to pay for anything like that. You know, it was all there. Every bit of that was was was due to God's grace and mercy and favor over it. You know, in my life I didn't have any clue what kind of place it was. I didn't know that it was faith based. All I knew was that it was a place where I'd seen you know their tagline is where miracles happen.

Blaine Landrum:

Amen, but I didn't know that. You know, growing up down here, you'd figured that I, that I would have heard that place before, but I never have. You know, i got out there and they gave me a couple days to where I could kind of get my wits back about me and stuff like that. And and when I woke up, i think I slept for three or four days when I first got out there And when I, when I woke up, i was so thankful to be somewhere that I didn't have to worry anymore about what I was going to eat or what you know, or where I was going to stay or anything like that, so just so happy to be somewhere safe. So, you know, as time went on, a couple weeks went by and I, you know, i started to started eating and started, you know, putting a little weight on and got me some decent clothes and, you know, you felt like a human again.

Blaine Landrum:

I did, i did, ron, i really did. Let me tell you what. There was a guy out there I was with. His name is Andrew Neely. He made a remark. He said Blaine man, you look like a different person than you were when you got here. That was a game changer there, ron. I realized at that point that all this was possible.

Ron Meyers:

You were getting ready to get the hell out of your life. I was.

Blaine Landrum:

I was definitely Amen, brother. And let me tell you what After that moment, i dug my claws into that place as hard and as deep as I could. You know. I started going to class, which they have classes out there every day. I started going to class and I started learning about God, the God that I had, that I had asked a year prior to help me with my situation. And the more I started learning about him, the more, the more I wanted to learn more about him. Amen, i made it through the initial program, which is three months, and then, and then I stayed an extra three months And, of course, all during this three months, god is just just changing me and changing me and changing me.

Blaine Landrum:

Changing, you know, the things that I think about and the things that I he was changing the desires of my heart is what he was doing. You know, as I spent my whole life, you know living a certain way and acting a certain way, and and and wanting certain things. And through this whole six months, god is just changing me and changing me and changing me. So, about the fifth month, a guy that I was in a program with he was, he was making his, his exit plan And I didn't really have one at the time. But he told me about a place he was going to here in Godford called, called Joseph home. So I prayed about that a couple weeks and my counselor, my counselor Sam P Shea, kept telling me that you know, this might be a God thing. This might be a God thing I think you might. You know, should maybe go over there with him. And I said I'll tell you what I said, i'll put the application in and I'll see where God leads me.

Blaine Landrum:

When I graduated the six months program, me and this and this other fellow, we went. We went to Joseph's phone, joseph's home, i'm sorry And we, you know, got under the tutelage of, of, of, of, of Jeff York, who runs the place. Joseph's home is a ministry of Michael Memorial Baptist Church. Those guys showed me what it, what it means to be a man and how to be a man, which at the time I didn't know. That all those prior years I was not acting like a man, you know, i was acting like a child. And then, once I started setting up under them guys and started learning and you know, pastor Tony Carnes over there is, you know, just just one of the godliest men I've ever met, that all them guys over there are. I know it sounds cliche a lot, but you know, if you don't surround yourself with good godly people, you're in trouble. You've got. You have zero chance of success.

Ron Meyers:

Now, how long ago was this?

Blaine Landrum:

That was, let's see, i left. I left the home of Grayson March of 2019. And I stayed at Joseph's home for six months. When I got to Joseph's home, i was battling this battle with the, with the state trying to get, trying to get him back, and I eventually got him back, praise the Lord, yeah.

Ron Meyers:

In fact, he's sitting in here with you right now He is. He's listening to his dad Tell the story.

Blaine Landrum:

No doubt I'm very proud of him. He's he's done wonderful things And it's all due to God's, to God's grace and love and God's hand on my life.

Ron Meyers:

Well, listen, we're going to take a break and then, when we come back, we want to hear what's life like now. You look great. I believe you're a truck driver, aren't you? And you're telling people about Jesus.


So as soon as we come back, we'll talk about that, okay, You're listening to get the hell out of your life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.


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Blaine Landrum:

You tell me how your living will change it.


You don't like where you're headed. rearranging You sink a feeling that now you want to turn your life around. If you want to start living right, get the hell out of your life.

Ron Meyers:

Listeners, welcome back In the studios. with me is Blaine Landrum, and Blaine, you were talking about your addiction and now you are on a. you have a whole new life in front of you. So after 20 years of bondage, it had to be hard to get used to. wow, i'm actually free, i can dream, i can hope, i can talk to people. I don't have to be looking for my next fix, absolutely. What was that like?

Blaine Landrum:

It was. it was, um, it was foreign, ron, to be honest with you, because I'd lived a certain way for so many years that when I started walking with the Lord, it was especially when I, when I left Joseph's home, having responsibilities, really was foreign. It was foreign to me. but God led me through it all And, and you know, if I sat here and told you that I haven't had struggles since then, i'd be lying to you. I have had my struggles, don't get me wrong, but it's the things that I learned while I was at the home of grace and the things that I have learned from my pastors and my mentors and guys that have walked with me through this. So what is life like now? Well, you know, i have a wonderful job. I have. I have my son, my son back. I actually am about to get married to a wonderful, beautiful, godly woman, cassandra May, that I met at a celebrate recovery meeting a week after I left the home of grace, amen.

Ron Meyers:

I asked you that because it's important for people to know that there is hope after addiction.

Blaine Landrum:

And there is. there is one of the things that I've had to learn over the past four years, since I've been in recovery, is that is that God's going to do, do his part. You know, but, but, but if you, if we don't do our part, he's not going to do it all for us. We have to put in our, our, our will with his to be able to accomplish his will. ultimately You know what I mean He's not going to. He's not going to. He's not going to come down here and keep me 100% from using. I have to put in the work, i have to stay in church and what the Bible talks about the renewing of the mind.

Ron Meyers:

Absolutely, jesus wants to do life with us each and every day, absolutely. You reached out to me to share your story and I really, really appreciate that. But you know, right now, blaine, you know somebody listening is either dealing with addiction themselves or they know somebody in their family and they're losing hope. What would you tell that person?

Blaine Landrum:

I would tell that person to do exactly what I did Get down on your knees and ask God Almighty to put his hand on your life and on you To help you get out of out of what you're in Now. Now your story may not be the same as mine. He may do it for you immediately. He may wait a year, like he did with me. It's on his timing, but but. But. The Bible says if you you you call on his name, he will save you. Thank you.

Ron Meyers:

This is a real battle out there. It sure is. It sure is. As you said, the enemy is out there to kill, steal and destroy and take away our livelihood, our destiny, all of our hopes. There really is a good life out there. We can have fun, we can smile again, we can laugh again. Most people that I interview never meet Jesus in church. They meet Jesus at the end of themselves, just like you did, just like me. Yep, somebody that's listening right now can meet with Jesus right this minute, absolutely The only thing that Jesus is asking.

Blaine Landrum:

Will you pray right now for somebody out there listening? Absolutely, i sure will. Dear Heavenly Father. I ask for anybody who's out there that is still struggling, lord, the way that I was. Please put your hand on them, god. Please give them the knowledge to let them know that you are there and that you will save them if they ask you. Lord, again, put your hand on whoever's out there struggling. Let them know who you are and that you are sovereign over everything. Lord, i ask all this in the name of Christ, amen.

Ron Meyers:

We go way back. I didn't even know this until you called. I don't remember meeting you. I guess what? 20, 25 years ago, but you went to high school or junior high or something with my daughter Junior high and high school actually Dawn, Yep. And when you told me that a couple of weeks ago, I said, wow, you know, God is so amazing. And right now it is a very important that anybody out there listening that is struggling with anything in life They ask for help.

Blaine Landrum:

It's it's really that simple. You know, for anybody out there, that's, that's, that's in recovery right now. Yeah, i said a minute ago, you know, if you leave recovery and just go back to you know, it's like I said, it's cliche, it's you cannot go back to same people, same places and the same things. you want, you want you. you know your chance of success is little to none.

Ron Meyers:

Yeah, i've had people tell me that what they did is they had to make sure they got rid of their cell phone when they left home and grazed with all their phone numbers So none of their dealers and nobody could ever call them again. You're right, you've got to be around a whole new group of people, for sure.

Blaine Landrum:

You know. I mentioned, you know, all the people at Michael Memorial and Jeff and Tisha over Joseph's phone. But I'm now a member over at Campground Baptist Church me and my me and my fiance Cassandra. We've been over what she's been over their years. Now. I've been over there I think for about two and a half years now, and people over there are awesome too.

Ron Meyers:

There is life after addiction. There is, and God is good, he is all in, god answers prayer Absolutely, and that he has no favorites, that he treats all of us.


He's an equal opportunity?

Ron Meyers:

God no doubt. So it doesn't matter where we've lived, what we've done, what color our skin is. God just wants us to say help me, absolutely, absolutely, i love it. And you brought Hunter with you. And Hunter, you're a nice young man and you're hearing this testimony from your dad. What do you think of when you hear your dad sharing some of the struggles and things that he's done?

Blaine's Son:

It's a beautiful story and he really showed that you're never too far gone. You can always change. Amen.

Ron Meyers:

Yeah, you're proud of your dad, huh.

Blaine's Son:

Very proud Actually. Yes, He slipped up a few times, but he always bounces back and he always has God in his life to lead him in the right direction. Amen.

Ron Meyers:

And you are on your way hopefully soon to the Air Force. That is correct.

Blaine's Son:

I can't wait.

Ron Meyers:

Okay, well, thank you for coming in with your dad, blaine. Thank you, thank you, and I always ask my guests and both of you can answer. This is, if you want is how do you get the hell out of?

Blaine Landrum:

your life. I don't have a clue how to do it. I'll let the Lord guide me to get me to that place.

Ron Meyers:

That's a good answer. What do you think, Hunter? How does a person get the hell out of their life?

Blaine's Son:

I honestly have no clue.

Ron Meyers:

Well, I think your dad said it best Call on the name of Jesus and he will save us all. All right, Thank you both for coming in. God bless you. Thank you, Listers. When I return my monologue is Jesus a gimmick?


You're listening to Get the Hell Out of Your Life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.


A pastor friend in Chicago taught me one difference between religion and a personal relationship with God is the way they're spelled. That's right. Religion is spelled D-O, he said, because in every religion in the world you've got to do this or do that in order to please God. Christianity, however, is spelled D-O-N-E Because when Jesus Christ was stretched out on that cross for you and me, his last words continue to echo through the pages of time. It is finished, finished, done, completed. You see, that's what Christianity is all about and that's what God's love is about. Do you want a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Then call us today at 1-888-NEED-HIM.

Ron Meyers:

In the mail today I received this giant postcard that said see what you have won. And they have a little pill sticker on it. You peel it off And, according to this, i'm a winner. I won $700 in cash. I know what you're saying. The same thing I did. Oh, ron, that's just a gimmick. They're just trying to get you in the store to buy a car. Yeah, it probably is, but I have looked all over this fine print to see where that $700 cash will come from. I'll let you know in a future episode if I actually walk into the dealer.

Ron Meyers:

And so today, is Jesus a gimmick? is the message of grace a gimmick? is just too good to be true? Well, not in my life it hasn't been. You know, grace is God's wonderful, awesome gift to us. You heard Blaine. He got tired of himself, he got tired of the addiction and after a buffet of garbage in a dumpster, he went to his knees and he asked God for help. He shared his problem with God. He chose to share his problem with God. Jesus is not a gimmick. I'll tell you what's a gimmick is thinking that we can do performance-based works and things we can do for God to be pleased. No, there is nothing we can do that will earn us salvation. Jesus did it all at the cross and I want to tell you today that if you're tired of gimmicks, you're tired of feeling the guilt and the condemnation A lot of people.

Ron Meyers:

They walk into a church and they think, well, i, i'm gonna sit down and all my problems will be gone today. But they end up leaving and they live a life like a car, stuck in the mud. The tires are spinning and they aren't going anywhere. Because one of the things they have not done is they have not made a choice. They did not get tired, like Blaine did, of the the hell in his life. He made a decision to choose a better life. I did the same thing 23 years ago. I made a choice. I didn't like the hell in my life, i chose Jesus. And when we choose to make a decision to change the circumstances in our life, then that can be done outside of a dumpster, in a hotel room, in your car, on the beach, in your bed, wherever.

Ron Meyers:

Jesus loves to hear people say I give up, i have chosen the wrong things for my life and they have gotten me in trouble. Jesus, help me. That is no gimmick. And then he pours his grace into you. What is grace? Well, grace is his love for you, the forgiveness of all your sins the past, present and the ones that you will continue to commit. Yes, people still do sin. When they come to Jesus, they just don't like it anymore and he washes us clean. He gives us a new heart. The old, wicked heart is gone, replaced with his heart, and now we have the Holy Spirit that resides in us. I made a choice to wake up every day and say Jesus, thank you for being in my life. I made a choice to remind myself that I am forgiven, i am right with God. There's nothing that I can do that will erase his love. It is the foundation of what grace is when we believe that we are right with God.

Ron Meyers:

It's not a performance based works, friends, there's something about that. No condemnation. There is no rejection by Christ. He's not walking around with a clipboard grading you and I on our performance. No, he's saying go girl, go guy, let's go, let's be yourself. It's now a vine branch relationship. He's the branch, we are the vine, and we begin to have good things happen in our life.

Ron Meyers:

It's really that simple, it's no gimmick, and that same message that I just told you would work in the jungles of Africa or India or wherever. It's not where you go, it's not what you do, it's not all the performance based religious activities that so many churches have you going through. It's all been done. Jesus says last words where it is finished. So today I want to ask you are you tired of religion? Are you tired of works based religion? Are you stuck in the mud? We'll make a choice today. When you give Jesus your heart, he will give you the grace to not only keep the hell out of your life, but to begin to laugh again, smile again and live the abundant life through the finished works of Jesus Christ. And, my friends, that is no gimmick. That is the only way to live.


Ron will be back in a moment to wrap up today's conversation. Did you know what Ron did before he discovered his destiny? He was a promoter of secular entertainment and, by his own admission, he promoted anything he could make a buck at. At the pinnacle of his success, he walked away from it all so he could follow Jesus and discover his God-given destiny. That was over 20 years ago and he has never looked back. Today he's an inspirational speaker on a mission to empower individuals just like you to discover their God-given destiny. Ron put his story in a novel entitled The Promoter and he wants to give you a copy. Here's what a few readers have said. I could not put it down. I cried, giggled, gasped and laughed out loud. Ron has written a novel and self-help book all in one. This book is a message of hope. To request your free copy, visit our website at ThePromoterorg.

Ron Meyers:

Now back to Ron, i would love to send you a copy of my book And, listeners, here's a little homework. With your coffee with Jesus, remind yourself every day that you are a child of God, you are loved, you have been forgiven. You cannot lose your relationship with Jesus. Friends, when you really believe that from the inner fiber of everything you have, that is the solid foundation to build a solid relationship with Jesus. And then world watch out. Here she or here he comes. Friends, this is our time. We must embrace it, enjoy it and live the life that God created us to live. I'll be back next week with another great episode of Get the Hell Out of Your Life. In the meantime, remember this that I love you, god loves you and, yes, when you get the hell out of your life, you will have freedom. Get the hell out, get the hell out.


Get the hell out of your life is underwritten by the Christmas City Gift Show. We invite you to come shop with over 260 vendors from all over the United States, November 10th through the 12th inside the Coast Convention Center located on the beach in Biloxi, Mississippi. You can find more information at ChristmasCityGiftShow. com. If you would like to share your story of God's amazing grace or listen to previous episodes, please visit our website, thepromoter. org. Join us next week for another episode of Get the Hell Out of Your Life real stories, real struggles and real hope.