Get The Hell Out of Your Life
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Get The Hell Out of Your Life
Behind the Nativity: A New Perspective on Jesus' Birth
Imagine a scenario where Jesus was born in the spring, during lambing season, right in Bethlehem, renowned for its sacrificial lambs. We invite you on a journey into this intriguing narrative, a fresh perspective supported by biblical clues and Jewish traditions. Exploring this possibility, we dive into the mystery and symbolism of events that align the holy days of Israel, particularly Shavuot or Pentecost, with critical moments in Jesus' life. Our discourse encompasses the significance of the Hebrew calendar, the role of the moon and stars, and the involvement of the Magi in Jesus' birth story.
Could the date of Jesus' birth mirror the completion of the tabernacle, symbolizing God’s dwelling with us? Our investigation into ancient texts such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, and a censored writing by the early church father, Hippolytus, sheds light on this possibility. We delve into the concept of the month of Nisan, a time associated with new beginnings and fulfillment of prophecies. We also examine the symbolism of the tabernacle, linking it with the nine-month gestation period of a child and the birth of the Messiah.
Adding to the richness of our exploration, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn shares his profound insights in our conversation, highlighting the transformative power of embracing Jesus. Rabbi Cahn's stories of struggle and hope serve as a reminder of Jesus' profound love for us all. Join us, as we unravel the mysteries surrounding Jesus' birth, and trace the connections between his life, the Hebrew calendar, and holy days. Let's embark on this fascinating journey together, in our commitment to finding truth, gaining wisdom, and nurturing our faith.
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The following program is sponsored by Ron Myers Ministries.
Speaker 2:It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, ron Myers. The Revoter.
Speaker 3:Hello, my friends, it is so good to be with you Today. I have a special program. Christmas is around the corner and I want to answer the question was Jesus born on December 25th? Well, I actually won't answer the question, but when you listen to Jonathan Kahn as he was interviewed about the birthday of Jesus, I think you will find it fascinating the story behind the birth of Jesus. Let's take a listen. Was Jesus?
Speaker 2:born on December 25th.
Speaker 1:No, is that so? No, it was not.
Speaker 2:Well, there we go, folks, we can all go home now we don't have to worry about all those presents, we just wiped Christmas out so we'll?
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, let's do it. I mean as if we were, you know, biblical detectives and we're here in the Holy Land. First of all, first clue, luke 2. It says and she gave birth to her firstborn son, she wrapped him in cloths, laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn. In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields keeping watch over their flocks by night. That alone is a clue. Right there, it is Absolutely, because people who argue December 25th seek to deal with this. The rabbis say in the Talmud that shepherds would only be out in the fields around March, until the next rainy season. So people argue well, you know, the winter there is not. The winter still gets cold there too. I mean, if you've been to Israel in the winter it does get.
Speaker 1:I've been there when there's been snow, it's not. So it's not just that they're out there, they're not just keeping their sheep in the pens, they're out in the fields, and at night, which is very strange. Why would they be out in the fields at night? Well, you know, some people have argued this is another one that he was born in the autumn. He was born during the Feast of Tabernacles, which I understand, because they say well, god tabernacle-ing with us. The problem with that is that during tabernacles, the males had to all be in Jerusalem. So the birth of Messiah would not cause Joseph to break the law by being outside of Jerusalem when he's born. It's not going to do that. The birth of Messiah is going to fulfill everything.
Speaker 1:So there is one time of the year that shepherds would especially be out with their flocks at night, only one. That's in the springtime. Why are they watching their flocks at all hours? Because shepherds during one particular time do that. It's when the sheep give birth to lambs in the lambing season. That's the only time. That's where they're watching. At any time of day, any time at night, they're watching for any birth. That's the only time. And when would that happen? The lambs are not like people. They're only born at one time.
Speaker 3:I never knew that I must be a dummy. Honestly.
Speaker 1:Lambs are only born at a certain time of the year, not like us. They can only be born at a certain season. Lambs are born in the springtime. That's the first thing. They're born in the springtime. They could start as early as as February, but it really would go March, april. That's the center. That's the Hebrew month of Nissan. We also go to Nissan is that month, so during that they'd be watching it, which all fits together because you know the shepherds, their job is to watch because a lamb they make sure the lamb is okay. So it's what a perfect thing. To begin with, because Jesus is the lamb of God. So why would God have who would he have to greet the birth? Sheppards who are watching for the birth of the lamb.
Speaker 2:so here, that's so perfect of God, the Messiah, is the lamb of.
Speaker 1:God and they're there greeting. That's what they're doing, and so, and where is he born? He's born in Bethlehem, or bait lechem, and the thing is that that Bethlehem people don't know this because of some clues we have in the writings of the rabbis was actually a place where the lambs that they had were Actually the lambs for the temple sacrifice. Bethlehem, especially, was the lambs for the temple sacrifice.
Speaker 2:So, here.
Speaker 1:What more perfect place and time? Messiah born at the time of the lambs. When the sacrificial lambs are born in the place when they're born.
Speaker 1:Now here's something else that is gonna, you know, point to this period, and there's a clue in Exodus, exes 12 says take a lamb, a male, one year old, it's the Passover lamb. And so now you can read that and miss something that the lamb that is the Passover lamb, and Jesus Yeshua is the Passover lamb is is a year old at the time of Passover. So it means it had to be born a year before, in the springtime, to be a year old. So here, messiah, you know. So the Passover lamb dies on Passover. Messiah is the Passover lamb, he dies on Passover, but it's also born at the time of Passover, that's Nissan spring. So, messiah, if the lamb, if the Passover lamb, is born at the same time when it dies. So that's the next clue, and so the first. The next thing is the holy day. Next clue is the holy days of Israel. And here's here what's that have to do with with this mystery? Well, the central events of Messiah's life and his time on earth, they all take place on Hebrew. Holy days, I mean all, and we'll start in one.
Speaker 1:People only realize Palm Sunday. The first thing is he's going to his passion, getting on that dot, going there. That's a Hebrew holiday. People don't realize. The first Hebrew holiday ever given to Israel was Palm Sunday. And where it is, yeah, it doesn't say Palm Sunday, it's, it's an Exodus 12.
Speaker 1:When it says take a lamb on the 10th day of the month. You'll take the lamb. You'll keep it for four days. You'll take the lamb to your house. That's called the 10th of Nissan. The first command given to Israel to continually keep the 10th of Nissan is the day of the lamb, the day that they take the lamb to their house, keep it there until the time of the sacrifice. So what happens? The 10th of Nissan? Count back from the last supper as Passover for the 1415 Nissan. Go back, you are at Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday is the 10th of Nissan. It's the first Hebrew day ever given and it's the day that they are actually there. When he's coming to Jerusalem, they're all taking the lambs to their house. God is taking the lamb of God to his house on the day of the lamb being taken to the house. Oh my it is.
Speaker 2:It's all there.
Speaker 1:And then the first and the first thing in this, the first command ever given to Israel to go was think about this Was take the lamb. In Hebrew you can translate it accept the lamb, receive the lamb. The first he, the first command he gets to the Jewish people is Accept the lamb. And so, and they still, and when they fulfill that first commandment, it's all the ages complete. But that was the very first command and that was the day, and it also can be even translated sees the lamb. He comes into Jerusalem, he's gonna be sees, but so all the lambs, he's watching them come in and he is coming as the lamb of God. God is moving him, getting ready for the sacrifice on the same day. I mean, god is so perfect, so perfect, so everything. That's just one.
Speaker 1:I didn't even mean to share on that, that's one and the thing is that, and then, and then, when does he die? He dies on the other Hebrew holy day, which is Passover the lamb. When does he rise? He rises on the other Hebrew holy day we can do a whole thing is the feast of first fruit, the day of the first fruit, when the first fruit is lifted up from the earth as the new life after the, the new life of God. He is raised up as the first fruit. Paul even says he's the first. It's on the day of the first fruit. Everything happens. Then.
Speaker 1:What's the next great event of the church? It's Pentecost. Pentecost is a Jewish holiday. People don't realize that. Yes, pentecost is shavuot in Hebrew. You know, do you know that that the word Pentecost is a Jewish word? That those, the same Greek rabbis who came up with the, who came up with that the tower, calling it that the, come, let us build a tower they're the same ones who came up with the name Pentecost and Pentecost is a Jewish holiday. In fact, there are some Orthodox Jews will know that they're celebrating Pentecost they were the first Pentecostals because they're celebrating that Moses was the Pentecostal. He told them to celebrate that.
Speaker 1:In Greek it's Pentecost 50 days. In Hebrew it's feast of week same thing. So everything happens on a Hebrew holiday of his life, his death, his resurrection, so, of course, his birth. God is very accurate and absolute. It's going to happen on a significant holy day of Israel. So the question is which one? It begins in the springtime. The first feast is Passover. The age begins with Passover Messiah on the cross and it ends with tabernacles, when God will come down and tabernacle, and so we can do a whole thing on this, but the whole age is that. So when would he be born? Prophetically, it's not going to be in the autumn, that's the second coming. It's going to have to be in the spring. Again, it all points back to the spring and it points back to this month called Nisan, which means the beginning. The month means the beginning. That's what it means. That's where it all begins. So, and everything he does in order, he does it according to those days.
Speaker 1:So if you count back, you got resurrection in the Nisan, you got Passover, 15th of Nisan, you got Palm Sunday, 10th of Nisan. You only have a few more days from the beginning that this has got to happen. So it's narrowing it down now to the very first days of Nisan. And so now the next clue Every time he fulfills a holy day, he doesn't just fulfill the time, the theme of that day, he fulfills it. For instance, passover, he dies at the Passover lamb First fruits, he rises. So everything has to do with that. Is there any day on the Hebrew calendar that would match up with birth, new, beginning, new, everything? There is one day and happens to be a Nisan, and the one day is Nisan, one which is the very beginning of the Hebrew year, the very day that begins everything. And so, and this is the day that it's the very, it's the new year, it's the real new year, the most, most Jewish people think Russia, shana.
Speaker 2:Yeah, russia, shana, it's not the new year.
Speaker 1:The real new year of God is Nisan one. Now, the thing about Nisan one is you don't have to be in Jerusalem. There's no command to be in Jerusalem yet. It's a holy day, so Joseph could be there at that time, and it's also. It's the thing about this. It's the day. It's the day that begins the calendar. It changes the calendar. The old calendar is gone. The new calendar begins. What does Messiah's birth do? When he comes to this world? He changes the calendar. The whole calendar is changed BCAD. And there's one day on the Hebrew calendar that matches that, and that's Nisan one. It's the calendar changer. But now we're going to even go deeper. We're going to go to the moon now.
Speaker 2:Okay, we go for the moon, but this is not and.
Speaker 1:I want to tell you, as we're doing this, there's all sorts of things that touch on a million other things. So it's the mystery of the moon, and that is the Hebrew calendar is based on the moon, you know, and that's where we get the word month, month, month, so the moon. And so when Jesus died people don't realize this he died at the full moon. When he died it was a full moon. Why, every Hebrew month begins with a new moon, starts, it reaches its peak at the full moon. That's when it's called. The month is in its fullness. That's right in the middle.
Speaker 1:Jesus died on the Nisan 1415, the middle, that's Passover. That's when the moon had to be full. That day had to be full. And, as a symbol, nisan means the beginning. The month means the beginning. The full moon means the. It's the fulfillment of this beginning, this first coming. It's at the fullness of it. So his whole life is leading up to this fullness, this moon. And so when would his life begin? If it fulfills? At the full moon of Nisan means the month of the beginning, first coming. It would begin on the new moon of Nisan, the very beginning, and that's Nisan 1. So this whole month. There's a moon mystery behind this whole thing too, every Hebrew calendar every year. But I want to go now to the stars. We went to the moon, let's go to the stars. And to do the stars we have to go to the people who are priests but not Jewish priests of the religion called Zoroastrianism, which we know as the Magus, or the Magi, the mad, the strange Magi, or, in Hebrew, the Magim.
Speaker 3:So they were astrologists.
Speaker 1:Yes, let's get into that. Yeah, about astrology Well, we'll get it. Yeah, yeah, they were looking, they saw them coming to the Lord in the star. They did, and yeah, they did. And you know, you know that there's actually a prophecy about the Magi. People are really. In the Old Testament, isaiah 60 says rise and shine, your light has come. And then says nations will come, kings will come, and then it says a herd of camels will cover your land, but they will come bearing gold and frankincense. That's Isaiah 60. It actually prophesies the Magi. They will come with gold and frankincense.
Speaker 3:How did I ever miss gold and it?
Speaker 1:says it's, it's, it's God, there's so much in there. You read it and you have it. It's like I think only God just puts it in there, I don't know. And it says it says gold and frankincense and they'll come praising the Lord. That's the Magi, so the words given that they're going to come. And then you find in Matthew. It says Jesus Yeshua was born in Bethlehem and Magi from the East came to Jerusalem saying where is he? Who was born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the East and we came to worship him.
Speaker 1:Here we have now the clue of the Magi, the Magi's that were priests and, as you said, astrologers. Now we know astrology is wrong, bad, have nothing to do with it. No Christian has any business, but God is sovereign and that's what they know. They're looking in the sort of back. Then astrology and astronomy were basically the same. They believed there was signs, but God is able to speak. So so the thing is that, what is the star? Now there are people who've said it's, it's some, you know, conjunction. Well, the problem is no natural star is able to move across the thing. I mean it can move in the heavens with everything, but it can't move and guide you to a place. So it is. It is a supernatural thing, but what's happening is well, what do we know about this star? You know that they're led to a manger and first of all say something else, and you probably all know it, but this is a mischievous. You see the nativity scenes that you see the Magi there. The Magi were never there. They were never there. The Magi were two years later. Now do we have a clue? When did this happen? Well, it's, we got it's Herod's alive and he says two years, killed him when, according to when he saw, they saw the star. So Herod, do we know? When he died? Herod died for BC. So right away, we know that Jesus was born BC. He wasn't born on the zero. We know that's a mistake. There's really nothing here, whatever. It is 2012, it's really 2016, if you go, or two or more than that, but he had to be born BC because Herod died BC. So then we put it's two years before. So that's pointing us to six BC, with a Magi seeing something.
Speaker 1:Now here's another, another clue here in the mystery. If the matter just saw a star in the sky, how would they know? How would they know that this is king of the Jews. I mean, how would they put a star you know a star up here, but how do you know king of the Jews?
Speaker 1:One interesting thing is that, remember, there was the prophet Daniel and he went to Babylon. The Bible says that he became the head of the wise men of Persia. The wise men of Persia were the Magi. So actually Daniel is the one who actually gives the time of Messiah's coming. He gives that countdown, so so could, so it's possible. He could have passed down that went to the Magi the time around. When he came, they still wouldn't know when he's born, but it would say when he's going to Jerusalem, they. But they could already be saying, okay, something may happen soon, but how do they know? But looking at a star, how do you get king of the Jews? And here's a thing and remember, it's not about astrology is wrong, but God is able to speak the language, to speak them.
Speaker 1:And this is the thing around in six BC, same time we know, there was something that happened. Anyone into the stars would have seen it. There was a convergence of Jupiter, saturn, venus, mars all converging to one part of the sky and there was also something called a double occultation, but anyway, there's all these things happening and. But they said where is the king of the Jews? They were astrology, in the language of the stars, one. They thought it was a star, but it was a wandering star as a planet. One star was linked to the king and that was Jupiter. When you saw that, that was the king star or it was the planet. But then what does that do? How to get Jews? They say where's the king?
Speaker 1:There's an ancient astronomer, a Greek, who says this in a book called Tetrabibla, says in the land of Judea was linked to the constellation in the ancient world, to Aries, the ram. That, the ancient world. When they saw that, they said Judea. So why is that significant?
Speaker 1:What happened at 6 BC is that all these things converge and Jupiter comes in this picture. Big time. Things are happening with Jupiter and they all come to the place that's linked to Judea in the sky. It's all linked to this thing, aries. So they're all. They would look at this and say king. They would say Jew, and here's the star.
Speaker 1:Something happens divine. So they would come from that that a king of the Jews has been born, who is somebody beyond anything we've known. So they would come by that, just by that, be able to say where is he? Who was born king of the Jews? We saw his star in these, and modern astronomers have identified that such a conjunction happens only once every 6,000 years. So here it happens. With this they come.
Speaker 1:When did this convergence happen? And again, it's not about the magi, it's about that God is able to lead anyone who's seeking him. But when did this happen? It happened in 6 BC, when in the springtime, Again in the springtime. But now the mystery gets bigger. Okay, now hold on. Now it's okay if you get or you don't get. But here's the thing.
Speaker 1:Here's another real clue in the Bible, big one, luke 1. It says in the days of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zacharias of the division of Abaya, and he had or Abaya. He had a wife in the doors of Aaron. Her name was Elizabeth. It happened while he was performing his priestly service before God in the appointed order of the division, according to his custom. He was chosen by Lot and he went in, so he went into minister.
Speaker 1:Now we got a clue right there. This is the birth of John. His father is a priest, he's a Kohanin from Aaron and he goes into, he goes to minister. Now, what we know right there is there was a set time when the priests would go in and they were divided up into courses. His course was Abaya, so we can find out when Abaya's course was. We've got it, you know, we nailed it. If you can find out, because you can, okay, he was there. Then six months later comes the birth of there, comes the conception of Jesus. You got the whole thing. But the trick is, how can you find?
Speaker 2:No, there's a calendar somewhere. Yes, yes. No, you think there is one on there. There is one. Yeah, there is one.
Speaker 1:First of all, in 2nd Chronicles in 1 Chronicles 24, we read about the divisions of the priests. So we now know the order of when Abaya was in there. He was number eight. He was the eight. It would go by weeks One week, two week. He would be the eighth week in order. They'd rotate. They had 24 altogether. So just know there, you got eight, but you got to know. But the key is when does it begin? Because we can't tell when this happened until we know he's number eight, but we can't tell until we know when he began.
Speaker 1:Okay, the answer here, the clue, comes from the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls which, by the way, were only discovered by this Arab shepherd who threw a stone into the cave and it smashed these pottery and comes the greatest find of the oldest Bible ever in history. Just at the same time when Israel's coming back as a nation, god restores this book Dead Sea Scrolls. Okay, here is the thing. There is a writing in one of the scrolls actually, that contains a calendar of the priestly courses in the Dead Sea Scrolls. So this is 2,000 years waiting to uncover. So the thing is now, the key here is is that this calendar goes for a few years before it repeats again. It's not a one year. It's not the same every year. So you've got to, we've got to narrow down when exactly what year was. If you can get any priest whenever this order was on this date, you can nail down the rest of them.
Speaker 1:Okay, that is the key. So here is the. Here's the thing. They give a mystery and this is going to sound like Indiana Jones. Okay.
Speaker 1:And you don't have to get it and you know it doesn't matter, we're not going to, but they give it. They say they give a date of when the calendar began and here's what it is. But you're not going to get it's okay, but it sounds like this is Hollywood it in that Dead Sea Scroll. It says when the sun displays itself from the east and shines in the center of the sky, at the base of the vault, from evening to morning, on the fourth day of the week of the sons of Gamal, the course of Gamal, in the first month, it's the first year. You don't have to get any of it, but let me tell you what it's saying. It's saying that the priest, the calendar, begins at the, at the equinox, the spring equinox, and on a Wednesday, the fourth day of the equinox. Okay, so that's all we have to get. Then the Dead Sea Scroll gives you a few dates, and one of those dates matches this of when this would have been at the time we're talking about. And so when you and but before I give you the, because it's going to be the nail, the nail of this there's one other thing of it, and that is there is another ancient Hebrew writing that confirms that this is the, they're giving you the right date and that's the Talmud. Because the Talmud says here's, here's the clue. Talmud writings of the rabbi say the temple of Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD. It was destroyed on a Sunday, they said, and they give you the name of the priests, the course, who were in that that week. So just by that you've got it. And the thing is, the question is so if you take that and all you do is wind it back to the time of Jesus, or take the other one by the Dead Sea Scrolls, which is before Jesus birth, and wind it forward and see if they met, the first thing is they match the Dead Sea Scroll date and the, the Talmud match. So we got it, okay. So so now you have to find is when did this date appear? When was the Baizah ministering at this time? And the? And the ultimate thing is, when you do this, if you do, you work it all together when does when does the birth of Messiah take place?
Speaker 1:According to it, ready In the month of Nissan, late March, early April, 6 BC. The priestly calendar leads us to a very specific time and a date. It leads us to March 20th, 6 BC and if you take the calendar of the priests and it leads us to the same date, the, as the Talmud does, which is which happens on the Hebrew calendar, is Nissan one, the day of the beginning of all things, the day that we said he would be born. Now, one of the thing here there's there's a thing here that there was a early church where we went from there and I'm going to go into the hidden vaults of the Vatican, okay, and in there there is a writing of a church father called Hippolytus, and what he did is they use them and they say Hippolytus, he's the one who gave us December 20. He told us in the early days it's the 25th of December, but in one of the road you look at the writings, it's been censored because, because in one of the writings there it says that. It says it's like they put that in. You go, but you look at his writing. He says in the same thing no, messiah was born in the month of Nissan. This is an early church writing which was censored. There's even a document in the Vatican Church this is not, you know, crazy stuff. It's there which gives a document which gives gives Nissan as the date of Messiah's birth.
Speaker 1:But now I want to give you one more and it's gonna bring it home. Okay, one more. Okay, what is the? If you say what is the the most exact shadow of in the Old Testament, of the birth or incarnation of Messiah, what would you say? And it's the tabernacle, because it's God Tabernacling with us. In fact, when you read John, the beginning of the Gospel John, the word became flesh, that's the incarnation, and Tabernacled among us. The word in Greek refers to the tabernacle of Israel. So if he set up his tent, he came there and set up his tent. So the thing is. So here it is. It's the Bible speaks about the tent, tabernacle, as being a sign of being in the flesh, being in being, incarnation. So here the thing. The question is is there a clue in the last? The last piece is gonna be in the Bible Itself. We can't. I can't believe I missed this. I can't believe most the Bible is giving you the clue that the tabernacle is, is the symbol of God dwelling with us. So here it is. Could it have a clue? The first thing to know, it went to the top. When was the tabernacle built? Right after they went to Sinai, mount Sinai, all that stuff God gives us built a tent. They start building a tent now.
Speaker 1:How long does it take for a child to be from conception To birth? How long? Nine months, slightly less nine months. How long was it for the tabernacle from conception to finishing? Nine months. Nine months, the same. It was here. It is the same thing, it's right there. And so then the final thing is the Bible actually gives the date. We can find out when the tabernacle was finished. If we can find the date the tabernacle is finished, you've got it again. Oh, so now here it is. So where is it? There's a scripture the scripture is Exodus 40, one and two, which says you shall raise up the tent of the tabernacle of the congregation. They'll put it there, the argument testimony. When, here it is in the original, the answer is be yom ha ha desh Ha Rishon, the a hard la hold ash. That's the answer.
Speaker 2:But I got to catch the plane here, and now the translation the translation here it is.
Speaker 1:In the first month, nissan. On the first day of that month, nissan won the exact day. From the beginning, everything points it's the beginning on Nissan. One springtime he was born, and this is everything I mean, from the priests of the Magi to the, to the, to the, to the priestly calendar, to the Bible itself. All the word became flesh and tabernacle. That's all there. It was nine months up into the day, nissan one, when he would be born from the censored writing of the church. It's all there.
Speaker 1:And why is it important that he would be born in this way? First of all, when the first thing is, it's the day that everything becomes new. Everything is new and everything else becomes old. And what's it saying? When Messiah's presence comes, everything before is old, everything now is new. And the power of Messiah's presence is the power to make Everything new and the power to make everything old. Old, that's when we're born again. When we're born again, that's when when these are, no matter what day it is it becomes these on, one, becomes springtime, becomes the beginning, but not only once. We need him all the time. Whenever we receive his presence, everything becomes new, everything becomes. That's the power of God. If the more we dwell in his presence, it says we walk in the newness of life and the other thing, in the power of Messiah coming, he changes the calendars. Everything becomes BC, ad. So before we knew him, all BC we know, made it. But every moment we receive him again, every time, every time we we receive him, when in our lowest points, it becomes BC, it's now AD. It's always day one for the people of God. If we dwell in his presence, it's day one.
Speaker 1:New chances, second chance, everything is new, even the new covenant itself. You know, we think new covenant, well, that means it's newer than the old. That's what it means. But he thought it means the covenant of newness. It never gets old. It doesn't matter, we might get all, but if we stay right in there, we never get old. The new covenant is always new. He's the God of second chances new, new, new, new. And one other thing just here. Let's link it to the second coming. Let's see it's a real now Notice of the first coming.
Speaker 1:For this to happen, everything had to be in an exact place. Everything had to happen exactly. Mary had a meet Joseph that have fallen love and their parents had a fall in love and their parents have all love and every one. One slight change and the whole thing falls apart. Everything had to be, even the good, the bad, the problems, everything had to be worked perfectly for this to happen at the exact date. That's the first coming, same with the second coming. Everything in this world is working exactly to bring about the second coming, even our problems, even every life, every life is working together. Israel, every single thing that's happening is working together. Just as the first coming was exact, the second coming will be exact and on time and everything, including the problems, including the delays, including all the hardships, is all gonna work together, not only for good, but for his coming. We are in the mystery now of the second coming, but it's gonna be just as perfect as the first.
Speaker 3:Well, that was some good material, wasn't it? That was rabbi Jonathan con, a brilliant man of God. If you enjoyed today's program, a copy of it is on my website, the promoterorg. Until next week. This is Ron Myers, reminding you that I love you, jesus loves you, and when you give Jesus your heart, he takes the hell out of your life and gives you Unbelievable destiny.
Speaker 2:Today's show was produced by Ron Myers ministries a listener supported ministry. For a copy of today's broadcast, please visit our website, the promoter org. And would you prayerfully consider making a tax deductible donation so that we may continue to share stories of God's amazing grace with the world. And join us next week for another broadcast Of get the hell out of your life real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope.