Get The Hell Out of Your Life
We are a community where people open up about real struggles, share how they found real answers, and discover lasting hope! Our stories share freedom, forgiveness, and faith! Take a listen to life-changing stories, It's All About Jesus!
Get The Hell Out of Your Life
The Journey to Wholeness with Jesus as the Guide
In our latest episode, I'll share a message of hope. It's a call to introspection and a challenge to make a choice in the coming year: Will we continue to lean on the faltering structures of humanity, or will we embrace the unwavering support of Jesus Christ? It also includes personal anecdotes of hope and restoration and a special reading from my children's book, "Little Johnny and the Voice of Truth," to illustrate the life-changing impact of pursuing our dreams. Prepare to be uplifted and encouraged as we journey together toward a future where our potential is fully realized through the love and guidance of Jesus Christ.
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It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, ron Myers. The Provider.
Ron Meyers:Hello, my friends, it is so good to be with you in this Christmas season. Have you had your conversation with Jesus this past week? I know lots of things are going on in the news and around the world and the economy and unemployment and job situations, interest rates but in the middle of all the storms of life is the reason we celebrate this season called Christmas. And today, in my conversation with Jesus, he emphasized to me more than ever that this year, 2023, is a defining moment for some of us. We're going to either put our faith in Jesus 100 percent or we're going to put our faith in the politicians. Now, friends, I'm old enough to say that. Why would you trust any human being walking this planet? We are all fallen individuals that make mistakes. We all operate on opinions of how we think the world should be run. We also want to impose our beliefs on other people and sometimes we are so persuasive that we are able to talk people into things that are not the truth. And then, as time goes on, we wonder why our life is beginning to crumble. Well, this Christmas of 2023. Jesus, the Christ in Christmas, wants to do life with you better than ever. He wants you to know this specifically you listening. No, he has not forgot you. He has heard your prayers. There is a reason. Every single thing is happening in your life Now. Sometimes you think you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, but God has uniquely placed you in the right place at the right time. He knows your future. You only know the present, and this is the time you must make a decision to walk by faith, not by sight. This is the time you have to trust who Jesus is.
Ron Meyers:After all, wasn't there a famous line in the campaign for president a few years ago by Donald Trump? And he was telling the African American community what have you to lose? Vote for me. I'm telling you, the ones that haven't really given Jesus a real shot, a real chance, what have you got to lose? Well, I'm here today for a Christmas message for 2023 that I think will encourage you and inspire you and empower you, because it's not my message.
Ron Meyers:It's a message that was downloaded to me from Jesus, to you. It's a simple message. It's an easy message. It doesn't mean you have to go to school. It doesn't mean you have to sit in a church every day. It doesn't mean you have to join a monastery. It's just simply this Give Jesus your heart and he will give you your purpose.
Ron Meyers:He will take the hell out of your life. He will sort your life out to where you end up becoming the person he created you to become, because some of you are becoming like all the other boys and girls around you. You're so enamored with them, you're so in awe of some of the successful people that have called you a friend that you aspire to be like them, or you want some of their qualities. When they are still human, you don't know what goes on behind closed doors. You don't know what they think and how they feel about life. Only one, the creator of the universe, can tell you and I, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help us God. And that's what he does.
Ron Meyers:Jesus is here this Christmas season, next Christmas season, last Christmas season, to begin a relationship. God loved us so much that he gave his only begotten son to a lowly couple in a manger in Bethlehem, and this little child would grow up and be hated by the world and be condemned and be tortured and crucified, but would raise from the dead on the third day. And that's where we come into place, because we have something that nobody in the Old Testament could ever have we have the opportunity to have a personal, intimate relationship with God through his son. Now, friends, really think of what that means. It means that when you ask Jesus into your heart this Christmas season, he comes in, he sweeps out all the dust and dirt and all the baggage, gives you a new heart, forgives all your sins past, present and future and then says now let's do life. Let me show you who you really are, and then you get to begin a journey in life. It's not a snap of the finger, it is a journey to become yourself, those things that you have tried to change in your life because they bug other people. Well, listen, they don't bug God. That's why you have those differences, the different ideas, the different thoughts, the different dreams than anybody else. You think you're weird because you're not like all the other boys and girls. No, you are the same one. You are the one that has a desire, a yearning to become something more. You feel it. You don't know what it is. You get tossed one day over into this direction because you hear this incredible motivational speaker, and then you turn a TV channel and you hear this incredible preacher, and then you go to somewhere else and somewhere else, and soon everybody is telling you all these things and you wonder which one is true. The truth is Jesus. It's all about Jesus.
Ron Meyers:In this Christmas season 2023, it's time that all of us reevaluate. Where are we in life? Have we turned into religious zealots that make sure we're in church every Sunday, sing loud in the choir, give in the collection plate, but yet we ignore the important things of life? We never have a dialogue with Jesus because we're too busy being religious, we're too busy trying to impress others. When Jesus said listen, I need your heart, I need your ear. I want to tell you something. Everything that you are desiring to hear from me can be heard, but I can only give you the answers. They're not going to come through other people. Friends, I say all the time to you, if you've listened, this is the time to have the Desert Island mentality you and I, alone on a desert island, nobody there, no TV, no radio, no podcast, no church, no Bible. It's just you and Jesus, me and Jesus, and when we have that intimate relationship with Jesus, we will thrive. We will more than survive. We will thrive in life because when truth is poured into you and you act on that truth, you are encouraged, you're empowered and you are inspired to become his perfect plan for this world. That's right. All of us together, working together, can solve the problems.
Ron Meyers:I know a lot of you said no, if this person gets elected we'll get. We'll get this straightened out. No, it will never get straightened out by man. In fact, it will get worse. The country's more divided than ever before. There is nobody that is going to be elected. They may put a band-aid on it for maybe a couple years, but we need some Jesus-filled people becoming everything that God created them to be. Who knows what plans God has for you? When we come back from the break, I'm going to share my book with you. I wrote this little children's book about three years ago. It's called Little Johnny and the Voice of Truth. Now this book lately has picked up a little bit of momentum because of the message for little children and I think you'll like it. I'm going to read it to you. It's going to be story time with Ron when I return.
Speaker 1:You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.
Speaker 3:What's your story? We're looking for stories of hope and overcoming life struggles with God's grace. Your story validates God's love, mercy, restoration and forgiveness. We want to help you share your story with the world. Visit our website, thepromoterorg, and click on the Share your Story link and submit your story. Your testimony of God's amazing grace will change a person's destiny for eternity.
Speaker 1:Getting encouragement is important and it helps us overcome our fears and gives us the courage to face life's challenges. To receive weekly messages of encouragement, all you need to do is text INSPIRE to 888-527-1223. That's 888-527-1223. Our messages are intended to inspire and empower you on your life journey. Remember, life is more enjoyable when you're inspired.
Speaker 4:Ever wonder why God sent Jesus into the world at the time he did, why the Christmas story couldn't happen today.
Speaker 4:Well, let's just say if it happened today, people's priorities would be a little goofy.
Speaker 4:Greenpeace would have protested the animals being starved because a baby was lying in their feed trough. The Department of Human Services would have had Mary and Joseph arrested for child neglect, for allowing the birth of a baby in an unsanitary stable. The ACLU would have sued to have the entire manger scene removed from the city. The Angel Gabriel would have been labeled an intolerant and narrow-minded bigot when he announced the birth of the Savior, implying there was only one way to God, clearly not acknowledging the many other diverse religions in the world. The scientific community would have labeled the entire story of the virgin birth a subtle attack on the theory of evolution by right-wing extreme creationist, and the Mary and Joseph family would be audited by the Internal Revenue Service, since the biblical records never mentioned that taxes were paid on the three lavish gifts from the wise men. Now we know why God didn't decide to bring the baby Jesus into the 20th century. It's too simple for our complicated world to accept Christmas. There's more to it than you ever imagined.
Speaker 5:Oh come, oh ye. Faithful, joyful and triumphant, oh come ye, oh come ye. To Bethlehem Come, and they hold him on the kingdom.
Ron Meyers:Oh, come back listeners. I listened to that song at my age and there is such an appreciation, such a love that I feel when I hear that because, behold, he came for you and I, that's right, you. If no one else was on this planet, just you he still would have come for you. That's why this Christmas we've got to see the Christ. In Christmas, he leads us into the future, he directs our steps, he establishes our thoughts, he inspires us to get up, he encourages us. That is the Jesus that I know. I know that personally, it's not because somebody told me and when you know that personally, you will never become like all the other boys and girls. Speaking of that, I want to read my short little story of little Johnny and the voice of truth. Little Johnny, I think you'll see some similarities in little Johnny's story in our lives.
Ron Meyers:Little Johnny was a very good boy. Any parent would be proud to have a son like him, but he always seemed to be quite different from all the other boys and girls. One day Johnny came home from school excited to tell his parents about the imaginary Martians he'd met that day on his trip into space. His father chuckled and shook his head Johnny, where do you come up with these silly make-believe stories? Why can't you be like all the other boys and girls? Little Johnny loved art class, but he didn't paint like the other children. He had a very colorful imagination. He painted things like purple lakes, bright pink skies and polka-dot birds. Johnny beamed with excitement as his teacher came to see his work. Her eyes grew wide as she shook her head. Well, you don't see things like that every day, johnny. Why don't you paint like the other boys and girls?
Ron Meyers:On Saturdays, johnny would set up a stand on the street corner and sell lemonade and his old toys. One day his neighbor said Johnny, you are such a hard-working young man. You've got a bright future ahead of you. What do you want to do when you grow up? With a sparkle in his eye and a big smile on his face, johnny replied I want to follow my dreams and become a famous artist and help people all around the world who are in need. When his mother heard that, she shook her head, laughing, and said Johnny, where did you get such a silly idea? Your dad and your grandpa are doctors, and you'll be one too. Being a doctor is a real job.
Ron Meyers:When Johnny grew up, just as his parents wanted, he became a doctor. He was a deacon in the local church and sang in the choir. Everyone knew that he was a good man with a good job who spent his life serving the Lord. But he became so busy he forgot all about his dreams. When Johnny retired, he spent a lot of time with his grandchildren. He loved them so much that he shared a very important life lesson with them.
Ron Meyers:God has a very special plan for each of you. I believe your dreams are all part of God's special plan for each of you. Please trust God. He is the voice of truth. He loves each of you very much. When Johnny passed away, he entered heaven and Jesus greeted him with love. He said welcome, johnny. You've been a good and faithful servant.
Ron Meyers:Johnny noticed two large movie screens before them. Jesus pointed to the first and said Johnny, on this screen you will see the life that you lived. Johnny saw his whole life, everything. The best part was the day that he asked Jesus to come into his heart and he accepted him as his Lord and Savior. Jesus looked at Johnny and said but Johnny, on the other screen you will see the person who I created you to be your destiny. On this screen, johnny saw everything he dreamed he would do with his life. Jesus said, johnny, what did I do wrong? Why didn't I discover my destiny? Jesus said, johnny, you allowed your friends and family to change your mind. Their voices tuned out my voice and you didn't hear me trying to guide you to your destiny. Your dreams were a part of that destiny. Instead, you became like all the other boys and girls. We should never be afraid of following our God-given dreams and talents. This is your time to explore those dreams and talents that you've been blessed with and grow into the special person that you were created to be. Listen to the voice of truth and it will guide you on the road to your destiny. The end Friends.
Ron Meyers:When I wrote that story, I should have really called it little Ronnie. I grew up with people telling me my dreams were silly when they were foolish, but something always told me that I needed to pursue them, and I went through a lot of hell in my early days of life because all the other boys and girls were trying to talk me out of what I wanted to do so I would come and join them. In other words, they wanted me to live their dreams that they saw me doing. Well, that's all well and good, but only we ourselves know what is true desire in our heart is, and that true desires and dreams that I think, when we get older, we kind of put them on a back shelf and we accept reality that, well, it was never meant to be. So we accept life as it is and we go on and we become who we decided to become. But I believe there's always a part of us that longs what if I would have tried this? What if I would have done this? And we end up retiring on the islands of regrets, with villages of should have, would have and could have.
Ron Meyers:So my prayer and my suggestion for this 2023 Christmas season is simply this Become you. Become who you were created to become. Only Jesus can unlock the door to your future. And when you do that, things begin to change in your life, and one of the things that changes the most is your attitude and how you feel about yourself. Because when you take control of your life and you're not going to be like all the other boys and girls, there's something that happens. You've got a power, because now you are in control and you are becoming yourself and friends, that is the greatest gift that any of us can give to the world ourself, because we each are here for a reason.
Speaker 1:You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.
Speaker 6:We would like to express our gratitude to Coffee News for their support of this program. Are you tired of scrolling through the same old news feeds every morning? Then switch things up with Coffee News. Our publication is filled with interesting stories, brain teasers and uplifting quotes that are sure to brighten your day, and now you can access Coffee News anytime, anywhere, by visiting our website. So, whether you're sipping your morning coffee at your favorite cafe or browsing online from your desk, we've got you covered. Stay tuned for our day off right with Coffee News at ReadCoffeeNewsOnlinecom.
Speaker 7:Sparkling lights at Christmas. Inside, outside, drive through. They're everywhere, brightening the dark. We gravitate to light. If it's dark, we need to see. Without light, we fall, wander off the path, stumble and get anxious because we can't see what's ahead. Then we have a rescuer, step into our darkness and are broken. Jesus Jesus said I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life. Never walk in darkness. Wow, to see clearly and to see even when the road might have obstacles and bumps, when everything seems to be changing. It's nice to know something is consistent and sure, a light from my path this Christmas. If you want to never walk in darkness again, reach out and call 1-888-NEED-HIM or visit chataboutjesuscom.
Speaker 6:Ron will be back in a moment to wrap up today's conversation. We want to encourage you today with God's promise to you. It comes from the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. That's God's promise to you when you choose to commit your plans and future to Him. Now back to Ron.
Ron Meyers:Well, listeners, my time is up and you know, as we get older in life and we understand the priorities that we have in life, things do change. We become wiser and smarter. I think most of you would agree with that, and one of the things that's happened to me over the last few years, since I've been doing these radio shows and podcasts, is really developing that intimate relationship with Jesus, because, as I said earlier, it is a journey. I mean, this is nothing where you snap your fingers, but every day a new piece of Jesus is revealed to me and I can't wait to get behind the microphone to share it with you, because sometimes I really believe the world has been held back from hearing the truth about Jesus Because there is a spiritual warfare. But if we really understood the freedom that we have in Christ, the freedom that we would begin to run to Jesus and not run away from Jesus. So just hey, as a favor to me this Christmas season, just ask Jesus why was I born? Why was I born? Why am I here? What is my purpose? You know, and if you just meditate on that for maybe days, weeks, months, you will be amazed at the answers you will get in your spirit and then you act upon them and you just make a commitment to yourself, to Jesus, that you're going to do what you can do to try to go into a direction in life that will share your talent, skills and abilities with the world.
Ron Meyers:Because, friends I hate to say this, but it's probably true I believe in you more than you probably believe in yourself. That's got to change, because Jesus has a plan and a purpose for you, and life is way too short. Let's not go with regrets. Let's not think that it's too late it's never too late for a new beginning and share these podcasts with other people. This is a new way to connect with Jesus, different from church, different from preachers on TV, somebody that just really talks about Jesus no judgment, no condemnation. We love everyone, just like Jesus. So have a very merry Christmas Tune in next week for my New Year show Still working on that but I've got some good ideas to share with you. In the meantime. Remember this that I love you, jesus loves you, and when you give Jesus your heart, he will give you your destiny.
Speaker 5:Give the hell. Give the hell out of your life.
Speaker 1:Share your love, sharing real struggles and offering real hope.