Get The Hell Out of Your Life

The Unseen Realm

June 11, 2024 Ron Meyers, Paul Renfroe Season 5 Episode 23

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Imagine being able to recognize the true, often hidden, influences behind your struggles. Our special guest, Paul Renfroe, takes us on a compelling journey into the unseen realm of spiritual warfare. Together, we uncover how these invisible forces can impact various aspects of our lives, from health and finances to relationships. Paul shares profound insights on how aligning with God's power can offer protection and strength. This episode will equip you with the knowledge to discern spirits and face life's battles with newfound confidence and hope.

We also tackle the pivotal role of hardships in steering us towards God. Discover how genuine faith in Jesus Christ, rather than mere outward appearances and good deeds, is the key to salvation and freedom. Through heartfelt stories and reflections, we highlight the transformative power of giving your heart to Jesus, promising uncontainable joy and love. For those seeking community and further resources, visit Join us for real stories, real struggles, and real hope, and prepare to be inspired and uplifted.

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Speaker 1:

It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, ron Myers. The promoter.

Ron Meyers:

Hello, my friend, it is so good to be with you today. Have you had your conversation with Jesus today? You know, share with him anything that's on your heart the good, the bad, the ugly, the concerns, the worries. That is how you get through your day Conversations with Jesus. On the way into the studio this morning I was listening to a song by Rebecca, st James and King and Country. It's called you Make Everything Beautiful. What a powerful reminder of God's incredible plan for our lives. He takes the messes in our life and he makes everything beautiful. Now I have a question Would you like to become the captain of your ship, the director of your destiny? Well, I will talk about that in the final thought segment, but first I want to ask you do you believe in the unseen realm? You know spiritual warfare. The Bible says that we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but principalities of power. Remember that TV show years ago I'm sure my age now, flip Wilson. He used to say the devil made me do it. Well, maybe to some degree that is true. We do battle with spiritual warfare. So today I wanted to call my friend Paul Renfro. I met him in Nashville, tennessee, a few years ago, and he writes books on the unseen realm, so I have Paul on the phone. Paul, it is so good that you're going to talk with my listeners today. How are you?

Paul Renfroe:

So good that you're going to talk with my listeners today. How are you? Oh, ron, I'm really glad to be able to relate to your audience and to you, because the world is going crazy.

Ron Meyers:

There's an explanation so everybody's wondering what's going to happen next, and that there's a lot that we can talk about. There was a show on years ago, Flip Wilson. He was a comedian and he used to say all the time the devil made me do it.

Paul Renfroe:

Well, and just to qualify that people don't realize that the devil is limited to a place. He's not God, and so God is able to be everywhere at once, but not the devil, but the kingdom of darkness which he leads is comprised of many, many henchmen, and it's those henchmen that execute the troubles that people endure from unseen evil.

Ron Meyers:

You personally have experienced this for yourself, haven't you?

Paul Renfroe:

I have, and let me tell you it's crushing when an unseen enemy wants to mess with you. By God's permission, they can mess with your health, they can mess with your money, they can mess with your family, they can mess with your country and your government. The unseen enemies have a great deal of influence and here's why Ron and people don't really realize that the primary reality is. The unseen world of spirit is an expression, it's a place where things are manifested and we have a free will that we can utilize as we move about this physical, tangible world. But the unseen realm is primary and people don't realize that they have a choice.

Paul Renfroe:

Am I just going to live as if this physical world is the real world and the primary world? Well, if it's very real I don't mean to suggest that it's illusory or anything, it's very real, believe me, I've been in heart surgery five times and I know this world, this body is real, but at the same time, it's not primary. Well, if we choose to say, okay, it's not primary, the unseen world is primary and I am very poorly equipped for it that opens a door for God Almighty to be on your side. But if, on the other hand, you say, well, this physical world is primary, the unseen realm is kind of make-believe, and who knows? Then all of a sudden you become cannon fodder for the kingdom of darkness and they don't have to mess much with you.

Ron Meyers:

I heard you say in the beginning, with God's permission. What do you mean by God's permission?

Paul Renfroe:

Yes, 100%, and this is very clear from the Bible. But when you think about it, it's very easy to figure out because, by definition, god is uncontestable. He has total power and control and nothing happens that is outside of his supervision and permission. When you think about that, then you say, okay, well, why is there a devil? This is an age-old question. If God is superior to the devil, why is there a devil? If God loves people, why is there pain and suffering? These are age-old questions and there's easy answers that Jesus revealed. So it's very clear and simple to understand if you can get the understanding that the primary influence always originates in the unseen realm. Just look in the mirror, for an example. You look in the mirror and you see your body, but you can't see your mind. You can't see your heart, you can't see your feelings, you can't see your willpower. Those are unseen. So the primary influence is always unseen.

Ron Meyers:

So, Paul, let me ask you, if I had some spiritual sunglasses and I could see the unseen realm, what would I see?

Paul Renfroe:

Well, there's no telling. But in the Bible it describes a gift of discernment, and people with that gift describe being able to see spirits, both evil and holy. A good example of Holy Spirit is obviously the Holy Spirit, but he's called the Holy Spirit because there's a whole vast array of spiritual beings that are holy and we call them angels. They're always on God's side and they always execute God's will faithfully, and so that's one group of the spirits. And then there's another group of spirits and they're characterized by things that sound good but always hold false promise.

Paul Renfroe:

And if you look at anybody's life who has really said I don't care about the unseen realm, then they have this built-in decay that occurs, and with no rejuvenation. Rejuvenation means re-youth and re-euthanasia. Rejuvenation they sound alike. Well, when we relate to the Holy God and the Holy Spirit that he wants to put within us, there is a source of rejuvenation. But the kingdom of darkness doesn't have that and people who don't choose God don't have that, and so you just get old and decay and hopeless and miserable and have troubles and just try to stay ahead as long as you're alive. It's not a very fulfilling way to live.

Ron Meyers:

You know, Paul, when I started walking with Jesus, I did feel more energized and rejuvenated.

Paul Renfroe:

Isn't that amazing.

Ron Meyers:

It really is, because I realized that I was safe in the arms of Jesus, that he was with me. Nothing could take me out of his hands, and Jesus is the answer.

Paul Renfroe:

And you know, because your autobiography is very powerful, ron, and I certainly think your audience needs to know about it in order that they can benefit from what we're talking about. Do you want to tell them about it?

Ron Meyers:

In my book, the Promoter, I do talk about the first part of my life and I do look back and see that I probably was influenced by some darkness. Not so much evil, but everything was about me. And isn't that what Satan? He was a fallen angel.

Paul Renfroe:

Yes, he was a fallen angel.

Ron Meyers:

So my first half everything was about me, pride, I was building Ron Myers productions, and then, when I had the light, when I was blind, and then I began to see Jesus, the whole second part of my life is now not only promoting him, but I have a whole new life. I have new desires, new thoughts, and the good thing is that I know now, by walking in that darkness, that I can compare it to walking in the light and it's. It is literally the difference between night and day.

Paul Renfroe:

Oh golly, literally is right. Hey look, I think there's something that would really be beneficial, after hearing what you just said, for those listening, because what you have just expressed about your life being in kind of two parts and you've seen both sides and there are listeners who have a feeling that they're probably okay and there's no need to get worked up about spiritual things. They're a good person and never been convicted of a crime, which is a headline issue these days, and so OK. But the fact of the matter is, if there's not a great deal of calamity, then it might mean and this is a warning for the listener in that situation it might mean that the kingdom of darkness doesn't have to do too much to hold on to you. Now that should be frightening to you, listener, because if the kingdom of darkness thinks, okay, he's our property, she's our property and no need to mess with them. Let's give them a happy life, we'll see them at the end. You know, eternity is a long time and if that's the way your spiritual enemies see you, that's not a good sign and you should take it as a good warning flag.

Paul Renfroe:

Now, I'm not saying that calamity is a blessing, okay. I'm not saying that death and destruction and sorrow and poverty and financial loss are blessings. I'm not saying that death and destruction and sorrow and poverty and financial loss are blessings. I'm not saying that at all. But what I am saying is this that often the true God permits those things to occur precisely so that you will turn to him. It's almost as if we want to prove that the bottom of the barrel really exists. So the only question is how deep is your barrel? And so if it takes you your entire life and you never hit the bottom, well, you might just keep going all the way into eternal darkness, which Jesus taught about. But on the other hand, if you hit the bottom, and then I'll say, well, there's nowhere to look but up. And all of a sudden, what do you see? When you look up, you see there's light, there's light in the life of that and the rejuvenation, the re-euthanation that God Almighty gives.

Ron Meyers:

You have a lot of people that are doing things for Jesus. They're doing works and they are just doing everything for Jesus. Doesn't Jesus, somewhere in the Bible, say that I never knew you depart from me? If we don't know Jesus, we can get caught up in our works into the outside world. Oh, what a nice person that is. Look at all the good things they're doing. They must be saved. That isn't always necessarily true, is it?

Paul Renfroe:

Well, no, and see, that comes back again to this one thing that I want to impart to your listener the unseen world is primary, so somebody can look good and somebody can look bad in this natural world, or things can go real well for you, they can go real bad for you.

Paul Renfroe:

But these aren't the primary indicators, because the tangible, physical, visible world is not the primary influence. It's where the influence of the unseen realm is manifested. In that case that you described, you're correct. In that case that you described, you're correct. Jesus did give a specific example of people who were very powerful. They were very powerful miracle workers.

Paul Renfroe:

And on Judgment Day they said, oh Lord, look what we've done. And he had, he had seven words Depart from me, evildoers. I never knew you. Well that that might be eight in the translation I just used Depart from me, evildoers. And so, listener, you've got to realize that what happens in this world doesn't constitute endorsements or condemnation, because the different people have different lives. But I will say that if you are attentive to God, who is a spirit, and you say, god, I don't want to go to hell, I want to have eternity with you, I don't want to take it for granted. And so I understand that Jesus died for me and I've got to follow him, and that then, all of a sudden, all your wrath against me is satisfied when he died on the cross. And, listener, that's the prayer you want to make and that's the life you want to live.

Ron Meyers:

Well and that's the life of freedom. That's the life you want to live. Well, and that's the life of freedom. That is the life of freedom because Colossians says Paul said we are complete and lack nothing to have a godly life. God has equipped us, the Christians. He's alive in us, we have his Holy Spirit and if we walk by the Spirit and not by the flesh, we're going to be able to sense some darkness. We're going to be able to sense something isn't right, this person isn't right, this stuff doesn't make sense. And that's good. That's that internal Holy Spirit alarm clock.

Paul Renfroe:

One hundred percent, and we all actually all of us have a conscience when it comes. Let's just put it this way it's appointed for man once to die and after that face the judgment. Now the Bible reveals who the judge is, and it's not God the Father, it's God the Son, jesus Christ.

Paul Renfroe:

Now, everybody that knew him testified that he was without sin, knew him, testified that he was without sin, and so this is not a really inviting, exciting situation where, after I die, on judgment day, I'll be judged by a man who never sinned. Okay, however, he didn't just leave it there. That's why, when he died on the cross, it had a power. Died on the cross. It had a power because he died undeservedly. We die, we deserve it. We go to hell, we deserve it, but he died undeservedly, and so the Father says that is a lot of love. And so anybody that associates themselves with Jesus wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly, anybody that associates themselves with Jesus, I want them in heaven. I'm going to put my Holy Spirit, I'm going to live in them, I'm going to walk them through the same life circumstances that other people have, and they are going to know me better.

Ron Meyers:

So well put Paul Renfro. Paul, we're just about out of time. I know you have a free resource for our listeners, so what's your website so they can get more information about you and your books and that free resource?

Paul Renfroe:

My website is ParadigmLighthousecom ParadigmLighthousecom, and there's a free book for you. So anybody who goes to that website will automatically get a free 52-page book, and no problem. You just tell me where to send it and we'll send it to you either by email or e-book or in print. It doesn't matter, because I want to help you. Listener, paradigm Lighthouse, and that's spelled P-A-R-A-D-I-G-M lighthousecom.

Ron Meyers:

Paul, could I get you to pray for our listeners?

Paul Renfroe:

Hallelujah, I sure will. Heavenly Father, person listening right now, I know that you are speaking. Let me just tell you, listener, as I have been talking with Ron, I've been listening to the Holy Spirit about you on the listening end of this show, and so everything I've shared with you is something that has bubbled up from within by the Holy Spirit. God is speaking to you. This may be a warning if you haven't been wholehearted about Jesus. It may be an encouragement if you have been, but maybe you're flagging in zeal. Or it may just be a condemnation if you are bound to determine that you're not going to do what God did. So consider yourself warned, invited, encouraged.

Paul Renfroe:

However, god is speaking to you, listener, and the Heavenly Father, you said that your word is living and active, and it pierces to the division of our soul and our spirit. So I call to you, listener, to wake up. Wake up. I call to your spirit. The dormancy and the sleeping beauty of your spirit must awake, that Jesus, the Prince, has kissed you and is no longer tolerable for you to live half-hearted. In Jesus' name, when I return.

Ron Meyers:

I want to share a pep talk that I wrote for myself.

Speaker 1:

You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.

Speaker 5:

Here's a refreshing word from the book of Ephesians, chapter 5, verse 8.

Ron Meyers:

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.

Speaker 6:

What's your story? We're looking for stories of hope and overcoming life's struggles with God's grace. Your story validates God's love, mercy, restoration and forgiveness. We want to help you share your story with the world. Visit our website, thepromoterorg, and click on the share your story link and submit your story. Your testimony of God's amazing grace will change a person's destiny for eternity.

Speaker 4:

His name is Willie Ames. He's a pretty imperfect guy. He sometimes doesn't change the oil in his car on time. He hasn't gotten around to fix the toaster his wife asked him to fix two months ago. He even missed church a few Sundays ago to play golf. An ordinary imperfect guy that Willie Ames. But despite his imperfections he's got something really going for him. The guy loves God a lot, he loves to study the Word, he loves his family and he loves to praise the Lord. Boy, does he love to praise the Lord? It goes to show that God isn't looking for perfect people to follow him. He just needs people who love him with all their heart. Someone who has a heart for God is more pleasing to God than someone who looks squeaky clean but has no real passion for God. The Bible says that love covers a multitude of sins. So get the love part done. God can cover all the other little imperfections. You don't like where you're headed. Rearrange it. You're sick of being let down.

Speaker 1:

And you want to turn your life around. If you want to start living right, get the hell out of your life.

Ron Meyers:

Get the hell out of your life. Welcome back listeners. So good to be with you and I want to share something with you that I wrote a few years ago. I wrote myself a pep talk because I felt I was kind of losing focus of what my purpose was here in this world because I was so consumed with the news. It was addictive, I mean. I watched the news, I thought I had all the answers to everything, and then I saw the election of 2020, the fights, the riots, and I'm telling you it was an eye-opening experience for me and I realized that day that I cannot allow the world, events, politicians and politics to control my mood, to control my destiny. So I wrote a pep talk and here it is and I hope it can help you, because it sure helped the person. It was written for me.

Ron Meyers:

In a world filled with so many voices telling you what you can and can't do, it's time to drown out the doubt and take charge of your destiny. You hold the power of the Holy Spirit to shape your life, to discover your path and to write your own story. Do not let the doubts and the cynicism of others define who you are, what you should believe and what you can achieve. Embrace the fact that, with Jesus at the center of your universe, your growth is limitless, your potential endless and your joy uncontainable that's right, uncontainable. It's time to take charge of your destiny. Guard your emotions, never surrender your joy, never surrender your peace and never surrender your destiny. Never surrender your peace and never surrender your destiny. Your talents, skills and abilities are God's gift to share with the world. Your talents, skills and abilities are God's gifts to the share, are God's gifts to share with the world. Don't hold back. Stand firm in your faith and let that light shine bright and illuminate the way for others.

Ron Meyers:

Remember you were created for a specific purpose. You were designed to thrive, to excel and to become the best version of yourself. Your purpose is one of a kind. Your assignment is yours alone, and Jesus, the center of your universe, directs you to your destiny, to your assignment, to what you are to do here on earth. So I urge you to step into his power, seize the moment and remember it is okay to say no.

Ron Meyers:

You don't have to do everything for everyone. Just do the things that Jesus has called you to do, to take control of your life. Take charge of your destiny. If you don't become you, who will no one will no one. So rise up, embrace your potential and watch as your life transforms into a masterpiece of courage, hope and boundless possibilities that are only possible with Jesus. You have the strength, with Jesus, to overcome any obstacle, the courage to face any challenge and the faith to soar into your destiny. Embrace your calling, embrace your destiny and become the person you were created to become. The world is waiting for you. So go, shine, go forth, illuminate the path to your destiny that comes with a relationship with Jesus and, most of all, be yourself.

Speaker 1:

You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.

Speaker 5:

We would like to express our gratitude to Coffee News for their support of this program. Are you tired of scrolling through the same old news feeds every morning? Then switch things up with Coffee News. Our publication is filled with interesting stories, brain teasers and uplifting quotes that are sure to brighten your day. And now, now you can access Coffee News anytime, anywhere, by visiting our website. So, whether you're sipping your morning coffee at your favorite cafe or browsing online from your desk, we've got you covered. Start your day off right with Coffee News at readcoffeenewsonlinecom.

Speaker 5:

Ron will be back in a minute. To close out today's show. We want to remind you today of the last words of Jesus it is finished. What is finished? The finished work of Jesus refers to the complete and final accomplishment of salvation through His death and resurrection. It means that Jesus has done everything necessary for our forgiveness, redemption and reconciliation with God. Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus paid the price for our sins once and for all, providing total forgiveness and cleansing. This finished work of Jesus means that we no longer need to strive or work to earn God's favor or forgiveness. We can rest in the assurance that our salvation is secure and that we are fully accepted by God because of what Jesus has done for us. Now back to Ron.

Ron Meyers:

Well, friends, my time is up. As you go out this week, have regular conversations with Jesus. As you go out this week, have regular conversations with Jesus. Never forget that he makes all things beautiful. That's right. It may be a season you're in right now that things don't look beautiful, but it's coming. I promise I've been there. I've done that. I have the t-shirt. Check out my website. The promoterorg More copies of podcasts from over the last four or five years. In the meantime, remember this that Jesus loves you, I love you, and when you give Jesus your heart, you will discover uncontainable joy.

Speaker 1:

Get the hell out of your life is underwritten by the Christmas City Gift Show. We invite you to come shop with over 255 vendors from all over the United States from November 8th through the 10th inside the Coast Convention Center located on the beach in Biloxi, Mississippi. You can find more information at christmascitygiftshowcom. Thanks for listening, and if you would like to share your story of what God has done in your life or listen to previous episodes, please visit our website, thepromoterorg. Join us next week for another episode of Get the Hell Out of your Life Real stories, real struggles and real hope.