Get The Hell Out of Your Life
We are a community where people open up about real struggles, share how they found real answers, and discover lasting hope! Our stories share freedom, forgiveness, and faith! Take a listen to life-changing stories, It's All About Jesus!
Get The Hell Out of Your Life
Rick the Biker's Testimony: Anger to Compassion
What happens when a hardened biker finds himself at the crossroads of divine intervention and personal transformation? Our guest, Rick the Biker, knows this journey all too well. From a life marked by anger and intimidation, Rick's story reveals the profound changes brought about by faith. During a particularly low moment after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Rick heard a gentle voice urging him to seek the altar, leading to a spiritual awakening that filled his heart with love and compassion. His transformation is an inspiring testament to the power of grace and the possibility of redemption, no matter one's past.
We are also joined by Ron Myers, who shares his own remarkable path to faith and underscores the importance of embracing Jesus' love. Ron invites listeners to explore his story further by offering a free copy of his book, aiming to guide others toward a similar transformation. Through candid discussions and heartfelt reflections, both Rick and Ron provide listeners with a compelling narrative of hope. Their testimonies remind us that no matter the struggle, a life filled with purpose and peace is within reach through faith. Don’t miss this episode that promises to uplift and inspire you to face life's challenges with renewed confidence.
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It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, ron Myers. The promoter.
Ron Meyers:Well, hello my friends. Well hello my friends. Well, in the studios I feel so well protected because I have this big biker next to me, rick the Biker. Rick, you look, you're intimidating. I mean, I'm just ready to give you all my money and my car and you want my dogs and cats? Here they are.
Rick The Biker:But how are you, rick? I've been told that. I've been told I was here. I am six foot tall, 200, I've actually lost some weight. I'm 227 pounds, bald-headed, bearded, and I've got my riding vest on my red shirt because it's Friday.
Ron Meyers:And most of all you have is you've got the spirit of the Lord inside you. I mean you can tell you you've got some Jesus inside you.
Rick The Biker:Yes, sir, yes sir, I do.
Ron Meyers:Amen. So Jesus rides with you on your bike.
Rick The Biker:Yes, he does.
Ron Meyers:All right, he likes his hair flowing in there.
Rick The Biker:Instead of hair, I have the Holy Spirit.
Ron Meyers:Well, Rick, we're going to talk about that in just a minute. You do a lot of work at biker churches and up and down the Gulf Coast, but I know you have a story. You've had a interesting life and we'll talk a little bit about it. But first of all, who? Jesus to you? He is my savior, he's you get a little emotional, don't you?
Rick The Biker:I do, I do you look at the man that he was. You look at what he did. He didn't get drugged to the cross. He went to the cross For who? For us, and what brings tears to my eyes is he went to the cross for me, for me.
Ron Meyers:Yeah, it really is something to to grasp that even if we were the only person in the world, he'd still go to the cross for us. That's how much he loves us. So where did you first meet Jesus? Did you have Jesus in your family as a as a child, and were you drugged to church every Sunday?
Rick The Biker:Well, my family was Catholic and one day we sat in front of the TV and it was the greatest story ever told and Ten Commandments was on and all this. It was about that time of the year and I asked my mother. I said Mama, who killed Jesus? Because I was looking for somebody to blame. And she turned and looked at me right in the eyes and said, ricky, we killed Jesus. That affected me.
Ron Meyers:How old were you at that age? I think about five. Wow, that's a kind of a powerful question to ask your mom at five years old.
Rick The Biker:Yeah, People don't realize the effect that Hollywood has on our family's lives, for good and for evil.
Ron Meyers:So did this begin a journey in your life that you wanted to find out more about who Jesus was?
Rick The Biker:That question almost was like I put my hand up and God saw it and said Okay, you want to know. I got an answer for you and he dealt with me throughout the rest of my life until 2005,. Right after Katrina, when I was at this church and sitting next to the woman that would be my third wife, because the other two had gone on, and I heard a voice and it said get up. But it was even softer than that. I turned and I looked at her and I said what did you say? She said I didn't say nothing, she wasn't even singing. It was during the part where they were singing a lot of gospel songs. It was beautiful, but she wasn't singing, she was just listening. And then I heard it again Get up. And I turned around. There was nobody around behind me. I'm getting just pulled into it, you know, get up. And I felt something on my arm and I looked and there's nothing there and I'm thinking I better get up. And I turned to her and I say, amy, I guess I'm going up to the altar. Okay, so up I get and I walk up to the altar. I understand, ron.
Rick The Biker:35 years I've been a biker. You don't show any emotion, except for maybe, anger, enjoyment. You don't show tears. That's weakness. You might cry for a brother that went down, that died. You might cry for his family, but that's it.
Ron Meyers:So you're, mr Tough Macho, rick the Biker, sitting in church and you hear a voice, a quiet voice, that says to stand up. And you kind of fight that, but finally you stood up. Did you go to the altar?
Rick The Biker:I went to the altar. Were you crying Before I hit my knees.
Ron Meyers:Sounds like you ran into Jesus at that altar. I did.
Rick The Biker:The Holy Spirit was there waiting on me. They say Jesus is a gentleman, god's a gentleman. God is sovereign, he is the master of all, he is the king of the universe. He made it, he owns it, he owns us. Whether we like it or not, he called me to that altar.
Ron Meyers:So that day you had a date with destiny. Yes, sir, destiny was knocking on the door and about to change your life forever. Now, this was in 2005.
Rick The Biker:Right after Katrina.
Ron Meyers:So what was the change? What happened to Rick the biker?
Rick The Biker:My stone heart became flesh. A biker, my stone heart became flesh and the Bible says he gives us a new heart. He certainly did that to me. He certainly did. I had been told that I was a good man. You're a good person. You do nice things for people. I also did a lot of horrible things to people because of the life that I was living. Now I'm ashamed of what I used to be, but I hit my knees because of what Jesus made me.
Ron Meyers:Amen brother.
Rick The Biker:Because if not for God's Holy Spirit, they'd have found me under a bridge, under I-10, dead Either because of something I put up my nose or in my arm, and I'd have been alone, utterly alone, because the Holy Spirit wouldn't have been with me, I would not have been known to God and I wouldn't want to have been known to God.
Ron Meyers:But there are a lot of people listening and say, well, that guy, it was just his time. You know what? I've been enjoying life right now and I don't have God in my life and I'm having fun. I'm going down the road with my hair blowing on my motorcycle and I don't have Jesus. So you know what's the big deal? Why do people want to tell me about Jesus?
Rick The Biker:The big deal is time is getting short and it's getting shorter. You think you got tomorrow. There was a fellow and if there's any banditos listening and I'm sure there is because there are some believers in the banditos and it's a. It is a secular club, but there are people with heart in that club and there are people with heart in that club and there are people whose hearts are owned by Christ. And there was a fellow. He was loved by a lot of people. They called him Bandito Rock. One day he was just riding down the road, not acting a fool. When you become a bandito, you learn not to act a fool. His front tire hit a spot in the road and it just pulled him off the road. He went down and got hit by two vehicles. He was killed instantly. He thought he had tomorrow. He thought he had months, years. I ride that bike and I know when God calls me. I ain't got no more days.
Ron Meyers:Amen. Well, listen, I'm going to take a break and when we come back, I want you to talk about that, about the tomorrows that we're planning to have. Maybe we need to have some kind of come to Jesus minute. Okay, yes, sir.
Rick The Biker:Amen Tonight.
Speaker 1:You're listening to get the hell out of your Life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope. What's?
Speaker 5:your story. We're looking for stories of hope and overcoming life's struggles with God's grace. Your story validates God's love, mercy, restoration and forgiveness. We want to help you share your story with the world. Visit our website, thepromoterorg, and click on the Share your Story link and submit your story. Your testimony of God's amazing grace will change a person's destiny for eternity.
Speaker 1:Getting encouragement is important and it helps us overcome our fears and gives us the courage to face life's challenges. To receive weekly messages of encouragement, all you need to do is text INSPIRE to 888-527-1223. That's 888-527-1223. Our messages are intended to inspire and empower you on your life journey. Remember, life is more enjoyable when you're inspired.
Rick The Biker:You're tired of how you're living, we'll change it.
Speaker 1:You don't like where you're headed, we'll arrange it. You're sick of being let down and you want out of your life.
Ron Meyers:Get the hell out of your life. Welcome back listeners. I've got Rick the Biker in here, this big, intimidating man. He's not my bodyguard. I don't know why I need a bodyguard I don't do anything but if I need one, I want one that looks just like you, thank you. And so it is really a kind of a a funny picture in your mind your big biker, but then soft as a teddy bear, cuddly as a teddy bear because of Jesus in your heart, and, uh, you would probably give the shirt off your back to anybody on the street, wouldn't you?
Rick The Biker:Yes, sir, I would yeah.
Ron Meyers:And uh, my wife calls me her cupcake, her cupcake, all right, thank you, ramona. Yeah, all right. Cupcake, well, cupcake, um. We're talking about a lot of us where we are planning tomorrow and the Bible says that enjoy today, because we don't know what tomorrow will bring. So right now you're, you've seen death in person, you've lost a couple of wives. So now, at your age, and all the experience, now at your age, and all the experience, what wisdom would you share with somebody listening that's just living for today and you know what Jesus is in the rear view mirror. It's not even in a rear view mirror. He's just nowhere in their life.
Rick The Biker:Well, all I could tell really is tomorrow is not promised to us. As a matter of fact, the next 10 minutes is not promised to us. As a matter of fact, the next 10 minutes is not promised to us. You could hop on that bike, get in that car and you think I'm driving safe, I'm operating this bike reasonably, but the enemy is everywhere. And if Jesus doesn't have you, who does? And it's either. Or you think, oh, I am me, I own myself. No, you don't. Somebody owns you and they're going to do with you what they want. Yeah, satan is going to make you sick. Satan is going to make you feel bad. Satan's going to infuriate you and make you say things that you normally wouldn't say to a person, somebody you care so very much about.
Ron Meyers:You're going to say some things to them that hurts now you say that almost like you know that for a fact, because that was your old me, that was your old life, that was me. Oh, you're a mean was?
Rick The Biker:Wow, I try not to be because it becomes so ingrained.
Ron Meyers:It's a drug I don't do drugs anymore Well when you can intimidate people with your size and strength and your voice, it also kind of, I would think, gives you a little bit of power. Wow, look at it, I have these people. That gives you a little bit of power. Wow, look at, I have these people, that's the drug. Afraid of me. That's the drug. So then now tell us, how does Mr Tough Biker, rick the Biker, now Jesus turned you into a cupcake, according to Ramona. So what's life like with Jesus now?
Rick The Biker:Before, like I would tell people there's nobody, I couldn't whip. I knew how to fight. I learned how to fight, and when I was in the Army I learned how to fight. Before that I was this wimpy little kid. I was bullied all the time Because of that. I learned how to fight in the army. I learned how to defend myself. I learned how to hurt people. Jesus got a hold of me and he says I will repay. Revenge is not for you, aggression is not for you. I am the way, the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father but through me, and I know you want to see him, do you? And I ask anybody out there who's at all curious who do you want to see? Do you want to see God, the Father? Do you want to see Him on His white throne angry? Do you want to see him on his white throne angry? Or do you want him to say welcome home, my son or my daughter?
Ron Meyers:Amen. So you are on a mission now. Everywhere I go I don't care if I'm at Best Buy or Winn-Dixie, or see on the motorcycle, you have a mission to tell people about Jesus. Let's do a little role playing here. You are going down the highway on your motorcycle, you pull up to a stoplight and you have the opportunity to talk to someone across from you. Here's Rick the biker. I'll even have a few sound effects.
Speaker 1:We'll have the little bike going.
Ron Meyers:I have to put a little step in Wolfon. All right, do your thing. And what do you got for me there, mr Biker?
Rick The Biker:I pointed one of my patches and it says Satan sucks and it's not being vulgar, but it's true. He will pull money from you, he will pull your health from you, he will pull your very life from you. Only Jesus will save you. Come, follow me. We'll park somewhere and I'll tell you all about my jesus yeah, that's good, that's good.
Ron Meyers:So how is life now? You look, you just seem so happy, you and ramona. Uh, she's your third wife, fourth, she's your fourth, my fourth wife, my last wife, your wife. So you guys seem like you're just a a, a May, a marriage made in heaven.
Rick The Biker:Well, with Jesus in the middle of this marriage. It can not fail.
Ron Meyers:Amen. Before we go, can I get you to pray for the listeners right now? Anybody that is listening to this. Rick the biker, alias Cupcake, is going to pray for you.
Rick The Biker:Almighty God. You have your children listening, but you also have those who have not asked for the Holy Spirit to come into their heart. They are not yet your family. They might think they are, but I also know that you love them so very much. You went to the cross for them. You offered to take their sins, for them to feel the pain that we should feel because you took it for us. Please, o Lord, reach out to them, call them, call them to repentance and call them to salvation those of you listening who have not yet asked for Christ in your heart. It's easy, it doesn't cost you anything, but it does change your life. It puts you on the track of happiness and love, but it also puts a target on your back, but it's a target that you'll love amen almighty God, please, please, please, reach out to these who don't know you.
Rick The Biker:they might have been just thumbing through the internet or or on the radio. So grab their ears, grab their hearts and change their lives and give them life. In Jesus' name. I beg you, please, god. In Jesus' name, I beg you, please, god, jesus Almighty, at the right hand of the Father, include this into your intercessory prayers to God. The Father, holy Spirit, you know what is needed. Go to them, become real to them and make them my brothers and sisters. Those of you listening, you take on this offer. You might not have a mother, father, brother, sister, or you might have dozens, but this is a Royal family and you will be a Prince or princess in Jesus name.
Ron Meyers:Amen, amen. Rick the biker man that'd be good. You picture him friends. Black leather, six foot five, 300 pounds, praying that prayer in here. I'm waiting for the lightning bolts to come down, but when Jesus gets ahold of your heart, wow, it's a change. Good job. One last thing before I let you go. The title of the show is called get the hell out of your life. How do you get the hell out of your life? Turn to Jesus, amen.
Rick The Biker:Jesus is in heaven with God, but his Holy spirit is here, amen, and you can see him Honestly. You can see him, amen.
Ron Meyers:Well, thanks for stopping by, brother. Thank you, you're going to give me a ride out there on your.
Speaker 5:Harley.
Ron Meyers:What's so funny? Your size, you would protect me. I'm just a little guy here, so I just sit behind your back and eat some of those cupcakes your wife made you.
Rick The Biker:Actually we go to Sam's and we buy a cupcake. She wants to do some cakes and she's good, she's a good baker and a good cook.
Ron Meyers:All right brother. Hey, thanks for coming by.
Rick The Biker:Thank you so much. I appreciate the opportunity.
Speaker 1:You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.
Speaker 2:The Christmas City Gift Show. We've transformed the entire Mississippi Coast Convention Center in Biloxi into an illusion of Christmas, with gifts for everyone Games, planes, jewelry and toys, paintings, pottery, candles and food Guaranteed to put you in the Christmas mood. Visit the North Pole with free kids, crafts and photos with Santa himself. Bring the whole family to the event. Everyone is talking about the Christmas City Gift Show in Biloxi, inside the Mississippi Coast Convention Center. The holiday event you've been waiting for, produced by Ron Miles.
Speaker 5:It's the greatest show in the South.
Speaker 6:Don't miss the 41st annual edition of the Christmas City Gift Show, friday November 8th through Sunday, november 10th, inside the Convention Center at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi. For tickets and more information, log on to ChristmasCityGiftShowcom. That's ChristmasCityGiftShowcom. That's ChristmasCityGiftShowcom, ron. We'll be back in a moment to wrap up today's conversation. We want to encourage you today with God's promise to you. It comes from the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and the future. That's God's promise to you when you choose to commit your plans and future to him Now back to Ron.
Ron Meyers:Well, friends, my time is up and, as you can tell if you've listened to this show for any length of time, I love Jesus. My guests love Jesus, because we know one thing Life sometimes just plain sucks. It's not about religion, it's about a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus. You can have in your car, your shower, when you mow, go to the gym, whatever it is. I encourage you to start having a regular dialogue with Jesus, just you and him. Pour out your heart to the father, talk with dad, and you will find there is healing, there is strength, there is inspiration, there is encouragement.
Ron Meyers:Jesus is the answer to so many problems. It's not about attendance in a building, it's not about even reading the Bible every single day and all these devotions. That's good, but there's nothing that can replace that connection with Jesus. Just you and him, and then he will empower you to become everything you were created to become. You have talents, you have skills, you have abilities, and sometimes you get frustrated because it seems like nothing is going right. Well, when all else fails, then it's time to try Jesus. I'll be back next week, in fact, if you want to get a copy of my story. I mean, I had a wild story before I met Jesus. I would love to send you a copy of my book absolutely free. Just go to my website, thepromoterorg. And request a copy Until next week. This is Ron Myers reminding you I love you, jesus loves you, and it is time to get the hell out of your life and enjoy that personal, intimate relationship with Jesus today's show was produced by ron myers ministries.
Speaker 1:A listener supported ministry. For a copy of today's broadcast, please visit our website, the promoterorg, and would you prayerfully consider making a tax deductible donation so that we may continue to share stories of God's amazing grace with the world. And join us next week for another broadcast of Get the Hell Out of your Life Real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope.