Get The Hell Out of Your Life

I Was a Failure at Church but a Success With Jesus

Ron Meyers, Sam Piche Season 5 Episode 39

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Can strict church rules sometimes make you feel like a failure? Tune in to hear how breaking free from these constraints and embracing a genuine relationship with Jesus can lead to an empowering and transformative journey. I share my personal struggles of feeling overwhelmed by rigid regulations and the liberating grace I found through Jesus. Our mission is to shine a light on real-life stories of people encountering Jesus in unconventional ways, highlighting the importance of living the gospel of grace.

Meet Sam Pache, who grew up in a devout Christian family but battled with drug addiction from an early age. Despite numerous interventions and severe consequences, it was a profound meeting with a former Hells Angel preacher that began to shift his perspective. Sam's raw and honest account is a powerful testimony to the redemptive power of faith and the unwavering support of prayerful loved ones, demonstrating that even a small act of faith can spark monumental change.

We also discuss the importance of humility and submission in our spiritual journey, emphasizing that Jesus should be central in our lives rather than strict rules or mere church attendance. By focusing on personal experiences and heartfelt reflections, we explore how allowing Jesus to rule our hearts can bring love, peace, and joy. Join us as we encourage listeners to share their own stories of transformation and faith, and discover how tapping into our spiritual inheritance can lead to a radically changed perspective and alleviated worries.

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Speaker 1:

It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, ron Myers. The promoter.

Speaker 3:

Hello, my friends, it is so good to be with you today. I have been praying for you. I really do, and I absolutely positively believe, friends, that it is no accident that you are listening to my voice. I know there's troubles in your life. There's troubles in everybody's life. Did I ever tell you the time that?

Speaker 3:

Well, I kicked myself out of church. I did. You see, I was a failure at church, but I became a success with Jesus. So what do I mean by that? Well, I loved going to church. I loved being in the activities and taught Sunday school, had the pleasure, the privilege to preach a few times in a church. But, friends, it seemed like every week I left and I was filled up with so many rules of things to do and not to do, and I believe that you know I would talk about that.

Speaker 3:

But something happened one day that I was outside cleaning my yard and something just hit me. Lord, I'm a failure in church, I can't do what they are telling me to do. And I heard that beautiful, still small voice Ron, I never told you to what part of it is finished, don't you understand? So at that moment I realized that I had to play Sherlock Holmes for myself. I had to understand what the finished works of Jesus meant to me, and what about the gospel of grace that Paul so eloquently preached to the Gentiles? And I dove into this and started finding out that, even though I was having fun in church, I was learning rules. I never really learned, or maybe I didn't pay attention. I was one of those problem students in school, but I was never taught about the freedom that we have with Jesus. When we invite Jesus into our heart, we believe he is the son of God, then a transformation takes place, son of God, then a transformation takes place. We are a new creation in Christ and legally sitting with him in heaven. That's right. The Bible says that he has equipped us with every spiritual gift that we need to do life, to live life, to have peace and purpose.

Speaker 3:

So I went on a search and, friends, the results were absolutely astounding. I sensed that quiet voice inside of me prompting me to create this show, to interview people that would share their stories. You see what I was finding out? There are millions of people out there that know Jesus and have never been in church or they met Jesus outside of a church. It's been five years and this is what I found out the more I talk to people that share their struggles openly and honestly. And then the moment they came to Jesus, it's liberating, it's refreshing, it reminds me they did what I was trying to do without all the rules. They just called out to Jesus and said, hey, are you real? I need some help.

Speaker 3:

And so, friends, the more I listen to these interviews hundreds and hundreds of interviews it is really hard to step into a church now. Not that I'm any better than anyone in there no, not at all but it's because I get all these flashbacks of rules. It's like they're going to slap me over the hand with a ruler that if I don't do proper things, there's more emphasis in most churches on our works and what we need to do, instead of reminding us that when we do life with Jesus, when Jesus is the center of our life, that everything flows out of our life, we do have peace, we do have joy, we don't want to do things anymore that are destructive to our behavior, because we understand the price that Jesus paid to give us freedom. And we are free indeed, and we are a really lone wolf out there. Because when you talk about doing life with Jesus and walking in his goodness, in his grace, in his mercy.

Speaker 3:

There's always the religious ravenous wolves that want to attack you and say that is not the gospel. And I tell them I am living the gospel, the gospel of grace. I am living the gospel that Paul preached to the Gentiles. Jesus is my life. I think about him in the morning, the noon and night. No, I do work. I don't live in an isolated place, but when you do that, friends, it is liberating, it is free. All right, I better slow down a minute because I do have a story, sam's story. You're going to love Sam's story and I'll talk about failing in church but being successful with Jesus in the final thought segment of today's show. So, sam, tell the listeners your story.

Speaker 2:

I'm a guy who grew up in church, grew up with an amazing family In my book the Oldest of Four Boys and grew up around all the best preachers and teachers and a lot of the denominations and got some of the best preaching and teaching. But from a very young age was very rebellious and, uh, man, really just distracted, didn't know where I was at, where I was going, and uh, by the time I 11, I was 11, I uh started using my first drugs. I'll say that, uh, but I remember being exposed to a lot of stuff, even at a young age, even in the school systems TVs, all that stuff. It's amazing how the imagery.

Speaker 3:

So let me, let me get this right. Sam, You're in big churches I think you even said you were in the church where Joyce Meyer came out of and your dad's an on fire Christian and you're in church and you're not clapping your hands and jumping up and down. You are bored and you're looking for some a little excitement in life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a good way to put it. Yeah, a little excitement, a little bit of uh, I guess, finding my own way, trying to understand things in my terms, um, and really just being curious.

Speaker 3:

What were you curious about?

Speaker 2:

Really just what was on the other side of you know, growing up in legalism, you know the religious term growing up, so, uh, not being able to even listen to like the real hardcore christian metal bands or rap groups or whatever. Because that kind of thing. Just trying to figure out my way and trying to figure out if, if the truth that I was being told or the facts I was being told were actual facts, doing my own fact checking so you start at 11 with pot, and then where does it go from?

Speaker 2:

there Really and truly. It just picked up because what I started doing is I found myself jumping from like scene to scene, almost Like you have those shows where you get all the different clicks or the different types of people, and I would just jump from click to click and really just hung out with everybody trying to figure out what they were doing. So, of course, coming with all those different types, types of click whether it was the rock scene with the methamphetamine and the, the adderall, all those types of things, the uppers and then I went to the downer scene and then, uh, ended up riding bulls with my buddies for a while and then I went to all the different types of hippie festivals with all the hippie folks and just tried many, many different scenes and every scene obviously had types of drugs in it. So, yeah, by the time I was 18, that's when I really started, um, intravenously using I was uh, I would basically shoot up anything I could get my hands on.

Speaker 2:

I remember a story looking back one time out of florida where they were showing this guy that they're taking bath salts and he was basically like a zombie trying to eat somebody's face off, and I remember me and my buddies had gotten really heavy and everything I was interviewing. So using basalt and heroin and methamphetamine, really anything that I could get my hands on at that point, because not only was I eating, I was selling, so I was trying to. I would use that money obviously to be able to get high.

Speaker 3:

Listeners. On the phone is Sam Pache, who started drugs at age 11. What's going on with your family?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was kind of both and they were like I said earlier. I had three younger brothers. First of all, they were trying to keep, I think, my younger brothers outside of the scope of what was going on. I don't, honestly, I talked to my family later and they really they just really didn't know kind of what was going on, because they were involved but they were so busy trying to work multiple jobs and doing all these things in life and being in church, ministry and all this stuff, that they honestly didn't, um, they honestly didn't know half of what was going on so they didn't realize it.

Speaker 2:

Till later on my mom told me, you know, one time I was gone in a buddy's house and I came back home and I had x amount of marijuana and cocaine, all these different types of things and different things in the basement, or in the basement where my bedroom was, and they had laid it all out and they were like what is this? So that was by the time I was 16 and they were like we did not know anything was going on. But by that time I was so heavy into it. Yeah, that was kind of I was kind of already past the point. So at that point, man, they really started seeking and fasting and praying and trying to figure out what to do, and by that time I was so far off in rebellion. It was i't a lost cause, but I was pretty much that far. We were getting into arguments day to night, and that's if I was coming home.

Speaker 3:

Sam. And then you heard a preacher one day from a former Hells Angel and something happened. What happened with that?

Speaker 2:

I had multiple encounters, kind of, with the Lord and it's some of those things. Everybody has their own journey, but this is just something for me, so it doesn't mean everybody goes through it, but it was one of those things. I was at a meeting with my dad. I just happened to be in the house and some strange reason I was. He was like you want to go with me tonight? And I was like, yeah, we'll see. You know, that's kind of. But it put me on my butt and I got stuck to the ground, I remember, for about an hour and a half and I literally couldn't get up and I just had this encounter with the Lord where I was like man, what in the world? But for me I was more like a Jonah.

Speaker 2:

As soon as I it scared me so much, I ran right back out into the world and I would have these encounters and at that point I kind of knew you know, everybody to me has like an innate conscious. You kind of know what's wrong and right, but sometimes it gets seared and you just don't want to listen. So I would have moments, more than often than that, of me being in these really dark places and knowing just to cry out to the Lord, whether it was in the hotels or wherever I would have. These experiences were just near-death experiences multiple times, even multiple churches, multiple interstates I mentioned that on the video we did just multiple times of shutting down interstates and totaling out multiple vehicles and being in the hospital literally just all the time, just trying to. Really, I think it was promiscuous Satan just trying to take my life and God keeping that hypodetection around me.

Speaker 3:

So God is trying to get your attention. So how did it finally?

Speaker 2:

work. You know the saying sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired but I still didn't know where to go. So I tried like state-type rehabs and even just church events, because I was still kind of drawn to that. And one day a youth pastor one of my brother's youth pastors ended up mentioning a place called Home of Grace in Mississippi and I started looking at rehabs and a lot of them were very long and I was like, oh, there ain't no way I can do that, and some of them at the time I still smoke cigarettes. So I was like, oh, I can't go there if they don't allow us to smoke cigarettes, all this type of stuff.

Speaker 2:

And um, I ended up getting to the rehab Mississippi home of grace and ended up I had an encounter with the Lord and it was, frankly, it was all the years of fasting and praying I believe that my family did and they never given up on me and um, when I started having that account with the Lord, I started realizing that, hey, there is a God, first of all cause I had gotten to the place where I didn't believe in God. I didn't want nothing to do with God. I was kind of like the guy that wanted to turn people from God. And uh, cause, I was just so bitter and so angry and so rebellious.

Speaker 2:

And uh, man, when I had that encounter, I realized that the Lord was real and that he did have a good purpose for my life. And then, not only that, that he was going to use everything that I'd been through for his good and for his kingdom and that, no matter what I did, he had loved me. And that's why the Bible says even while we were sinners, he loved us. And for me that was so hard to comprehend that it just broke me down. Man, I ended up in just bawling my eyes out, you know, like a little baby like, and just washing. I could feel that washing coming over me. Amen, brother.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then, when you graduated from the home of grace, you became a counselor there, didn't you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, eventually I became a counselor. So God allowed me to do all kinds of cool stuff. I got to basically Mississippi. I was a youth pastor. I went through the army national guard, um, did my time there, became a veteran and got to serve with some awesome people. You know. I got to go to a couple of colleges and universities and I became a certified alcohol and drug counselor and at the end of it, um, they even let me create my own program and really do an aftercare program for the guys that were graduated in the initial program and I got to run that for a couple of years. So that was really really awesome man, really awesome getting to work with guys coming out of addiction.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely Listeners on the phone, Sam Pache, who's sharing his story of starting at drugs at age 11, pot heroin onto crazy wild things, and then God got ahold of him at the home of grace in Van Cleve, Mississippi. And today, wow Sam, a veteran, a college graduate, You've got a family and a child. You have a daughter right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thanks for saving my butt, ron. Yeah, the biggest thing that happened to me was I ended up getting married. Actually, now I have two children, so I've actually had a child since we moved to Missouri, so I have a son now.

Speaker 3:

Well, congratulations, congratulations and one of the things in our interview parents out there that are listening right now whose child has gone astray. They're living the life of Sam. You said your mom and parents. They never gave up on you and they just always spoke life. Share that with the listeners.

Speaker 2:

I think the biggest thing they did, first of all, is they had to release me to the Lord, and I think that's one of the things that's hardest for people to do, because obviously, as parents me being a dad I want to fix everything. Everything my daughter tries to get into, in two seconds I'm like, hey, get out of that. And sometimes I've learned that some of the biggest times she learns is when she hurts or falls on herself and then she realizes, hey, I don't want to run down the street and I'm going to do that. So I think the biggest thing is, first of all, they kind of released me to the Lord, but they always kept praying in the secret place. And then the second biggest thing that I know that they did was while they're at church or while they're at their place of employment because Branson was kind of a smaller town, all those things.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people would always ask God has a plan for our son and we're not giving up on that. So they would literally just speak life. They never just quit speaking life to everybody. So people even hey, how can we pray for him? Like, well, just pray, you know, pray that he fulfills his destiny and he's doing good. We're just loving on him. We're just going to keep working with him. So everything that they did always pointed towards the positive and it's really amazing to be able to see that now, how God gave them that foresight, or allowed him to see through his eyes that love and compassion through the cross, that, hey, it might not look the way that you think it should, but in the future, man, I got such a plan for him that it's going to change.

Speaker 3:

And you said one day that your mom saw a sign she was going over a bridge or she saw some butterflies.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the video. I got to share that with you, man, I it was one thing that she ended up telling me that we lived down this old country road and she was going over this little bridge in the Creek. And she said one time during the springtime she knew that God was about to change everything, because all these butterflies were in front of the car and there's so many she really couldn't even drive. And God said, basically I'm showing you that you know, even a butterfly goes through a concocting stage and they go through that dark time in their life. And I'm about to change Sam's life to where you know, when he comes out of this he's going to be able to affect everything and moving groups, all kinds of stuff. So he started speaking to her about that, about that life transformation that was about to take place.

Speaker 3:

So Sam, right now, with all that's going on in the world, there's somebody listening right now, maybe their child, maybe it's themselves. They are far from God.

Speaker 2:

Drugs or depression or alcohol are just the. They don't even believe in God and they don't, but they're still drawn to listen to a program like this. You've got the microphone. What thing I've learned with God is that he's a God of mercy. If you don't know what mercy means, it means that he's going to give you things that you might not deserve, and it means that he's going to, basically, in a courtroom. Sometimes you walk in and you're supposed to get all kinds of bad stuff and he ends up giving you the good stuff instead, just because he can, just because he's able to do that.

Speaker 2:

And one of the things I've learned in my walk is that in the times I didn't trust him, in the times I didn't believe him, he still loved me and believed in me anyway. And then the times that now I'm walking with him, even when I mess up, he's always there for me. So one of the things I've learned with God is he's such a big God and he's such a God of understanding and such a God of love and compassion. Yes, he has justice and yes, he rules righteously, but, man, he's there for you. So, in saying that, one of the things I've learned over the years is that the way that my encounters with God happen were not the religious way that we would think that they would happen. It was me literally just crying out to him and asking him are you even there? What's up, god? And just talking to him plainly. I mean he's such a plain God, he's such a good dad. I mean he's such a plain God, he's such a good dad and man, he's such a good brother, that we literally have such an awesome intercessor and somebody that just loves us so much that it's hard to even comprehend.

Speaker 2:

I know, in my darkness and the times that I didn't quit it, that all sounds crazy, like everything I'm even saying now would sound crazy. But I think if you even have faith in the mustard seed, the smallest little seed, if you even have faith in the mustard seed, you know the smallest little seed, if you even have the smallest little faith, and you just ask God hey, just show me the way out. Or hey, man, I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired, god, like I'm sick and tired and never being able to pay my rent, having broke down cars being around these people. I'm around, I just need some help.

Speaker 2:

I know nobody really loves me. Nobody's looking there for me, god, and I think, if you just have that, that simple plea, that baby man, I for me, I was just a baby and I would just cry out and cry out and cry out and, uh, any good, any good parent, you know, even if we didn't grow up with good parents or whatever, so we might not be able to stand that any good parent is going to come running eventually when that baby's crying. So for me, I just I kept crying and I kept crying when God showed up. He was right there for me, man, and he didn't hold it against me that I was crying.

Speaker 3:

Amen, Amen. Well, Sam, we're almost out of time. I always like to ask the guest how do you get the hell out of your life?

Speaker 2:

It makes me man. I think humility is the biggest thing. I think that's the hardest thing for us man. Getting the hell out of our life is such a humble state of realizing that it's all about submission and I think that's the hardest thing for us to do. I think one of the things. I'm working at a place called Teen Challenge now, and I know the story of the man that started it. He just had to quit watching his TV shows, you know, at night, and just spend some time with God, and I think it's that simple. Sometimes I don't think God's looking for some big, crazy, you know man of the hour with all the power type thing. I don't think people start out that way. I think that it's more of man. He's just looking for somebody that's willing to just say, hey, here I am, here I am, I don't get it. Yeah, I don't know what to do, lord, just please teach me and show me. And that's how it all starts.

Speaker 3:

When I return, let's unpack Sam's story.

Speaker 1:

You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.

Speaker 4:

Here's a refreshing word today from Galatians, for all the law is fulfilled in one word. Even in this, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. The Christmas City Gift Show. We've transformed the entire Mississippi Coast Convention Center in Biloxi into an illusion of Christmas, with gifts for everyone Games, planes, jewelry and toys, paintings, pottery, candles and food Guaranteed to put you in the Christmas mood. Visit the North Pole with free kids' crafts and photos with Santa himself. Bring the whole family to the event. Everyone is talking about the Christmas City Gift Show in Biloxi, inside the Mississippi Coast Convention Center. The holiday event you've been waiting for, produced by Ron Myers. Christmas City GiftShowcom.

Speaker 3:

That's ChristmasCityGiftShowcom. Welcome back listeners. Sam's story another great, incredible story. I seek those. In fact, if you have a story or you know somebody that has a story, they have to get in touch with me. Their story will encourage, empower and inspire someone out there. You know, the Bible says that they overcame him, meaning Satan. They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. See, the testimony is always about what Jesus did for you. It's not about how many rules you memorized. It's not about looking at a church attendance record. It's not about giving money to the church. It's all about Jesus ruling in your heart. I tell people all the time I don't need rules because Jesus rules my heart.

Speaker 3:

Friends, we are living in times that it is absolutely crucial, imperative for you, the believer, and even if you don't believe, you may want to start believing, because if you want to get through this trials and tribulations and the anxiety the news is throwing on top of us, it is only with Jesus ruling your heart. When Jesus is the center of your life, everything flows out Love, peace, joy. Your worry, your anxiety begins to go away because Jesus is your focus. And friends, don't get me wrong, I'm not against church? I'm not against church. You can be in church and not be saved, but when Jesus is in your heart, you are saved for eternity. I think the emphasis through church, through teaching, has got to be it's all about Jesus, because that's what's going to save us, that's what's going to take the hell out of our life, and I don't know about you, friends, but getting the hell out of my life. It is a day-to-day battle, because the bigger I get with this message and the more it reaches around the world, the bigger the attacks. I think sometimes to myself, ron, are you really doing any good? And then I slap myself across the head and say, ron, you know you're doing good, because God's word will never return.

Speaker 3:

Void Friends, I don't care if one person listens to this or a million and one people listen to it. It's the same story for everyone. Jesus saves, jesus wants your problems, jesus wants to minister to it. It's the same story for everyone. Jesus saves, jesus wants your problems, jesus wants to minister to you. You know, what have you got to lose?

Speaker 3:

If all that you're doing in life is not working and you're getting frustrated and you're coming to the end of your rope, then why not try God. Why not try God? You see, friends, I was a failure in church. I couldn't live up to those rules and I've never found anyone that can. They might tell you they are, but they aren't. Because it's impossible. It's called the law, but they aren't. Because it's impossible, it's called the law. We cannot do the law. That's why Jesus came to fulfill the law. Our law is allowing Jesus to rule our hearts, and when he does, we will do the right things and we'll do it with the right motives.

Speaker 3:

Let me put it this way. Let me put it this way, that let's say that someone in your distant family has left you a huge fortune. You really don't care about it. You know you're doing good. It's just a lot of money tucked away and you don't think about it. But one day you hit some bad times in life and now it's time that you can draw upon that inheritance. Well, it is the same way with a lot of Christians. They have not drawn on the account of Jesus. They are living as poor Christians, and I'm not talking financially. They're living as poor Christians because they haven't tapped in. They're not drawing on the riches, the power of Jesus himself. And when you draw on the riches and the goodness and the mercy and the love of Jesus. Your mind, your attitude, everything changes and soon you're like that person living on a desert island it's just you and Jesus. There's no church, there's no radio, there's no podcast, there's no television. It's just you and Jesus, and life gets good, life gets great.

Speaker 5:

Ron will be back in a minute to close out today's show. We want to remind out today's show. We want to remind you today of the last words of Jesus it is finished. What is finished? The finished work of Jesus refers to the complete and final accomplishment of salvation through his death and resurrection. It means that Jesus has done everything necessary for our forgiveness, redemption and reconciliation with God. Through His sacrifice on the cross, jesus paid the price for our sins once and for all, providing total forgiveness and cleansing. This finished work of Jesus means that we no longer need to strive or work to earn God's favor or forgiveness, to strive or work to earn God's favor or forgiveness. We can rest in the assurance that our salvation is secure and that we are fully accepted by God because of what Jesus has done for us. Now back to Ron.

Speaker 3:

Well, friends, my time is up. Check out my website, thepromoterorg. There's a free resource for you. Download it to your phone or to your computer. It's called. It's All About Jesus, and will you please put the dates November 8th through the 10th on a calendar and come to the Biloxi Coliseum Convention Center and come and see me. It is the 41st Annual Christmas City Gift Show. It's awesome. Vendors from all over the United States come here once a year for three days and sell the most incredible Christmas gifts you could give someone, and that is the show that supports this entire ministry. Every single penny of this budget comes because of Christmas City. I'll be back next week with another great episode. In the meantime, remember this I love you, jesus loves you, and when you give Jesus your heart, you take the hell out of your life.

Speaker 1:

Get the Hell Out of your Life is underwritten by the Christmas City Gift Show. We invite you to come shop with over 255 vendors from all over the United States from November 8th through the 10th inside the Coast Convention Center located on the beach in Biloxi, Mississippi. You can find more information at ChristmasCityGiftShowcom. Thanks for listening, and if you would like to share your story of what God has done in your life or listen to previous episodes, please visit our website, thepromoterorg. Join us next week for another episode of Get the Hell Out of your Life Real stories, real struggles and real hope.