Get The Hell Out of Your Life
We are a community where people open up about real struggles, share how they found real answers, and discover lasting hope! Our stories share freedom, forgiveness, and faith! Take a listen to life-changing stories, It's All About Jesus!
Get The Hell Out of Your Life
Finding Strength and Hope: Maria's Journey of Loss and Love
What if faith could guide you through life's most turbulent storms? Join us for an inspiring episode as we sit down with Maria, a remarkable woman from Gulfport, Mississippi, who opens her heart about the profound journey of love, loss, and hope after the passing of her son, Matt. Maria's story is a testament to the challenges of addiction, the impact of community support, and the power of prayer as she navigates the aftermath of her son's struggles and untimely death. Through her reflections, we gain insight into the enduring bonds of family and the legacy Matt left behind.
As Maria recounts her son Matt's musical talents and his tireless efforts to turn his life around, she reveals the strength she found in her deep faith and the comfort it provided her during the darkest times. Her journey is marked by the significance of community support and a spiritual encounter Matt experienced, which offered solace to Maria in her grief. Additionally, the remarkable story of Matt's organ donation illustrates how his life continues to impact others in profound ways, providing hope and healing to those touched by his generosity.
The episode also explores the transformative power of faith, encouraging listeners to focus on eternal promises and the peace that faith in Jesus can offer. Personal stories and reflections emphasize the temporal nature of life, urging us to live with love and purpose. Maria's experience underscores the importance of grounding our lives in faith to weather life's challenges and find joy and strength in serving others. Don't miss this heartfelt conversation that reminds us all of the enduring hope and healing found through faith and community.
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It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, ron Myers. The promoter.
Ron Meyer:Hello, my friends, it is so good to be with you today. I want to say a hi to the folks in the Laurel area. Brand new station just airing on the radio here today. My name is Ron Myers, I'm the host. The show is called Get the Hell Out of your Life.
Ron Meyer:We are a community of people that share great stories of Jesus, awesome stories of Jesus, because what we need in this world is more of Jesus, not more religion, not more churches, not more duties to do to please Jesus, but to understand the story about Jesus. The story he's writing in your life and my life is all about his unconditional love, mercy and grace for you. It's not about what you do, because he did it all, but when you understand and walk in the freedom of his grace and his finished work, life is good. So if you have just tuned in for the first time, I think you're going to like this show. It is awesome because it's all about helping restore the reputation of the greatest person ever in existence of the world, and that is Jesus. Today's story is from Maria, and when I had her in the studio talking to her, wow, it was touching because it's about grief. Let's take a listen to her story.
Maria:It's great to see you again after all these years that we used to do music together with our talent stars On the Gulf Coast of Mississippi.
Ron Meyer:I remember we had such a wonderful time and then I came across you at my Christmas show a few months ago and you and I started talking and you have a story.
Maria:OK, well, my name's Maria and I'm from Gulfport, Mississippi. I've lived on the coast most of my life, from a child and then also as an adult, and my story is talking about grief. What I'd like to share is just some background of what's happened in my life with my son, matt, and just to let you know that he did pass away in April of this past year. And let me start by saying first that life is not a bed of roses. Of course, god doesn't offer us anything other than life after death and to make our lives the best we can while we have time on this earth, maybe to leave a legacy or maybe not to leave a legacy, but just leave that imprint, knowing that God guided you through all the different things that you might come across in your life. So, matt, when he was younger, in his 20 twenties, when he passed away, he was 43. So I had a good time with him, you know, on this earth, where I could share my life with him and watch him grow up and have my two beautiful granddaughters. But in his twenties he wound up having a back injury and he got addicted to prescription drugs at that time and it was just hard him growing up and being addicted. At the time that he was young and trying to raise his children and keep a relationship going, there were times when he would be out on the streets in Kansas. After the Hurricane Katrina, he and his little family moved to Kansas where my ex-husband was, and he wound up, you know, going through several different storms in his life where he was living on the streets. He was trying to get over the drug addictions. And back about four years ago he moved back to the coast after he got a divorce from his wife and left his two daughters up in Kansas.
Maria:So Matt was a great music person. I mean, he could play any kind of instrument, he could sing, he wrote music. His abilities were just awesome. I'm not just saying that because I was his mom, but he was just so musically talented and I was hoping that he got some of that from me because I love music, I love to sing and I sing on my praise team at church. But he was trying to get his life together and I could see that he was making that effort and throughout all those times that he was living on the streets and I didn't know what to do because I was down here in Mississippi and he was up in Kansas.
Maria:God kept compelling me, constant prayer and supplication, so I followed God's will on that. I knew there was nothing else I could do, because you have no control over another person, especially an adult child. So about April 16th he had had a back procedure done that Monday, on the 15th. But when he came in town he worked over in Panama City and lived over there. But he would come in town to visit on the weekends and then go to the doctor's appointments and so forth for his back. So about April 15th he went into procedure but you could tell there was something wrong and so he wanted to go back to work the next day, on Tuesday, the 16th. But I kind of talked him out of it and that night I could tell there was something wrong and I told him. I said we need to go to the doctor and find out what's going on with you. He actually went into cardiac arrest that night at my house.
Ron Meyer:At your house, oh goodness yeah.
Maria:So I tried to resuscitate him. I checked for pulse and did all that and then I called the 911. And of course the ambulance came. It seemed like it took forever, but he was in the hospital for a whole week before he passed away. But during that time they kept telling me, you know, that he was not alive anymore, that he was brain dead and that you know we just needed to make a decision.
Maria:But I had over 3,500 people praying for him and us, our family, which to me it was just miraculous in itself. You know, even if he was to die and we had to pull the plug or whatever, just that miracle of thirty five hundred people praying and maybe more than that. I don't even know what the total numbers were, but the more people I kept asking to pray, they kept telling other people. So you know God had his hand in that part of it. The other part was he was an organ donor and I didn't even know that about my own son. And when we did the donor walk, we had a donor walk at the Singing River Hospital and Community Road and there was over 100 people in the hallways on that day, on the 15th I'm sorry, it was the 23rd and there were over a hundred people in the honor walk for him, donating his organs.
Maria:They were all ready, you know, to go ahead and take the organs once he passed away. So we sat in the room with doctors and the nurses, you know, waiting on him. They had taken him off of life support on the 23rd that afternoon, but he didn't go and for whatever reason, he wanted to stay longer. So my ex-husband and I were in the room, my granddaughters were there, but they didn't want to be around that night. So that night we just sat with him and prayed and just enjoyed some time. My ex-husband and I just sat there, as his mom and dad and him and my ex-husband said to me. He said, you know, I think he just wanted it that way, just me and him there, like it started. So, um, wow.
Maria:And then, um, it was just phenomenal, though, all of that happening, and then he passed away a little bit after midnight on April 24th 2024, which is kind of an you know, the date itself is just kind of you know, and my ex-husband said that's just like Matt to do something like that, you know. So it was just you know. Even though it's such a sad and painful thing, I think the only reason that you get through something like that is your faith and hope in God.
Ron Meyer:Is your faith, is what got you through that, because I don't know how I could have done that without faith.
Maria:And just the support and knowing that people were praying and cared so much about us and what happened with him. My, my ex-husband's not super spiritual and my, my granddaughters don't even have Christian values. Although my son was Bible-versed, he could read the Bible from front to back and tell you every scripture in there.
Ron Meyer:So he had a relationship with Jesus.
Maria:Yes, he did. And that day, when he went to the hospital on April 16th, we were sitting in my living room and he told me that a lady came in the house and talked to him. He said I don't know who she was, but she was sitting right here because I was sitting on my couch and he was on my love seat. He said I was sitting on the love seat and she came in house and was talking to me. She was so sweet and so kind, he said. So I have had that feeling that the angel came to see him and prepare him for death.
Ron Meyer:You know I've done a lot of interviews in my lifetime and that is something I hear quite a bit and it's amazing what God does. You know, the Bible says that he wishes that none would perish, and I believe God sends angels, whatever he has to do, to the time that we enter into his rest, to just let us know hey, it's going to be okay. You know, I'm here for you, wow, wow.
Maria:That had to be comforting for you as a mom to hear that it was and I kept thinking there's got to be an. So it took me a couple of months to get everything because it was so traumatic having to try to do resuscitation on your child. He had he coded three times twice at my house and then once when he got to the hospital, once in the ambulance. So it was four times actually, but he just had this peaceful look on his face like he was happy.
Ron Meyer:You and I are talking here in January of 2025, and you have a glow. I mean, you're a believer, you have a glow on you.
Maria:It's just hard for me to see how you can even talk about it. It's just something that God's compelling me to do. I think he wants me to reach out to others that may have a more difficult time dealing with the pain of death, especially if it's a loved one, a child, because a parent shouldn't be burying their children. But we don't have any guarantee on anything. He could have taken me first. You know, I don't know.
Ron Meyer:Well, speaking of that, maria, if somebody out there right now says, oh boy, she is right, because I just buried somebody very special to me, or a child, and I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't even want to live anymore, what would you tell that person?
Maria:Well, I mean there's days that you feel like that. I mean there's days you may not want to get out of bed or you don't want to talk to anybody, but you just have to keep that hope and that joy, because if not, it'll kill you. I mean, you'll go just as fast as they went, and there's a reason why God keeps us here. You know, maybe it's for me to share my experience and share what I feel about Jesus and how he's helped me through it. I just don't think I could have made it without it.
Ron Meyer:In fact, I like to ask my guests who is Jesus to you?
Maria:Jesus to me is everything. If I don't have him in my life, I just don't know where I'd be. I mean, he's brought me through so many things, especially the time when Matt was out on the streets and stuff. If he didn't tell me to pray, what would I have done? There's nothing you can do to control something you can't control death. God has the last word on it, right? I mean he's going to say what are you going to say to him? Okay, lord, I don't want to die today. I mean just think how crazy that is, because he's everything. I mean, he's the way that makes your life. Every day you get out of bed because of him and people that don't have him. They have nothing to hold on to.
Ron Meyer:And a lot of people I hear, especially with this show, ask me well, how can you believe in a Jesus when there's so many bad things going on in this world? And I don't have all the answers. But Jesus does and I know he personally saved my life and he fills me each day with a joy and a peace, and I don't know what today's gonna bring, but I know he's gonna put me in the right place at the right time, just like meeting you.
Maria:Yep, and just like me being here, because maybe I can help somebody else out that doesn't understand the relationship that you need to have. I've got some things that I could say about death because I read a lot now. I'm trying to find answers and trying to find the comfort and peace. So death is an opportunity for you to see God's glory and be revealed of his promises of everlasting life. So I know I'm going to see my son again and I have that hope and that promise because God said it, you know and I know it's true.
Ron Meyer:Amen, and that is exactly. I think of my mom and my dad and friends that aren't here, but I look forward to the day that we're all together.
Maria:Yeah, and you know, Jesus cried and suffered, through pain and suffering, like when Lazarus was dying, or you know died.
Maria:Yeah, he said, jesus wept and Jesus wept and he felt bad for Mary and Martha because that was his best friend, apparently. You know from what the Bible verses say. So he was in sorrow, you know he was sad for them, you know, and that shows how he's, you know, cries with us and he's in pain with us and I know that he's always there. I can't find comfort in people sometimes because everybody's dealing with their own things. They all have their own crosses to bear or things that they're trying to work through, or grief may come in a different way. They might have lost a relationship or a job or whatever, but the only person, the only thing that you can turn to is the Holy Spirit and Jesus, Cause there's, there's no people that don't have something going on that they're trying to deal with.
Ron Meyer:Well, I know one of the things that God has put in you since you're this experience but your son is your wisdom. You are sharing some wise things out there that people need to hear is your wisdom. You are sharing some wise things out there that people need to hear, and what else would you like to tell them about death?
Maria:Just that life and death are temporal. You know we're only here for a short time, so what you do with that time is so important and you need to share love, because Jesus was all about love.
Ron Meyer:Yeah.
Maria:And love your neighbor, no matter what they're going through. I mean, I have people call me up, I still work. Now I could be retired, but I think God gave me the gift and a blessing of being able to still work and have something to do. And then I also do volunteer work and I sing at my church and have a music ministry that I do. It's a karaoke ministry, but I find joy in reaching out to others and just sharing some joy in a life that maybe they don't have. That, especially in nursing homes and places like that.
Ron Meyer:I tell people quite often, maria, that if you know someone that doesn't believe in Jesus and doesn't go to church, maybe perhaps, instead of inviting them to church or giving them a Bible write-off, why not just share what Jesus did in your life, because so many people don't know what Jesus can do. If people hear enough from us that Jesus did this for me and he will do it for you, it makes people curious. They want to search Okay, wow, he really did that for you. Would he do it for me?
Maria:Oh yeah, that's the thing about it. I think for non-Christians, they're still searching for something. You know, some people call it the universe. Well, what's the universe? The universe is God. I mean. Something had to create this massive universe and the planets and people and animals and things. When you even look at like the Garden of Eden, for example, there's still prominent things from there the beautiful roses or the beautiful flowers, or a loving dog. You might have an animal that you love so much. There's so many things left, god left with us.
Ron Meyer:So if somebody asked you, with all you've went through, what's the one thing that's helped you now get through life? What's one life lesson that you can share with someone?
Maria:Just hope and believe. I think, if you have that hope and you believe that you're going to go one day too we don't know when that is, but we just need to trust that. God knows it all.
Maria:He's got a plan for you while you're still here, then make the best of it. Why would you want to be depressed and, um, not live in your life? Your children wouldn't want, my son wouldn't want me to be that way. And I know my family. You know they worry about me and everything, but they always tell me you're doing so good. Even my church group, you know. People at church said you still have the joy. And I said, well, I'm still alive.
Ron Meyer:The joy of the Lord is your strength.
Maria:That's right.
Ron Meyer:Well, we're almost out of time, but before we go, would you just pray?
Maria:for our listeners and whatever the Lord puts on your heart, yeah, and I'd like to also welcome them to contact you if they need prayer, because I'd love to pray for them, even if you're not a believer. Just pray for your heart and just to give you some comfort somehow, some way. Sometimes somebody else praying for you, even if you're not a believer, can give you some comfort. So I just want to pass that on to your listeners. But, dear Jesus, we're just so thankful for this time here with Ferron and his ministry. Father, he's spreading your word out to so many people, even believers and non-believers alike, father, so just bless him, continue to uplift this ministry. And we also pray for those that have lost loved ones, especially those that have lost young children, father to sickness or disease.
Maria:Father, that's got to be so heartbreaking because they had so little time with them to love them and care for them, so little time with them to love them and care for them. So I'd like to lift up those parents that have lost little children, parents that have lost their children, whatever age they are, father, it's still painful. We want to offer them the peace and comfort that only you can give them, father. Just love on them, give them a sense of hope and peace.
Maria:Father, that only you can do, and we just ask that you continue to uplift all those that are suffering from grief, father, whether it be from the loss of a loved one, from the loss of a job, from the loss of a relationship, no matter what it is, father, you know how to handle it, you know what to give them to help them cope with it, father, and you just know how to love them. Father, like no one else can. We just ask that you're with them, that you continue to uplift them and bless them and keep them in your care, father, forever and ever, and we pray in your precious name, amen.
Ron Meyer:When I return. Three action steps to deal with and cope with grief.
:You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.
:I'm sure you saw the news recently about the raging wildfires in Southern California a truly tragic event because many homes and businesses were burned to the ground and many lives lost. But it serves as a reminder of just how temporary this life really is. My name is Mark and this is the Journey. Life is often filled, with our focus only on the things we can see our careers, our fancy possessions, homes, cars and furniture, and even our relationships. It seems all-consuming at times.
:Yet the Apostle Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians, chapter 4, to shift our focus from the temporary, that is, the things of this world, to the eternal. He says fix your eyes on the things of heaven. The world around us is constantly changing, but the unseen realities of heaven, god's promises, his love and the hope of eternal life remain steadfast. When we focus on the eternal, we find strength to endure life's trials. Our hearts become anchored in the hope of glory, not weighed down by the temporary burdens of this world. Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, helps us to navigate life with purpose and peace.
:In James, chapter 4, james reminds us of this truth In the grand scheme of eternity. For what is your life Compared to eternity. It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Lord, help us to focus on the eternal things of heaven rather than the temporary things of this world. Give us a heart that seeks you and eyes that see your eternal promises. Remind us daily of the hope we have in Christ, so that we may live with heaven as our ultimate goal. The Journey.
:The time of how you're living will change it. You don't like where you're headed rearrange it.
Ron Meyer:I told you before the break that I would offer three action steps to help you deal and cope with grief. But first my short story this week called Building a Life In a bustling city, two neighbors, mark and Oliver, each set out to build a new home. Mark was ambitious, always rushing through the task, eager to move. To build a new home. Mark was ambitious, always rushing through the task, eager to move to his next achievement. He built his house quickly on the sandy shore, attracted by the stunning views and the glamour of beachfront property. Oliver, on the other hand, was patient and diligent, though the rocky side he chose required more effort to lay a foundation. Oliver built his home slowly and thoughtfully, ensuring that every beam was secure. Months passed and both houses stood proudly.
Ron Meyer:However, one fateful night, a fierce storm swept through the city. Torrential rain and powerful winds battered the buildings. As the storm raged on Mark's house, with its shaky foundation on the sand, it crumbled under the pressure, leaving Mark in despair. In contrast, oliver's house, built upon solid rock, held firm. It endured the pounding storm, providing safety and security. When the morning sun finally emerged, oliver stood by his intact home, grateful for the wisdom that guided his careful building. Mark, seeing the ruin of his home, grateful for the wisdom that guided his careful building. Mark, seeing the ruin of his home, approached Oliver how did your house survive, he asked. Oliver replied I built on a strong foundation. It's the same way I live my life grounded in faith, not fleeting desires. Jesus is the solid rock. The moral of that story is that a strong foundation is essential for enduring life storms. When we build our lives on lasting values such as faith and integrity, we are equipped to face challenges with resilience. I chose that story because it was so important to me.
Ron Meyer:I have had to deal with grief in a few different ways. One was after Hurricane Katrina. Eight feet of water in our house totally wiped out everything I remember standing in the bathroom after walking in and the only thing I could salvage was my toothbrush, some contact lenses and some dirty clothes in a laundry basket. And I'm telling you, friends, the grief of losing things through the hurricane. It was absolutely overwhelming. And even me, a person of strong faith, loving Jesus with all my heart, mind and soul, I had to question so many things why, why, why? So now I want to share with you three action steps that helped me deal with grief.
Ron Meyer:Number one seek comfort in prayer and reflection. I talk about having coffee with Jesus all the time. Set time aside each day for prayer and conversation, meditation, I'm telling you, friends, opening up your soul, your heart, your cares to Jesus. Jesus said come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Use this scripture verse through your personal conversation with Jesus. Reflect on your feelings, express your pain and ask for the strength to heal.
Ron Meyer:Number two find support in community. Now, if, after Katrina, it wasn't hard to find support because everybody walked into, lost something, whether you're in the food lines to get a lunch or you're getting water or you're waiting for FEMA to evaluate your situation, there was a lot of community. We were supporting each other. In Matthew 18, 20, jesus promises for where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. Share your grief with others who can provide comfort, pray with you and offer companionship. Community can be a powerful source of healing and encouragement.
Ron Meyer:Action step number three embrace hope and healing. Focus on the hope of the resurrection and eternal life. In John 11, 25-26, jesus said I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live even though they die, and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Friends, meditate on these words to find hope in the promise of life beyond death. As I said, we are here just as travelers, as visitors. We're going to go on to eternal life with Jesus, which is absolutely beautiful no more pain, no more suffering and relive those beautiful memories in your mind. Thank Jesus for those memories, because I promise you those memories can be a source for healing.
:Are you searching for meaning, struggling through life's challenges. You're not alone In the Promoter, a gripping, true story of perseverance and faith. One man's journey from failure and despair to hope and purpose unfolds Through childhood struggles, abandonment, bankruptcy and hopelessness. Ron encountered Jesus and everything changed. The Promoter isn't just a story. It's an invitation. An invitation for you to discover your destiny through faith and discovery. Request your free copy today, visit thepromoterorg and take the first step towards a life of clarity and purpose, because with Jesus you have all the answers.
:Here's a refreshing word from James, chapter 1, verse 5. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. Ron will be back in a moment to wrap up today's conversation. We want to encourage you today with God's promise to you. It comes from the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and the future. That's God's promise to you when you choose to commit your plans and future to him. Now back to Ron.
Ron Meyer:Well, listeners, I will be praying for you this week and remember your time in prayer and conversations with Jesus. It's the greatest healing you'll ever have in your life, because he wants to minister to your soul. I'll be back next week with another great episode. In the meantime, remember this I love you, Jesus loves you, and when you get the hell out of your life, life gets good.
:Today's show was produced by Ron Myers Ministries, a listener-supported ministry. For a copy of today's broadcast, please visit our website, thepromoterorg, and would you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible donation so that we may continue to share stories of God's amazing grace with the world. And join us next week for another broadcast of Get the Hell Out of your Life. Real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope.