Get The Hell Out of Your Life

Mikes story: Doing What We Love.

Ron Meyers, Mike Williams Season 6 Episode 5

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Ever wondered how a life of glitz and glamour can shift towards a path of profound purpose? Join me and my dear friend Mike Williams as we unfold our unique journeys from the bustling excitement of organizing high-profile events like swimsuit calendars and festivals to finding true fulfillment in faith and spirituality. Mike shares his captivating journey of transformation from a successful photographer to embracing a more meaningful calling after a pivotal spiritual encounter. As we rediscover the essence of life through a spiritual lens, we emphasize the importance of prayer, understanding when a loss of passion might signal necessary change, and trusting in the journey that faith unveils.

Imagine having a personal relationship with Jesus that guides you like a trusted friend, offering confidence and clarity amidst life’s challenges. In our heartfelt discussion, we explore how nurturing this connection can reshape your spiritual journey. We provide insights from our own experiences of being overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit and stress the importance of engaging with the Bible and community. Alongside, I offer a sincere prayer for strength and clarity to those seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus, reminding you of your inherent worth through God's infinite love. And for a dose of positivity, we introduce you to Coffee News, a delightful publication that promises to enrich your mornings with intriguing stories and uplifting quotes.

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Speaker 1:

It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, ron Myers. The promoter.

Ron Meyers:

Hello, my friends, it's so good to be with you today. It is a beautiful day to make it a great day, and I had a friend stop by the studio so I put a microphone in front of him and we're going to have a conversation and kind of talk about our old days and what we're up to now, and I think you'll enjoy it, because we were some wild and crazy people back in our before Jesus days, but you know what Life straightened us out, didn't it? It sure did.

Mike Williams:


Ron Meyers:

And your name is Mike Williams. And you live in Ocean Springs. Ocean Springs.

Mike Williams:

Ocean Springs.

Ron Meyers:

Now, when I was a promoter before the Jesus days I would do big festivals my crawfish festival and one of the highlights was a swimsuit calendar. We would have a bikini contest and the winners the 12 winners would be put in a swimsuit calendar and Mike was the photographer and we had some pretty girls.

Mike Williams:

Yes, we did. I'll never forget the day when you walked into my studio and when you can't. When you sat at my desk, you looked around and before we really got to talk, you said I know you're the guy, I know you're the one that's going to do this, this calendar for me. And I think that's where everything got started, because we worked together in such a such an easy way. You know no problems, everything just went so smooth, and I'll remember that.

Ron Meyers:

You know, hey, when you're young, we wanted to make money, didn't? We, it was all about making money, but we always had a good product and a good thing out there and a lot of people found out, you know, through my podcast. Oh, ron, you did a swimsuit calendar. What happened to you? How did you meet?

Mike Williams:

Jesus and all that. Yeah, you know when the swimsuit calendar came along. You know when you're young you're pretty much thinking about yourself and what you want to do, and you haven't really gotten to the point where Jesus and God and the spiritual part of your life has come into fruition. And so you're really busy trying to just take care of the things that you want to do in life, and sometimes they're selfish. Sometimes you know you want to do more, but somewhere in the back of your mind you know that one day you're going to be able to see clearly what the true meaning of life is.

Ron Meyers:

Yeah, do you ever run into people that knew you in your old days, back in the festival photographer swimsuit days, that now know you follow Jesus and they ask you what happened to you?

Mike Williams:

Yeah, sometimes they do. When I, when I left the photography studio business I had in Biloxi, I had been at Ole Miss for four years and I left Ole Miss my final year to go to an internship in Chicago, illinois, for photography, and that's when I came back here and opened my photography studio. And then after that I went to work for a government contractor doing photography work for them, and sometimes people would come up to me and say you know, mike, are you still doing this type of work? You're still doing you know the, the coastal work, the calendars, the, the weddings and all of the event photography that you did. And at that time I told them I'm doing some, but not as much as I used to. My passion for it had kind of left and so I was trying, I know, inside deep, to move on to other things.

Ron Meyers:

You know you bring up a good point. After about 17 years of all the festivals and all the parties, my passion had left. I wasn't excited about it anymore, but I didn't know what to do. I just called out one day in a hotel room Lord, I don't understand. I'm doing well on the Gulf Coast and I'm making money, but I'm miserable. I have no passion.

Ron Meyers:

And I heard that voice, it said now that I have your attention, ron, let me show you your destiny. The point is that sometimes that somebody listening right now they may be losing their passion in life, their drive. They're asking themselves what am I going to do with the rest of my life? I'm not that happy, but with faith things just fall into place. I never knew I would do anything to do with radio or podcast, but what's important for the listener to understand that sometimes you don't have to worry about what the future is. But if you focus on today and you focus on your faith and you have the courage to take the steps, god will open the door each and every day to a new path on your journey. Does that make sense?

Mike Williams:

Yes, it does. It does you know? Over the past several years, because the passion for photography died. That did not mean my, my yearning had died and so many years had passed.

Mike Williams:

And it wasn't until just recently, the last several years, that I had a unique experience, a unique experience with the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit told me that we need to pray constantly, and not only pray for prayer's sake, but to pray for people and their finding of salvation. And if you see someone walking down the street and you pray for them and you ask that God will send whatever resources and whatever angels necessary to help that person find the true path Because when I see people now, as opposed to then, I see people now I try to see people now in a spiritual form. I try to see them as souls and not physical beings, and that gives me an insight into knowing that these are God's children we are all God's children, and that we should love each other and that we should want each other to be the best they can be and to be the best when it comes to finding the salvation that God gives us as a gift.

Ron Meyers:

You're so right. I do believe that there is a stirring within a lot of people around this world that they are searching for something, but they don't really know what they're searching for. They just can't put their finger on it. But when they get around people that have a passion for life, it's almost contagious.

Mike Williams:

Right, and we drop seeds to people, even if we can't speak to them in a lengthy way that we would like to. You know, we drop little seeds that might grow and maybe turn into something that, for them, will be great.

Ron Meyers:

Yeah, and the one thing that I've noticed with people lately, they're more open to spirituality.

Mike Williams:

It's happening more and more. You see it in places that you never thought you would. I mean, look at just on the national scene. You hear that people like even Joe Rogan, who are trying to find the truth. I'm hoping I think a lot of people are praying for him because he has a voice. I'm hoping I think a lot of people are praying for him because he has a voice and that if his voice finally gets to the point where he says Jesus is real and Jesus is the way, I think that that is why God is working on him, because he has that big voice, Not just him, but others.

Ron Meyers:

I don't know if you were at my festivals when I used to have all the Christians come down there and protest me. They said Ron Myers, you're going to hell. You can't be selling all this beer and having these bikini contest and I said I remember yeah.

Ron Meyers:

Yeah, I said you don't even know anything about me. I have a picture of Jesus in my office and but you know, I had this warped idea of who Jesus was. But I served Jesus the best that I knew how to at that time. At that time, yeah, I was still a little babe. I just knew Jesus. I heard the name Jesus, I had knowledge of Jesus, but I didn't have the relationship.

Mike Williams:

Wonderful, wonderful. I spoke with Jesus all my life, as you know, from a child on, as a friend. But it's different now. It's almost like I graduated to a new level. I see that the importance of trying to save people and get them to understand that they are being given a gift and if they will accept it, then their eternal life is secure.

Ron Meyers:

Secure. When people come up to you and you plant a seed in their heart, can you sense that people are looking for something and something prompts you to just give them some encouragement, some inspiration.

Mike Williams:

Yeah, I'll give you a story about a young woman who I had done some photography work for several years ago. I knew that she was having trouble and that she was having spiritual trouble and she had gone the wrong way and had a few abortions. And she had gone the wrong way and had a few abortions and I sat and I talked with her and was trying to tell her about, you know, if you find God and he will show you, and Jesus will show you forgiveness because he died for our sins. And it struck me because she did not know anything about Jesus. She thought Jesus was just one of these things that she's seen on a greeting card or some, you know, didn't really know anything about it. So I tried to explain to her and I said look if you seek. He said if you seek, you know you will find. So, no matter how small, just at least try to seek him and talk to him on a daily basis and eventually you might become a person who becomes one who knows him fully.

Ron Meyers:

Amen, that's so true. So somebody right now says OK, Mike, I kind of believe in Jesus, but I don't know if I can really go as deep into Jesus as you are. How would you encourage that person?

Mike Williams:

Well, I could say that maybe I was the same way. You know. I was at a point where, you know, I knew Jesus, like I said, and I understood him. But then eventually, let's just say, I grew up, I was just overwhelmed. I was just one night overwhelmed with the Holy Spirit. Overwhelmed, I was just one night overwhelmed with the Holy Spirit, and it's sort of just. I just sort of blossomed out to where I couldn't get enough. You know the Bible. I had never really did a lot of Bible reading in the past. I do now. I seek out people who are speaking of Jesus and are teaching about Jesus and who want to learn about Jesus. So I think that too can happen to anybody who wants to continue to seek Jesus and to seek Jesus and to understand that you know he's there for you, he's always there for you.

Ron Meyers:

He does not want us to go through life alone. We all need a friend, I mean a super good friend, close as a brother, and that's Jesus. He doesn't laugh at us, he doesn't ridicule us, he will never stop loving us, he will never take away the gift of salvation, and that brings them into a beautiful relationship. And if we can really understand that friendship that we have with Jesus 24-7.

Mike Williams:

Yeah, and some of these younger people, you know they have the idea of, basically, from the way they've learned, that there has to be some sort of formal prayer, formal, you know this, that and it doesn't have to be that way. Just like you said, you just have a conversation like he's your friend, like he's sitting next to you. That's what I did when I was younger, that's what I do now, but now on a more profound level. So if you, if you talk to him like he's your friend and I think that that would be what he wants I think that you know you will grow and continue to grow and learn a lot more and learn a lot more, and the more you have that relationship, your strength and your confidence is in Jesus, not in the world, not in what people say about us.

Ron Meyers:

It's what he did for us, he died for us and when you have that, you can go through life with a confidence, an assurance that you know what I may not like today, but it's going to be okay. I have to have faith, I have to trust in Jesus.

Mike Williams:

And that trust is paramount. And another thing too is it gives you the ability for discernment. You would be able to seem to know when someone is fooling you or trying to draw you away. It sort of gives you a shield. You know the full armor of God. You know you're able to just walk through bravely and boldly and let people know the truth.

Ron Meyers:

Yes, because this is a great time to be a follower of Christ. The world is getting darker, but our light is getting brighter and brighter. We have the ability to do things that we can only do with Jesus. We will never discover some of that other things that he has us, that we are trying to discover on ourselves. He has to open up the door.

Mike Williams:

And I think that when people find their way and everybody's different, everybody's different, everybody has a different path but when they find that ultimate path, it's going to be magnificent.

Ron Meyers:

You know, we still stumble, we still fall, but we're still forgiven and we still are in God's plan. We just are growing. As you said, you grew up, there's a lot of us, a lot of people listening. You're losing hope, but don't worry about it, my friend, because God is growing you up. That's why you're listening to this. Well, we're almost out of time, but I'd like to do a couple things for you. I would like you to tell the listeners who Jesus is to you, and then will you close this out in prayer.

Mike Williams:

Sure, sure. Well, Jesus to me, like I said, was when I was a young man, I would pray, and more than just pray. I would almost feel that I had a friend walking next to me and I would talk and ask God to help me throughout the day. And to me, Jesus is one who is so bold and so great that he could do anything and that if you give yourself to him and allow yourself to be found, you will have wonderful things happen in your life. And I think that that will happen if you just give your heart. And I'd like to say a prayer Jesus, Jesus, please hear us.

Mike Williams:

Let us understand what we need to do to enter into your kingdom. Give us the strength and empower us to be able to drop seeds to people who may need them, to show people that there are ways, and to give us the strength to understand when we see someone who is lacking the ability, based on, maybe, their situation in life. Maybe there are things going on in their life, maybe their situation in life. Maybe there are things going on in their life that is preventing them to find you. Maybe daily things, maybe things that are getting in the way. Please clear a path so that the Holy Spirit can enter into your life and to show them the way and the truth for you Show them the way and the truth for you.

Speaker 1:

When I return, doing what you love and loving what you do, you're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life. With your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.


In a world that often measures worth by achievements, possessions, or appearances, it's easy to feel inadequate, like we just don't measure up. My name is Mark, and this is the Journey. God's Word reminds us of this unshakable truth that our worth is not determined by our job, our possessions, appearance or financial status, but by God's infinite love for us. God knows every detail about us, even the number of hairs on our heads. This intimate knowledge reveals his deep care and attention.


In Luke, chapter 12, jesus reminds us that five sparrows are sold for two pennies, yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows. If he values sparrows and provides for them, how much more does he cherish us? Created in his image and redeemed through His Son Jesus, our worth is so great that Jesus gave His life to restore us to right. Standing with God, this act of love defines our value. Hear this and remember it. You are chosen, you are loved and you are treasured by the creator of the universe, not because of what you do, but because of who you are to him. You are God's divine creation and since the beginning of time, he has desired to be in relationship with his creations. Take a moment to thank God for the unchanging worth he has placed on your life.

Speaker 1:

You're sick of being let down. You want to turn your life around. If you want to start living right, get the hell out of your life. Get the hell out of your life.

Ron Meyers:

Welcome back listeners. Mike and I went from sitting on the sidelines of life to sitting on the lap of our Heavenly Father. We went from a knowledge of Jesus to a personal relationship with Jesus. I want to share five things that will help you discover doing what you love and loving what you do. Number one believe God has a plan for you. You've got to believe that If you don't believe that God has a plan for you, you've got to believe that If you don't believe that God has a plan for you, you're going to have a hard time discovering joy in life. Jeremiah 29, 11 tells us for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Friends, we are not here by chance, but God has a purpose for each of us, a unique destiny, and when we believe that and we trust God for that plan, things begin to be rearranged in our life. And that's why, every day, you pray those conversations with Jesus, pray and thank your heavenly father for that unconditional love and the plan for your life, and ask him to teach you what you need to do, to love what you do and do what you love.

Ron Meyers:

Number two keep the faith. You know as well as I do that every time we seem to make some progress in life, something comes up and just sets us back. Life does present challenges, sometimes, well, they seem insurmountable, but remember what Hebrews 12.1.2 says. 12.1.2 says run with endurance, the race marked out for you, fixing your eyes on Jesus. You see, jesus is your path maker and no matter how tough things get, don't I mean don't quit. Your heavenly father will move mountains, turning your trials into triumphs and your setbacks into setups for your greatest testimonies.

Ron Meyers:

Number three let the Spirit lead you In your journey. You are not alone. The Holy Spirit is your counselor, he is your GPS to take you to the destination that God has for you. The Holy Spirit offers wisdom and joy beyond understanding. Galatians 5.25 encourages us to keep in step with the Spirit as you walk and talk with Jesus daily. He leads, he counsels, he directs and he mentors you, leading you into a freedom. Listen to this. Here is the freedom when you want to do the thing you ought to do and are built to do. That is freedom.

Ron Meyers:

Number four ignore the doubters. There will always be those who doubt your path, who question your vision. They question your purpose and perhaps even question your belief in God. You must ignore them and remember what Isaiah 41, 10 promises Fear not, for I am with you, and when you stumble and you come across some doubters, just get back up, dust yourself off and continue along the path to your destiny with a supreme confidence that what God has begun in you, he will complete it. It's in these moments of resilience where his strength shines brightest in you.

Ron Meyers:

Number five share your story, as God is beginning to shape you into what you were created for. Share what God is doing in your life with others. Second Corinthians 517 proclaims that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is passed away. Behold, the new has come. So when people say what happened to you, you've changed, you're not the same, yes, I'm a new creation and remind them it's never too late for a new beginning. Your story, my friend, no matter where it starts, is a testament to God's grace, power and unconditional love. Share it boldly. It just might be the inspiration someone else needs to hear so they can discover what they love and begin doing the things that God has created them to do.

Speaker 4:

You're not alone In the Promoter, a gripping, true story of perseverance and faith. One man's journey from failure and despair to hope and purpose unfolds Through childhood struggles, abandonment, bankruptcy, and hopelessness. Ron encountered Jesus and everything changed. The Promoter isn't just a story. It's an invitation This is an invitation for you to discover your destiny through faith and discovery. Request your free copy today, visit thepromoterorg and take the first step towards a life of clarity and purpose, because with Jesus you have all the answers.

Speaker 4:

Today's refreshing word is from John, chapter 15, verse 7. Jesus said Today's refreshing word is from John, chapter 15, verse 7. Jesus said If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you. Ron, we'll be back in a moment to wrap up today's conversation. We want to encourage you today with God's promise to you. It comes from the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and the future. That's God's promise to you when you choose to commit your plans and future to him. Now back to Ron.

Ron Meyers:

Well, friends, my time is up. I've enjoyed being with you today and now I would like to close this out in prayer. Our Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for what you're doing in each of our lives. Want to thank you for what you're doing in each of our lives. Teach us to do what we love and love what we do. And as you guide us on this path to our destiny, let us walk with expectancy, knowing that you are a God of yes and amen. You never break your promise. You love us unconditionally. We can never jump out of your hand, we can never lose our relationship with you, and for that we thank you and bless us as we go out this week.

Ron Meyers:

Friends, I'll be back next week with another great episode of Get the Hell Out of your Life. In the meantime, if you would like to listen to previous episodes, go to my website. Meantime, if you would like to listen to previous episodes, go to my website, thepromoterorg. In the meantime, remember this I love you, jesus loves you, and when you get the hell out of your life.

Speaker 1:

Today's show is proudly underwritten by the Christmas City Gift Show. Mark your calendars for November 7th through the 9th and experience the magic inside the Christmas City Gift Show inside the Mississippi Coast Convention Center located on the beach in Biloxi, Mississippi. For more information, visit ChristmasCcitygiftshowcom. If you would like to be a guest and share your story of God's amazing grace, visit our website, thepromoterorg and click the share your story tab button. Thanks for listening, and if you would like to listen to previous episodes, click on the podcast tab at thepromoterorg. Join us next week for another edition of Get the Hell Out of your Life Real stories, real struggles and real hope.

Speaker 4:

We would like to express our gratitude to Coffee News for their support of this program. Are you tired of scrolling through the same old news feeds every morning? Then switch things up with Coffee News. Our publication is filled with interesting stories, brain teasers and uplifting quotes that are sure to brighten your day, and now you can access Coffee News anytime, anywhere, by visiting our website. So, whether you're sipping your morning coffee at your favorite cafe or browsing online from your desk, we've got you covered. Start your day off right with Coffee News at readcoffeenewsonlinecom.