Get The Hell Out of Your Life
We are a community where people open up about real struggles, share how they found real answers, and discover lasting hope! Our stories share freedom, forgiveness, and faith! Take a listen to life-changing stories, It's All About Jesus!
Get The Hell Out of Your Life
Brandi's Story: Life After Abortion
What does it take to transform a life filled with pain into one brimming with hope and purpose? Join us as Brandy bravely shares her heartfelt journey through a tumultuous childhood, rebellion, and an abusive relationship, only to find herself in the unexpected embrace of faith. Her powerful story of resilience and self-discovery is a poignant reminder that compassion and understanding can pave the way for profound personal transformation.
Mark and Jonas also open their hearts, recounting their own stories of finding strength and hope through faith in the face of life's most challenging trials. As Mark navigates the heartrending loss of his wife to cancer, and Jonas overcomes addiction, their narratives shine a light on the unwavering support and refuge found in a relationship with Jesus. Through their experiences, we explore practical steps such as prayer, scripture study, and community engagement, offering listeners a roadmap to resilience and peace amidst chaos.
Together, these stories paint a vivid picture of the joy and fulfillment that can be discovered through a deep connection with Jesus. Supported by Ron Myers Ministries, we continue to share these real-life narratives, inviting you to experience the transformative power of faith. As we prepare for another week of inspiring stories, we emphasize the heartwarming message that both Jesus and our community are here for you, ready to guide you towards a renewed life filled with divine purpose and grace.
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It's time now to get the hell out of your life. A weekly broadcast with real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. Today's show will encourage, inspire and empower you to face life's challenges with a bold confidence and renewed hope. Now let's join our host, ron Myers. The promoter.
Ron Meyers:Hello, my friends, it is so good to be with you today. Did you watch some of the football over the past weekend, boy? There were some great football games on my prediction for the Super Bowl Detroit and the Buffalo Bills. That's who I think is going to be in the Super Bowl, but who knows and who really cares? I just like good, competitive sports. Kind of like life, isn't it?
Ron Meyers:What if I could help you today put more oomph in your step, a little more passion in your drive? I found out years ago that when I fix my eyes on Jesus, wow, good things happen. Divine thoughts come my way and life is good. So today I want to help you fix your eyes on Jesus, because this year is your opportunity to have the best year ever. Focus on your goals, your plans, your relationships, your health, by fixing your eyes on Jesus, because he needs you healthy, he needs you happy and he needs you to tell people what he has done in your life. My story today is from Brandy. Her story really touched me and I think it will touch you, and then, when I come back, I will give you three action steps of how you can fix your eyes on Jesus and find success in your life. Let's listen to Brandy's story.
Brandi:Okay, well, I'm Brandy Melbourne Again. I live in Texas, I am a full-time working single mom and run a nonprofit in my free time. My story is at a really young age my parents divorced. I was 10. So that's really the first time I ever really experienced a trauma and coming into something like that happening and thinking it's just a dream and your world kind of falling apart. I didn't grow up with the Lord, so I didn't know to pray, I didn't have a relationship with the Lord, and that's really when the enemy began just planting seeds of rejection and abandonment and not really understanding what love is and what that looks like, because to me it was really disposable. My mother moved about three hours away from my dad and my older brother, so at that point I kind of became an only child living with a single mom. I wasn't promiscuous growing up at all. Actually, it was the opposite. I didn't trust men, I didn't like men, so I really didn't date when I did. I dated in high school and all of those walls came crashing down with this one and then he broke my heart and at that point I decided I was going to say who, I was going to say when, I was going to say how. And really, this rebelliousness rose up in me About two days after I turned 18, I moved out of my mother's house and that began my downward spiral.
Brandi:How to make a good choice? I didn't know how to process decision-making at all. I landed myself in a severely abusive relationship. About a year, year and a half into that relationship, I got pregnant and I chose abortion. By the grace of God, I came out of that relationship, but with no self-esteem, no self-worth At this point. I was completely isolated away from my family. I had no relationship with my dad, siblings, really, and I was living this crazy lifestyle. I began working in the strip club industry. That became my lifestyle. I literally put a price on my value and my worth. I mean that, like I said, that became my lifestyle. I literally put a price on my value and my work.
Brandi:I mean that like I said that was my lifestyle.
Ron Meyers:Before the divorce what was life like for little Brandy?
Brandi:We actually lived in the country so we had farm animals. We had chickens and pigs and horses and dogs and cats. I was usually outside running through a pasture playing hide and go seek in the woods with my brother. We had just a very outdoorsy.
Ron Meyers:Before the divorce? How was your relationship with your parents? Could you go to them and talk to them about anything?
Brandi:No, we were all kind of really emotionally detached. Now, looking back, I can see that I think at that time, being the little girl and 10 years old, what you have you think is normal, you don't think. You just don't think that what you have is outside of the box or it's not normal. So it was completely normal for me. Now, looking back, there wasn't a lot of emotional relationships, there wasn't a whole lot of nurturing and we did things but, like I said, there was just no, there was no emotional relationships. I was totally used to that kind of an atmosphere.
Brandi:And when my mother moved, we moved to Irving, texas, so it was culture shock for me. And then she was a working single mom, so we lived in an apartment complex, single mom, so we lived in an apartment complex. So then my life goes to being in a town where I mean a big city, that I didn't, I didn't know anybody, and so I was having to and I'm introverted, so introverts just don't go out and meet people. So I was very secluded, very isolated, and then the few friends that I did find in the apartment complex, they just weren't real great examples. So I mean, that was it, but it was just a complete culture shock for me.
Ron Meyers:Brandy, I've got to ask you you're in an abusive relationship with a man. Why did you stay with him when he was being abusive?
Brandi:That's a really common question. By the time, I will say, the enemy had already started mentally beating me up and, like I said, planting those seeds and this confirming them. So when I would you know, look for those things. He would confirm the negative about me actually throws the first punch. You absolutely believe that this is what you deserve and that's where it was, is I? I didn't feel like I deserved anything better than that.
Ron Meyers:What would make you think, though, you deserve to be abused?
Brandi:Just when you have no self-esteem or no self-worth and, like I said, the distance between you know my dad and my brother and my dad living his life three hours away there wasn't really any connection. The visitation was hit or miss, there was no emotional. So I had already picked up I'm not worthy and I'm not loved and I didn't know what pursuit looked like from a father, from a father and, and so I just had no self-worth, no value, that I didn't feel like I deserved anything better. It was just, it was a mental. And then when I started making the decisions that I made, like having an abortion I mean I didn't tell anybody about that, I was carrying that solely all by myself.
Ron Meyers:After you had that abortion, because eventually you broke up with this gentleman that kind of forced you to have an abortion. So he goes away and all of a sudden, Brandy, you're all alone. You had to be in a very vulnerable state.
Brandi:And I escaped that with a strip club. So, as sick as it sounds, you could go to a strip club and men would give you money because they thought you were pretty, and so at that point I was literally putting a price on my value and my worth. This was affirmation that I didn't get anywhere else, but I got there.
Ron Meyers:Listeners. As I said, what courage for this young lady, Brandy, to share her story. But this story is for somebody out there listening, because there's nothing worse in life when you don't think you're worth anything. So before there was a transformation in your life, brandy, you really had no self-esteem, no self-worth. I bet you had a hard time even looking at yourself in the mirror.
Brandi:Oh, yeah, for sure, and I escaped with drugs and alcohol, so I really didn't have to be alone with me for very long.
Ron Meyers:Boy, Brandy, as you tell that story, my heart just breaks for what you were going through and I just have to believe, Brandy, that something was beginning to stir inside of you that was seeking the change.
Brandi:I don't know that I was necessarily seeking the change, but I had a roommate at the time and you know, when I didn't have dinner or whatever, her parents would cook for me and I would go to their house, and so I had a relationship with her dad and stepmom. And one day I was headed out to go work at the club and he showed up at my front door and told me that the Lord told him to turn around to come share his testimony with me, and he did. He came in and told me how he himself had devalued women and started speaking to me about my worth and my value and invited me to go to church. They were doing a revival for the next three weeks and he left and I went to the club and I sat in the parking lot and the longer I sat there the more I just had this in my stomach like you can't go in, you can't go in, and I didn't.
Brandi:I went to that revival that night and I sat in a church and I remember sitting there and there was a presence there that I had never felt before and I wanted. I didn't know what was going on. It was pretty radical, Um, and I just sat and I just watched and I observed that that presence there was so strong that night that I never went back to the strip club again. Um, I went to that revival every single night for three weeks.
Ron Meyers:This man, who felt led by God and knew, most likely, your occupation, invited you to his house, didn't judge you had dinner because he saw something in you, your potential, something that you hadn't seen yet, and then, at the right time, he let God lead him to you. Sometimes, christians, we need to make sure that we don't start looking at people and judging them. Why not begin a relationship and start having a conversation with people? Because I think sometimes Christians can kind of get on that judgment seat, if you know what I mean, I do. So I guess you're going to tell us now that then life started changing because you had met God. No, no, you mean there's more to this story.
Brandi:Yes, I got a job that paid regular hours and the owner there was. She knew where I was coming from, she knew my lifestyle. I would like to say I flipped the switch and I was doing everything I should have been doing. I wasn't. I still partied on Saturday night, went to work during the week, I would go to church on Sunday morning, but I was still very much living just this crazy lifestyle.
Brandi:I landed myself in another really unhealthy relationship. It was with a heroin addict. I got pregnant. This time I got put on bed rest because I was having symptoms of losing the baby, and it's the first time in three weeks that I think I picked up a Bible and that I was on bed rest for three weeks, and so I didn't know anything else to do other than lay in bed and I read Job. I read all the way through Job. After that three week time frame of being on bed rest, I went to the doctor and they told me I had lost the baby and at that point I felt like God was punishing me because I had had an abortion. I quit going to church for a few weeks after that just because I was really distraught, I was really angry.
Brandi:The relationship with the heroin addict. It ended. He had really relapsed and there was one morning I had woke up about two in the morning and I now I know it was the Lord, but I just had this popcorn thought of check the bathroom trash can. And I went to the bathroom, checked the trash can and dug to the bottom and there were needle syringes. Realizing he wasn't there, I went to look for my car. My car was gone, my ATM card was gone. So he had not only stolen my car, he had taken my card and overdrew my account by a thousand dollars.
Brandi:And about a week after that I found out that I was pregnant again and it was. It was at that point that I looked around. I didn't have rent money, I wasn't going to go back to the club and I made a. I mean, I just fell on my face and and I just cried out to God. I said I don't know if you're really real, but if you are I will know you and I will make sure that this baby knows you. If you just let me keep this baby. I didn't want to go through any more loss. I still hadn't grieved having an abortion and I was having to feel every bit of, you know, being pregnant and losing that out of my control, and so being pregnant with this baby, that was my turnaround. I just wanted to be able to have that baby, and I begged. I bargained with God, but I didn't stop chasing after him from that day forward.
Ron Meyers:How old were you at this time? I was 22. There's something in that transparency. You became transparent and God showed up in your life and from what I read in your story, he's never left.
Brandi:That's true. I found a place, you know, several years into my walk and inner healing. I went through a really intense inner healing process. When my little girl was first born, I went to some ministry leaders and just told them that I was sick and tired of me, that I wanted to be different, and that's really when I started walking through the inner healing and getting free from the abortion and forgiveness and grieving and all of the abuse and all of that. I just found myself in this place of contentment. I was a mom, I was married, I was, I was doing all of these things. That it was just content. And in 2012, my little brother was killed in a car accident and it was in his passing. I mean, I really kind of spiraled in that too. I just couldn't understand how somebody so good had to leave us and, um, but it was in losing him that the Lord. I began praying, I changed my prayers and and began calling out to God going. I don't want to leave this place without walking out my purpose.
Brandi:And the Lord began showing me that, that everybody that's here is literally him breathing life into their lungs, and we all have a purpose, and I didn't want to leave here without mine, so he began opening up doors after that to ministry for single moms.
Ron Meyers:What an incredible, incredible story. Listeners, brandy, let me just first say that your story of what you went through and that it just broke my heart. Nobody should have to go through that kind of hell. But the good news there is good news. The good news is that God is now showing you your purpose and you have a mission. Now you want to help other women. What is the name of your nonprofit and how can people find out more information about you and your nonprofit?
Brandi:And how can people find out more information about you and your nonprofit? Nonprofit is Lighthouse Acres Ministries LLC, and you'll find it just like that on Facebook. Our website is lighthouseacrescom. Our mission is to provide a home for women who are experiencing unplanned pregnancies. I was gracious enough to have a mama who let me come home, but not everybody has that, and so right now we're doing ministry within the community with single moms, and so, yeah, Well, you are a blessing, Brandy, and what made you want to share your story with literally thousands, maybe millions, of people around the world?
Brandi:Number one I know where real change came from and that was the heart transformation when I invited Jesus into it. And when you look at the world today and all the the crazy and just the dark, if I can be a light for just one person and for that one person to say, hey, there is a God and he is real and that one life be changed, then my life's not wasted and that's my legacy. That's what I want my legacy to be. I don't want to leave here and not have used everything that you gave me.
Ron Meyers:Brandy, somebody out there listening right now is saying oh my God, that young lady is speaking my language. They have no self-worth, they're in an abusive relationship. They've had things that they've done in their life that they've never told anyone and they most likely think that God just hates them, so they don't even look at God. You can talk to that person, that lady, that man, right now. What would you tell them?
Brandi:I'll tell you, just like God has spoke to me over and over again, that there is nobody that will pursue you like God. There's nobody that wants to spend time with you like God. There's nobody that thinks you're more beautiful than God and he is real and genuine and you don't have to show up and look a certain way, you don't have to perform. Grace is really real and if you just surrender and invite Him into all of those things, he will show up. He will not ever quit pursuing you. He will show up.
Ron Meyers:He will not ever quit pursuing you when I return.
Speaker 1:three action steps to help you fix your eyes on Jesus. You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life with your host, ron Myers. Real stories, real struggles and real hope.
Speaker 4:In life on earth, we will have troubles and challenges, some more serious than others. Being a follower of Christ doesn't mean life suddenly becomes a bed of roses, but Jesus is always there to help us get through it all. My name is Mark and this is the Journey. Several years ago, my wife was diagnosed with cancer. We walked through it together, through doctor's appointments that never really gave us the news we hoped for. It was excruciating watching what cancer would do to her body over the next six years, and even more heartbreaking to know my son and daughter would lose their mom. I wrestled with God for two years after she died, trying to understand why he would take her from us. People commented often on how strong I was. Looking back, I realize it was Jesus who carried me through those days of sorrow. He was my refuge and strength. I didn't know what to do except to call out to him.
Speaker 4:In the Psalms, david referred to the Lord as a strong tower. He says in Psalm 141, life is tough and we all encounter difficult circumstances, but Jesus is our strength, he's our peace when the storms of life come roaring in, he's a high tower where we can take safe refuge. David said my eyes are fixed on you. Lord. Good advice for us today. Today's refreshing word is from John 15, verse 7. Jesus said If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you.
Speaker 1:Welcome back listeners.
Ron Meyers:I told you before the break I would give you three action steps to help you fix your eyes on Jesus. And I am. But first I want to share a story with you. It's called the Light on the Path.
Ron Meyers:In a small, quiet town surrounded by towering mountains, there lived a man named Jonas who had been battling addiction for years. His life seemed overwhelmed by darkness and, despite his efforts, he could never find a way out of the maze of the troubles he faced. One evening, as Jonas was wandering the streets, he stumbled upon an old church on the edge of town, drawn by the soft glow of candlelight through the stained glass windows. He stepped inside. The air was filled with a serene stillness that seemed to wash over him. Sitting at the back of the empty church, jonas noticed an elderly man lighting candles on the altar. He introduced himself as Father Paul, a kind, wise soul who had spent his life serving others. Sensing Jonas's turmoil, father Paul sat beside him, listened and then gently shared a story about Peter walking on water. He explained how Peter, with his eyes fixed on Jesus, initially walked confidently above the churning waves, but when he began to focus on the storm instead of Jesus, he started to sink. Jonas felt a strong connection to the story, realizing that he too had let the storms of life consume him, that he too had let the storms of life consume him. Father Paul encouraged Jonas to fix his eyes on Jesus, to open his heart to the power, peace and passion that only Jesus could provide. Jonas was inspired. He knew God was speaking to him. He committed that night to begin doing life with Jesus. He began each day in prayer, seeking strength and guidance from Jesus, and slowly but surely he felt an inner transformation. The fragmented pieces of his life began to fit together with purpose and meaning, began to fit together with purpose and meaning. And through faith, fellowship and the grace of God, jonas discovered a life filled with hope and resilience. He not only overcame his addiction but also became a beacon of light for others struggling in darkness. Jonas committed to following the light on the beautiful path to his destiny.
Ron Meyers:Now here are the three action steps that help me. Action step number one consistent prayer and meditation. Set a specific time each day to pray and have a conversation with Jesus. I talk about my coffee with Jesus, where maybe I'm reading a psalm or a proverb, and then I just have a conversation with Jesus. I open my heart. I share everything my worries, my concerns, my successes, my happy days, whatever it is and Jesus does what he does best. He ministers to you and I one-on-one.
Ron Meyers:Number two study scripture purposefully. You want to know some scripture because sometimes, friend, when you're on this journey and things get tough, you have to preach to yourself. You have to remind yourself that God is for me and not against me, that that stinking thinking is not going to take over my life. God has a plan for me. Number three engage in a supportive community. Get with some like-minded people.
Ron Meyers:Whether you join a church or a group or you go to coffee shops or whatever it is, you want to be with people that think and talk like you. You've heard that saying birds of a feather. Flock together. Well, flock with some people that love Jesus and, friend, you're going to see yourself not only fixing your eyes on Jesus, but you're going to see a whole new path on your journey in life, and it is a wonderful path. So, just in case you're asking will fixing my eyes on Jesus help get the hell out of my life? Absolutely. When you fix your eyes on Jesus, you receive the power to rise above the challenges of life. It is through his strength, his peace and his passion that the broken pieces of your life can come together and form a new, purposeful existence. As you walk in faith, the path forward is illuminated, showing you the way out of darkness into your destiny.
Speaker 4:Ron, we'll be back in a moment to wrap up today's conversation. We want to encourage you today with God's promise to you. It comes from the book of Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11.
Ron Meyers:For I know the plans I have for you. My time is up and if you are not walking the journey that Jesus has for you, you know where things fall in place. You discover who you are, why you're here, you have acceptance from Jesus and you're not worrying about anybody else in life. It's just you and him doing life, and life gets good. If you're not doing that, I encourage you to take that step. It is the only thing that will bring you true joy, peace and happiness. You are meant to be with Jesus. You are meant to do life with Jesus. Until next week, this is Ron Myers, reminding you that I love you, Jesus loves you, and when you give Jesus your heart, you not only get the hell out of your life, life gets good.
Speaker 1:Today's show was produced by Ron Myers Ministries a listener supported ministry. For a copy of today's broadcast, please visit our website, thepromoterorg, and would you prayerfully consider making a tax deductible donation so that we may continue to share stories of God's amazing grace with the world. And join us next week for another broadcast of Get the Hell Out of your Life Real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope. And join us next week for another broadcast of Get the Hell Out of your Life Real people sharing real struggles and offering real hope.